有一首英文劲爆歌。开头是(靠吗哇可) 请各位大神解答

作者&投稿:剑毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

夏奇拉 waka waka,南非世界杯主题曲

阳光下漫步吧 英文的

Could This Be Love - Victoria Acosta
Woke up this morning,
Just sat in my bed,

8 a.m first thing in my head,
Is a certain someone,

Who's always on my mind,

He treats me like a lady in everyway,
He smiles and warms me through up the day,
Should I tell him I love you,

Wish I knew what to say!

Could this be love that I feel,
So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?

Could this be love that I feel,

So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?

The way he looks,
So deep in my eyes,
Our hearts are so warm,
I just wanna cry,
Then he's so hardworking,

He wants to be someone.

Should I tell him that I love you,

What if he doesn't say it too,
I'm getting so nervous,
What should I do

Could this be love that I feel,

So strong, so deep and so real,

If I lost you would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?

Could this be love that I feel,

So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?

Will it be my turn,

Two hearts beating together as one,

No more loneliness,

Only love, laughter and fun
Could this be love that I feel,

So strong, so deep and so real,

If I lost you, would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?

Could this be love that I feel,

So strong, so deep and so real,
If I lost you would I ever heal,

Could this be love that I feel?
Could this be love that I feel?...

waka waka,不过开头有不是这个~~


Nadiya -[Roc]应该是这首歌

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whistle口哨歌 去听听

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1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);2、若水杭州--陈艺鹏;3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);5、Apologize--Timbaland;6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫...

金属摇滚都很劲爆的:1.Bon Jovi-It's My Life 2.Nightwish-Bye Bye Beautiful 3.Pain - Dancing with the Dead 4.Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - The Last One For Life 5.The Rasmus - First Day Of My Life 6.Breaking Benjamin - Breath ...

fame infamy immortls we arw whislt 这些都是 亲~求采纳

第一首:《Whistle》,歌手:Flo Rida。《whistle》是一首音调以c大调为主的流行说唱歌曲,背景音乐的伴奏乐器主要是吉他和口哨。歌曲以洗脑的哨声开头,十分完美。这种做法和魔力红乐队的《moves like Jagger》很相似。但《whistle》给人的影响更加深刻。副歌十分简单,但听众们不会在意,因为他们已经被...

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十首最好听又劲爆的英文歌曲:《My Love》、《HandClap》、《That Girl》、《sober》、《koko soko》、《All Rise》、《I'll Be There for You》、《Barbie Girl》、《Little Bitty》、《Sailing》。1、《My Love》《My Love》是爱尔兰流行男团西城男孩演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌曲歌词由Jörgen...

化德县17840745963: 有一首英文劲爆歌.开头是(靠吗哇可) 请各位大神解答 -
籍咐健脾: waka waka,不过开头有不是这个~~ 再看看别人怎么说的.

化德县17840745963: 有一首女的唱的劲爆英文歌.中间有海豚音..第一句唱的是(靠马哇克).请大神们帮帮忙. -
籍咐健脾: roc – Nadiya

化德县17840745963: 求一首英文歌曲..是女的唱的..开头说了一句OK.很劲爆.我就只记得这些..希望牛人帮忙.. -
籍咐健脾: 你好!Im Gonna Getcha Good--Shania Twain看看是不是这个 如有疑问,请追问.

化德县17840745963: 谁知道有一首歌名叫劲爆什么的英文歌? -
籍咐健脾: 女声①martine mccutcheon唱的perfect moment(这首歌可是当年台剧流星花园的一首超级好听的英文歌,并且在美国格莱美当年单曲冠军)推荐指数:5②m2m(窈窕美眉)唱的the day you went away(这首歌也是经典中的经典,歌曲也挺有...

化德县17840745963: 跪求一首劲爆英文歌,开头是劲爆的打击乐,之后是女声唱,大概是08.09年的歌,歌曲名的开头字母是m 跪求了 -
籍咐健脾: 金属摇滚都很劲爆的: 1.Bon Jovi-It's My Life2.Nightwish-Bye Bye Beautiful3.Pain - Dancing with the Dead4.Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - The Last One For Life5.The Rasmus - First Day Of My Life6.Breaking Benjamin - Breath

化德县17840745963: 有一首英文劲爆歌曲,女生唱的,I开头的,有知到名字的吗?谢谢啦!
籍咐健脾: 不会是love the way you lie吧,有两个版本,其中一个有点劲爆

化德县17840745963: 有一首英文歌,一开始是 哇喔喔哇喔喔so避雷 求解答 -
籍咐健脾: 貌似是英文版的《爱你在心口难开》.英文名《I love you more than I can say》

化德县17840745963: 有一首英文歌,节奏挺嗨的,夜店酒吧里听到的,开头是英文说的1234,然后高潮就是 哦哦哦哦哦哦, -
籍咐健脾: 北美排行榜 1.Grilfriend (Advil Lavigne) 2.Give it to me (Timbaland) 3.Don't matter (Akon) 4.Glamorous (Fergie) 5.Buy U A Drank (T-Pain) 6.The sweet escape (Gwen Stefani) 7.I tried (Bone Thugs-N-Harmony) 8.This is why I'm hot (Mims) 9.U+Ur ...

化德县17840745963: 求一首 劲爆英文歌曲 开头一男的老喊 啊哟牛B类 啊哟牛B类.... -
籍咐健脾: 呃…… 是这首吧…… jean roch - can you feel it http://mp3.baidu.com/m?wd=jean+roch+-+can+you+feel+it&word=jean+roch+-+can+you+feel+it&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&sc=hao123

化德县17840745963: 有首英文歌开头很劲爆 -
籍咐健脾: fame infamy immortls we arw whislt 这些都是 亲~求采纳

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