as a fribufe to the house of oronge

作者&投稿:中枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Upper House, also known as the House of Lords. Members of the Upper House are appointed, not elected, with its membership being made up of royal descent, hereditary nobles and other hereditary peers. The House of Lords acts as the final court of appeal in the British judicial system. Other than serving as the United Kingdom's only court of last resort, the main task of the House of Lords is the approval of bills adopted by the House of Commons. In fact, the House of Lords have no real power.
The Lower House is also known as the House of Commons. Members are elected and usually serve for five years. However, the ruling government may choose to call an early election owing to political changes or reasons. According to the Constitution, the party manages to secure the majority seats in the election will become the ruling party.
The Cabinet has been the principal executive group of the British Government. The Cabinet makes policy decisions, including decisions about how policies will be implemented in legislation. The Parliament is largely influenced by the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister, who presides over the Cabinet, in fact, is the country's most powerful political figure.



正确写法:as a tribute to the house of orange
也可以读作:As a tribute to orange house

英 [ˈtrɪbju:t] 美 [ˈtrɪbjut]
复数: tributes

英 [haʊs] 美 [haʊs]
第三人称单数: houses 复数: houses 现在分词: housing 过去式: housed 过去分词: housed

英 [ˈɒrɪndʒ] 美 [ˈɔ:rɪndʒ]
复数: oranges

as a fribufe to the house of oronge

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