
作者&投稿:呼莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(get / become ) richer and richer
(become / get) wealthier and wealthier.
have more and more money
(be / become / get) increasingly rich / wealthy

People are more and more rich, and life is more and more happy.
People are more and more rich, and life is more and more happy.

英文:Getting richer
英文:prosperous; well-to-do; well-off; a heavy purse affluence
It's my considered opinion that industry's making us wealthy.


Getting richer and richer.

richer and richer

有很多英语表达可以形容人很有钱,以下是一些常用的:1. Wealthy: 富有的2. Affluent: 富裕的3. Loaded: 有钱的4. Well-off: 富裕的5. Prosperous: 繁荣的6. Well-to-do: 经济上富裕的7. Flush: 口袋鼓的8. Financially independent: 经济独立的9. Deep-pocketed: 钱包里有钱的以上这些都是...

well1 [wel] adv. 好地;令人满意地 好意地,关心地;注意地 精通地,高明地;详细地;熟悉地 恰当地,适合地;中肯地 富裕地 幸福地,美好地 有理由地;合理地 可观地;远远地;大大 [英国俚语]极其,非常,很,相当 完全地,彻底地,充分地 确定地,无疑地 亲密地,密切地 高高兴兴地,兴...

人教版 普通高中英语必修3 第3单元的单词短语表
wealthy\/'welOi\/aaj.富有的 n.富人;有钱人 (5) weave\/wi:v\/vt.&vi.(wove\/woov\/,woven\/'woovzn\/) 编织;(使)迂回前进 (1) weep\/wi:p\/n.(wept,wept)哭;哭泣 vi.(wept,wept)哭泣;流泪 (1) △weightlessly\/'weithsld adv.失重地 (4) willingness\/'wilioms\/n.乐意;心甘情愿 (3) wipe\/waip\/...

英语at least once to use the app better怎么翻译?
也可修饰静态动词。作“更,更大程度地”解时,与more同义,常与love, like, know, understand等表示心理感情的静态动词连用。better常用于be better off短语中,意思是“比较富裕,较舒服”,其后可接名词或动名词。better还常用在the better..., the more...结构中,意思是“越…就越…”。

简单的英语名言 越多越好
早睡早起,富裕、聪明、身体好。A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。It is good to learn at another man‘s cost.前车之鉴。Keeping is harder than winning.创业不易,守业更难。Let‘s cross the bridge when we come to it.船到桥头自然直。More haste, less speed.欲速则不达。No ...

天外有天,人外有人英语:There are more people than there are people 其他表达法:1、there is always someone who is better than us.2、There's always someone better. There's no limit in the universe.3、No matter how strong you are, there's always someone stronger.than 英 [&...

英语怎么说 求大神翻译...
汉:在过去的时候,只有富裕阶层的人会选择搭乘飞机出行,然后现在,出现了折扣机票,越来越多的人能负担得起飞机票的价格,乘坐飞机对普通人来说不再是一件奢侈的事情。英: In the past, only the rich people will choose to take the air travel, now, because there are discount tickets, ...

I am proud I”m a Chinese!英语作文带译文
无论走到哪个国家都可以使用英语。现在,我们正在学英语,我要努力学好英语,为将来更好的向世界传播我们瑰丽的民族文化。 我现在站在这里,对你们说:“我是中国迷,因为我是中国人。我为中国感到自豪!” Dear judges, students, everyone. Today I want to say aloud : I'm the fan of China .Because I'm ...



皮山县13578096495: 越来越富裕用英语怎么说 -
连琳一舒: 越来越富裕 英文:Getting richer 富裕 英文:prosperous; well-to-do; well-off; a heavy purse affluence It's my considered opinion that industry's making us wealthy.我经过考虑认为,工业正使我们越来越富裕.

皮山县13578096495: 英语翻译农民越来越富裕.(rich),打错了. -
连琳一舒:[答案] 农民越来越富裕.(rich) Farmers are geting richer and richer. Farmers are becoming richer and richer. 农民=Farmers;越来越=geting,becoming;富裕=richer; 第二条比较标准,但是哪一条都可以. 希望这个答案解答了你的疑问,学习愉快! _·....

皮山县13578096495: 初一英语:翻译下列句子: 农门越来越富裕.(rich) -
连琳一舒: 农民越来越富裕.(rich) Farmers are geting richer and richer.Farmers are becoming richer and richer.农民=Farmers;越来越=geting,becoming;富裕=richer;第二条比较标准,但是哪一条都可以.希望这个答案解答了你的疑问,学习愉快!_·.柔软的空间,宁静的世界,我与你._·.Will you choose the brave, or the coward way?_·.安静的世界团在等你的答案

皮山县13578096495: “生活越来越富裕”英语怎么说 -
连琳一舒: 生活越来越富裕 Life's make us wealthy

皮山县13578096495: 随着当今社会的发展,人们的生活越来越富裕.这句话用英语怎么说啊? -
连琳一舒:[答案] With the development of the society nowadays,the people's life are becoming more and more richer(诚心解答,)

皮山县13578096495: 人们的生活越来越富裕.这句话用英语怎么说 -
连琳一舒: 人们的生活越来越富裕 ----- Our life / The people's life is getting richer and better.

皮山县13578096495: “中国变得越来越富裕”翻译 -
连琳一舒:[答案] 本句想要表达的意思是中国变得越来越繁荣昌盛富强,并不单指越来越有金钱,所以应该翻译为:China is becoming more and more prosperous.

皮山县13578096495: 中国变得越来越富裕的英文翻译、 -
连琳一舒: China is being richer and richer.

皮山县13578096495: “越来越富饶”用英语怎么说?
连琳一舒: richer and richer

皮山县13578096495: 社会发展的英语句子 - 随着当今社会的发展,人们的生活越来越富裕这句话用英语怎么说啊??
连琳一舒: With the development of the society nowadays,the people's life are becoming more and more richer(诚心解答,请给好评,谢谢~)

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