
作者&投稿:烛娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

八年级 (下) Module 5 能力测试听力原文及参考答案
1. I enjoy watching cartoons when I am free.
2. Spiderman is my favourite hero. He looks cool and smart.
3. My sister can’t help laughing when she reads these funny stories.
4. Sorry, I haven’t found your cartoon book in my schoolbag.
5. Bill’s uncle is an artist. He can draw cartoon heroes well.
6. W: I like Snow White. She is beautiful and kind. What about you, Eric?
M: I don’t like her, Tina. I like Donald Duck because he is humorous.
7. W: I don’t like Mickey Mouse. He looks ugly.
M: Really? But I think he is smart.
8. W: I have never watched Shrek because Shrek looks so ugly. Don’t you think so?
M: Well, I like the Monkey King and Tintin, they are all brave and clever heroes.
9. W: Jack, we’ve finished our homework. Let’s watch Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.
M: Oh, I have already seen it. I want to play online games.
10. W: What do you usually do in your free time, Sam?
M: I’m interested in watching cartoons. I can learn a lot about good and bad.
M: Mom, I’ve already cleaned the table. Can I watch Tom and Jerry?
W: Of course, Tony. But I remember you wanted to watch Superman.
M: Yes, I did. But I don’t think Superman is humorous. I’d like to watch a funny cartoon to relax myself.
W: Oh, I see. Tom and Jerry are very funny. And they’ve been popular for many years.
M: Yeah! I’d more like to be someone like Jerry. He is too smart for Tom.
W: Well, it’s time for the cartoon. Go and turn on the TV, my dear son.
W: Bob, why do you always watch Kung Fu Panda?
M: Because the panda called Po has won my heart, Amy.
W: Do you mean that fat panda? But he looks lazy and a little ugly.
M: No, you haven’t seen the whole cartoon. He is lazy at first but later he becomes brave and strong.
W: Really? Has he become a real hero?
M: That’s true. He keeps fighting with bad people to protect other animals.
W: Sounds great. Let’s watch this cartoon on the Internet now.
M: Why not? I can’t wait!
(M) Pleasant Goat is one of the most popular cartoon heroes among kids. He is smart and cute. He is always able to think of some good ways to stop Big Big Wolf from hurting his friends and drive him away. He is active and funny. He enjoys playing sports as well as other fun activities with his friends. He is not very strong but he is brave. When his friends are in danger, he is always the first one to stand up to protect and save them. He also respects old people. And he does well in his study. I think everyone should learn from Pleasant Goat and be someone like him.

I. 1-5 CAABC
II. 6-10 ACBBC
III. 11-15 ABCCB
IV. 16-20 FFTTF
I. 21-25 BAACD
26-30 CABAA
31-35 BCBCC
II. 36-40 BDDBA
41-45 CBADC
III. 46-50 DCCDB
51-55 BACAD
IV. (one possible version)
56. own 57. humorous
58. sky 59. ugly
60. expects61. handsome
62. satisfies 63. hero
64. invented 65. schoolbag
V. (one possible version)
66. won the hearts of
67. It’s time to
68. made a; mess
69. of all ages
70. a black-and-white photo
VI. 71-75 EADFC
VII. (One possible version)
 Tom and Jerry is my favourite cartoon. It is about a cat trying to catch a mouse. In the cartoon, Tom, the silly cat, always thinks he can catch Jerry, the clever mouse, but never succeeds. The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a great success. Since then, Tom and Jerry has become one of the most popular cartoons in the world. Tom and Jerry is full of fun and I can always learn much from it, so I like it very much.
第32期B1版Keys: (One possible version选择题除外)
热身 1-6 FDEACB
课本链接1-4 DBCB
练习一: 1. cartoon 2. hero
3. handsome 4. smart 5. cool
6. 幽默的 7. 难看的 8. 聪明的
9. 创造
练习二:1. keep fighting
2. can’t help doing sth.
3. work together
4. win the heart of sb.
5. expect to do sth.
练习三:1. leaves 2. enjoys; read
3. haven’t sold
Three friends are talking about their favourite cartoon characters. Tony likes Spiderman best, because Spiderman is good at climbing. And he is brave and always ready to help people in danger. Hello Kitty is Helen’s favourite cartoon character. She thinks Hello Kitty is warm-hearted and cute. She likes to eat apple pies like Kitty. More importantly, Kitty can make desserts. But Daming is different. He likes the Monkey King most. The Monkey King is smart, brave and humorous. And he can make 72 changes. So Daming wants to be a person like the Monkey King!
第32期B2版Keys: (One possible version判断题除外)
For Unit 1
阅读理解1. watch a cartoon
2. more modern 3. humorous
1. The boy kept talking all the time. 2. The girl couldn’t help crying.
For Unit 2
阅读理解1-4 FFTT
1. will own 2. my own
3. the owner of 4. create
5. invented
1. The song has won the hearts of many people.
2. I expect to get a nice birthday present.
1. watches 2. was; took 3. come
4. have eaten 5. Have; read; read
第32期B3版Keys: (One possible version选择题除外)
Step 1
I. 1. cartoon 2. sky3. fights
4. laugh 5. hero 6. smart
7. humorous8. brave
II. 1. time to take 2. Why don’t we
3. climbed up; with
4. to be someone like
5. couldn’t help laughing
6. keep studying
7. loved each other
8. I don’t think we agree
Step 2
I. 1. artist 2. led 3. created
4. satisfied 5. copies
II. 1. ugly 2. schoolbags
3. mess 4. heaven 5. expect
6. black-and-white 7. private
IV. 1. A group of sheep 2. as well as
3. made a terrible mess
4. works for 5. Ever since
6. wins the hearts of people
Step 3
I. 1. B; goes 2. B; just
3. A; has lived
4. A; have 5. C; ago
II. 1. are; watching2. is
3. Have; watched4. tells
5. came6. made
1. Jane told Lingling some cartoon heroes in America.
2. Because they are brave and clever.
3. Lingling wrote this letter.

