
作者&投稿:景岸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

但是有一天,我们从幼儿园回来后,妈妈进屋就躺在了床上。我禾知道发生什么了,坐在她旁边想哭。妈妈对我说:“没关系,妈妈只是胃疼,一会就会好。” 虽然妈妈这么说,但我发现了她疼得眼中含着眼泪。那个时候我才知道大人也会生病,也会哭的。从那时起我决定要照顾妈妈。
But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn't know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.
Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.
But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn't my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don't cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.


When I was a little child, I used to believe that rain drops were tears from a goddess lived up in the sky. So each time it rained I always got very sad and cry together with the "goddess" as if I can feel her sorrow . My parents always getting so supprised as I cried everytime simply because of the rain. The situation continued until I went to school and learned the cause of rain from books.


When I was a child,there was a little house which looked dark and scary in front of my house.I often played with my friends in front of the house,so we could see it everyday,but we were all very scared about it.We even thought there was a monster in it.One day,we went into it,but what we saw were only some wooden boxes.Then we all laughed at each other,and since that we became more brave.当我是个孩子是,我家门口有一个看上去黑暗、恐怖的小屋。我经常和我的伙伴们在这个房子前玩,所以我们每天都能看见它,但是我们都很害怕它。我们甚至认为里面有妖怪。一天,我们进去了,但是我们只看见一些木箱子。接着我们都互相笑了起来,从那以后我们变得勇敢了许多。


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