
作者&投稿:危昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mary was born in a rich family. After the death of her parents, she lived with an uncle whom she had never met and started a new life. She had heard that a secret garden at home was her aunt's favorite, but it had taken her life.

Mary finds the key to the garden, and discovers that her uncle had a son, Colin, who is in a similar situation: orphaned and grumpy.
Mary and her friends experience many touching stories in the garden, which gradually brings Colin out of the shadow of seclusion.

Secret garden.很简单,就是这样,原著上也是如此。亲,希望采纳。

The story tells the story of a strange and lonely little girl, Mary Lennox, who lived in her uncle's mysterious and gloomy house after her parents died. A magical experience made Mary break into the long confined and deserted garden. 

Mary, farm boy Dicken and sick young master Colin, who has been locked in a dark room for many years, have found the key to happiness and experienced a poetic resurrection with the garden. 

It is a classic children's novel that has been selling well for nearly a century. It has been repeatedly read by children from generation to generation. 

It is the most memorable book in many people's childhood, and there are many book versions in China. Lai long headline.



玛丽、农家小子狄肯和常年被关在阴暗房间里病态的少爷柯林,找到了开启快乐的钥匙,和花园经历了一次诗意的复活。 它是近百年来畅销不衰的经典儿童小说,被一代代孩子不断重复阅读,是很多人童年时代记忆最深刻的一本书,并在中国有多个图书版本。

Mary Lennox is a very troubled, sickly and unloved 10-year-old girl who was born in India to selfish, wealthy British parents who never wanted her and were too wrapped up in their own lives to love or care about her. She was taken care of primarily by servants, who pacified her as much as possible to keep her out of her parents' way. Spoiled and selfish, she is aggressive, surly, rude and obstinate. Later, there is a cholera epidemic which hits India and kills her parents and all the servants. She is discovered alone but alive after the house is empty. She briefly lives with an English clergyman and his family and is then sent to Yorkshire, England, to live with Archibald Craven, an uncle she has never met, at his home called Misselthwaite Manor.
At first, Mary is her usual self, sour and rude, disliking her uncle's large house, the people within it and most of all the vast stretch of moor, which seems scrubby and grey after the winter. She is told that she must stay confined to her two rooms and that nobody will bother much with her and she must amuse herself. Martha Sowerby, her good-natured maidservant, tells Mary a story of the late Mrs. Craven, and how she would spend hours in a private walled garden growing roses. Later, Mrs. Craven was killed by sitting in a tree and the branch broke, and Mr. Craven had the garden locked and the key buried. Mary is roused by this story and starts to soften her ill manner despite herself. Soon she begins to lose her disposition and gradually comes to enjoy the company of Martha, Ben Weatherstaff the gardener, and also that of a friendlyrobin redbreast to whom she attaches human qualities. Her appetite increases and she finds herself getting stronger as she plays by herself on the moor. Martha's mother buys Mary a skipping rope to encourage this, and she takes to it immediately. Mary's time is occupied by wondering about the secret garden and a strange crying sound that can sometimes be heard around the house which the servants ignore or deny.
As Mary is exploring the gardens, she is alerted to some turned up soil by the inquisitive robin, and finds a key belonging to the locked garden, and, next day, the door into the garden. She chances to ask Martha for garden tools, which Martha has delivered by Dickon, her twelve-year-old brother. Mary and Dickon take a liking to each other, as Dickon has a soft way with animals and a good nature. Eager to absorb his gardening knowledge, Mary lets him into the secret of the garden, which he agrees to keep.
That night, Mary hears the crying again. She follows the noise and, to her surprise, finds a small boy her age, living in a hidden bedroom. His name is Colin and she discovers that they are cousins: he is the son of her uncle; his mother died when he was a baby, and he suffers from an unspecified problem with his spine. Mary visits every day that week, distracting him from his troubles with stories of the moor, of Dickon and his animals and of the garden. It is decided he needs fresh air and the secret garden, to which Mary finally admits she has access. Colin is put into his wheelchair and brought outside into the garden, the first time he's been outdoors in years.
While in the garden, the children are surprised to see Ben Weatherstaff looking over the wall on a ladder. Startled and angry to find the children there in his late mistress' (Colin's mother's) garden he admits he believed Colin to be a cripple. Colin stands up out of his chair to prove him wrong and finds that his legs are fine, though weak from not using them for a long time.
Colin spends every day in the garden, becoming stronger. The children conspire to keep Colin's health a secret so he can surprise his father, who is travelling and mourning over his late wife. As Colin's health improves, his father's mood does as well, and he has a dream of his wife calling him into the garden that makes him immediately pack his bags and head home. He walks the outer wall in memory but hears voices inside, finds the door unlocked and is shocked to see the garden in full bloom with children in it and his son running around. The servants watch as Mr. Craven walks back to the manor, and all are stunned that Colin runs beside him.