Ⅰ. 1.kitchen 2. bathroom 3. landed 4. took 5. imagine
6. meaning 7. following 8. experience 9. shouted 10. accident
Ⅱ. 11. kidding 12. will happen 13. were, doing 14. is cleaning 15. sleeps, got
16. was shopping 17. doesn’t think 18. imagine 19. landed 20. surprise
Ⅲ. 21. While 22. While 23. when 24. When 25. while
Ⅳ. 26. B 27 .D 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. D
33 . A 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C
Ⅴ. 41. While Mary was shopping, the alien entered the supermarket.
42. The alien was looking at the souvenirs when the shop assistant called the police.
43. The girl was so frightened that she couldn’t move when seeing the wolf.
44. She was surprised to see the UFO in the daytime.
45. looked on 46. happened to Tom 47. Why not give 48. What were, doing 49. didn’t find, anywhere 50. Where was
Ⅵ. 51. started 52. worked 53. so 54. still 55. talk
56. driver 57. easy 58. help 59. after 60. sleep
Ⅶ. A 61. B 62 .C 63 .A 64 .C 65. D
B 66. UFOs 67. No, it isn’t. 68. One large and six smaller objects.
69. No, it wasn’t .

6到10 CAABC
11到15 ABCCB
16到20 ABCAB
一 21到25 CBACA
26到30 DCDCB
31到35 CCACB
二 36到40 CBCDA
三 46到50ADDCA

3.观看两部英文版电影(看英文字幕)看英文字幕对于了解西方文化和提高听力有很大帮助,自己购买DVD,要求内容积极向上传播正能量。 二.读 1. 人人必须阅读学生双语报快乐阅读版,并完成上面阅读训练。 2.推荐图书: 1.Andrew Clements的校园小说系列,Frindle; Landry News; The anitor’s boy;The School Story; A we...

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突泉县17219376418: 求学生双语报人教版英语八年级下32期A、B版答案 -
查亨兰苏: 我有33期报纸,这是32期答案 听力 1到5 AACBC 6到10 CAABC 11到15 ABCCB 16到20 ABCAB 笔试 一 21到25 CBACA 26到30 DCDCB 31到35 CCACB 二 36到40 CBCDA 41到45BCDDB 三 46到50ADDCA 51到55DBDCC 56到60DCABB

突泉县17219376418: 初三32期英语双语报答案 -
查亨兰苏: 路过…… 双语报 辛苦的孩子们 http://www.ncneedu.cn/

突泉县17219376418: 求初二学生双语报第32期答案`谢谢``
查亨兰苏: 笔试部分 21-25DBBBC 26-30CCCCC 31-35CABDB 36-40BACDB 41-45CDABC 46-50ACDAC 51-55CBDDB 56.c 57.e 58.d 59.T 60.F76-80DGFCAB1 阅读训练营1-5DBCAC完型自测1-5CBABC 6-10 CCADC

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突泉县17219376418: 学生双语报32期答案 -
查亨兰苏: 这是从第二部分:英语知识运用的选择题开始的.由于选择题第一题标明的是21题,所以答案我就从21开始的. PS:如果你还想要听力或后面提的答案,你只要将问题补充一下,我就会把答案发给你的.21-25:ADCBA26-30:DBADA31-35:CADDB36-40:ACBAA41-45:BDAAB46-50:BCDCD51-55:BCDBA56-60:CDDCC61-65:DDCCB66-70:BBDCD71-72:DB

突泉县17219376418: 八年级下英语学生双语报答案的网址? -
查亨兰苏: http://www.ncneedu.cn/Answer/

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查亨兰苏: look,the are Kobe Bryant.Kobe is the best basketball player of the world.If you like baskteball,you can fall in love with Kobe.翻译: 看,这是科比,布莱恩特.科比是这个世界上最好的篮球运动员.如果你喜爱篮球的话,你就会爱上科比.

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