”。但是米索荒原有着神奇的力量。古老的庄园里也埋藏着无数的秘密。这里有上百个关闭的房间,神秘的夜半哭声,会带路的知更鸟,乖戾的老园丁,可以与动物们交流的荒原男孩,还有一座被封闭的秘密花园。伴随着玛丽安心灵的复苏和成长,她也探索出了一个最大的秘密。望采纳 ...


主要内容 《秘密花园》主要讲的是一场突如其来的霍乱使玛丽变成了孤儿。她被接到了舅舅阿奇先生家。在这个陌生的环境里,前来迎接她的劳克太太,不苟言笑,严肃冷漠,让孤苦伶仃的她更感到孤独落寞;而阿奇先生最初的远离漠视,也让她丝毫感受不到亲情的温暖。但是倔强的玛丽并没有哭泣,而是微笑着...




玛丽出身于富贵之家,父母双亡后寄居在素未谋面的姑丈家,开始了全新的生活。她听说姑妈最喜欢家里的一座秘密花园,但花园却夺走了姑妈的生命。Mary finds the key to the garden, and discovers that her uncle had a son, Colin, who is in a similar situation: orphaned and grumpy.玛丽找到这...

《秘密花园》主要内容 10 中文... 中文 展开  我来答 7个回答 #热议# 为什么说不要把裤子提到肚脐眼? 喂盛夏来啦 2011-04-09 知道答主 回答量:4 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:6355 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 第1集 尹瑟一向是个相亲高手,然而却在跟金洙元的相亲中,被拒绝还被洙...



三台县17791028863: 《秘密花园》主要内容英文翻译100字一下 -
诸葛桂醋酸: Mary Lennox is a very troubled, sickly and unloved 10-year-old girl who was born in India to selfish, wealthy British parents who never wanted her and were too wrapped up in their own lives to love or care about her. She was taken care of primarily by...

三台县17791028863: 《秘密花园》的主要内容,要英文的 -
诸葛桂醋酸: Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the ...

三台县17791028863: 秘密花园英文简介50个单词左右 -
诸葛桂醋酸: 综述:A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys. one of whom was the younger brother of a maid and the ...

三台县17791028863: 英语翻译《秘密花园》是美国女作家弗朗西丝.伯内特的作品.故事以一座颇富神秘和传奇色的古老庄园为背景,透过一位在一天中丧失了双亲的小玛莉远渡重... -
诸葛桂醋酸:[答案] "Secret Garden" is the American writer Frances. Burnett's work. The story of a mysterious and legendary input on the old manor house as the background color through a day lost parents in the small Mar...

三台县17791028863: 秘密花园英文概括不少于120词 -
诸葛桂醋酸: Young Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered little girl that no one likes.Mary is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire.Mary's uncle is still mourning for his wife who died ten ...

三台县17791028863: 《秘密花园》书的主要内容 -
诸葛桂醋酸: 在遥远的英国,有一座神秘的庄园.那里有上百个紧缩的古老房间,有奇特的壁画、古怪的管家,更奇特的是,它有一座十年都不允许人进入的秘密花园.不行的玛丽在失去了父母之后被送到了庄园里.失去亲人的伤痛和身在异乡的孤独让这个可怜的女孩变得古怪而暴戾(lì),而探寻庄园的秘密成为了她唯一的乐趣.在探秘的过程中,她结识了一个有一个奇怪的人,发现了一个又一个惊人的秘密······如果要全文的话,可以问我要,邮箱可以发给我.三个主人公是:玛丽,迪康和科林.

三台县17791028863: 求三五句英语《秘密花园》的介绍 -
诸葛桂醋酸: Secret Garden A girl born in rich family in India was brought back to England by her uncle after the death of her parents. In her uncle's big house, the girl got to know someone else, including two boys, one of whom was the younger brother of a maid ...

三台县17791028863: 《秘密花园》主要内容 -
诸葛桂醋酸: 一场霍乱使性情乖戾的玛丽成了孤儿,她只得被送往远在英国的约克郡的密素斯特庄园和姨父克莱文先生一起生活. 克莱文先生伤心妻子之死,变得阴郁古怪消沉遁世,他的庄园里有上百间被锁闭的房子,有十年不许人人进入的秘密花园.玛丽意外地在知更鸟的帮助下找到这个秘密花园的大门和钥匙,并且,她还听到了一个神秘的哭声,吸引着她去探索庄园之谜. 玛丽在迪肯的帮助下,使荒芜的花园重现生机.不久,被认为离死不远的庄园小主人科林也参加了进来.大自然的力量改变了一切,长年笼罩在阴霾之下的古老庄园及其主人也一同获得了新生.

三台县17791028863: 秘密花园这本书主要内容100字 -
诸葛桂醋酸: 故事讲述了性情古怪孤僻的小女孩玛丽・伦罗克斯的父母双亡后,生活在姨父神秘阴沉的大房子里,一次神奇的经历,使玛丽闯入久已禁闭且荒芜的花园.玛丽、农家小子狄肯和常年被关在阴暗房间里病态的少爷柯林,找到了开启快乐的钥匙,...

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