
作者&投稿:谈秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用static character造句~

Okonkwo can be said to be a static character as he is as violent at the end as at the beginning;

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I am not familiar with his character. 我不了解他的性格。What does your character do? 你的角色要做什么?

角色 用英语怎么写怎么说?
charactar n.个性;品质;字符;人物;名誉;地位 adj.[剧](角色)代表某一特性的 用作名词 (n.)The boy has a strong character.这孩子个性很强。He is remembered for the nobility of his character.他因品质高尚而被人怀念。We need only keep track of the last marked character.我们只要记...

鸟语花香”用英文怎么说 The chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers

【】我是个不错的人,我的性格很好也很开朗【】I am a good man,and My disposition is cheerful. 。。。应该是这样咯满意的话别忘了采纳哦

这个字在写法上不同 用英语翻译
this charactar is different in writing-styles.

bootless 无用的 bottomless 很深的 boundless 无限的 brainless 愚笨的 breadless 没饭吃的 breathless 透不过气来的 briefless 无人诉讼事件委托 bortherless 无兄弟的 budless 无芽的 C:careless 粗心的 cashless 无现款的 casteless 没有社会阶级的 ceaseless 不停的 charactless 无特点的 cheerless ...

It is useful for our character shaping to make friends widely .

鸟语花香 绿意盎然用英语怎么翻译
鸟语花香birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers -- an idyllic scene; Birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance -- characterizing a fine spring day.; singing birds and fragrant flowers; songs of birds and scent of flowers 家是绿意盎然的小山Home is a Green Hill 绿意盎然,...

五年级简单描述北京 用英语,一分钟的 急急急~~~
beijing is beautiful all the season.each season has it's charact.I can'n tell you about all the view of my for beijing.because the beauty need you to find,my view can'n always be you view.there is not little beauty,but the less eyes that find the beauty.或者长一点的 Be...

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上街区19372806932: 怎么用character造句 -
党律盐酸: I am not familiar with his character. 我不了解他的性格.What does your character do? 你的角色要做什么?

上街区19372806932: 特征英语造句
党律盐酸: characterictic It is characteristic of China to have such a long history.

上街区19372806932: character是什么意思啊? -
党律盐酸: character KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. (人的)品质;性格;(事物的)性质;特性[C][U] He has a changeable character. 他性格多变. 2. 好品质;骨气;特色[U] A person of character would not cheat. 品德高尚的人是不会欺诈的. 3. (小说、戏剧等的)...

上街区19372806932: character的所有用法和变形总结 这个词用法和含义太多了 老是不好记住 -
党律盐酸:[答案] n.(名词)1.The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person,group,or thing from another.性质,特性:使与其他人、群体或事物相区别的性质或特征的集合参见 disposition2.A distinguishi...

上街区19372806932: character的动词用法? -
党律盐酸: character做动词,表示使·具有特征希望对你有帮助哦~

上街区19372806932: ...还是“这部剧的主要人物出现在其他电视剧里还是这是第一次?"如果是第二种翻法,act in是怎么一回事?如果是第一种翻法,难道character有actor的意... -
党律盐酸:[答案] 第一种是标准的翻译,是的,character的释义包括演员、角色.

上街区19372806932: 用characteristic 造句 -
党律盐酸: The two dimples on his cheeks are his biggest facial characteristic. characteristic就是个普通的名词,没什么句型. 你可以说one's main characteristc is...或sth. is one's characteristic.

上街区19372806932: 急!!!!用character、story、film、book、child组词!!答对给5分!!速度 -
党律盐酸: The child reading a story book is the character of the film. He is the character of Harry Potter.My estimate of her character was wrong.I like the story.The story is very funny.The film seems good.Do you enjoy the film?I like reading books.Pass me the book,thank you.I have a child.The child is handsome.

上街区19372806932: 性格,用英语怎么说 -
党律盐酸: character; nature; temperament; 1、照我对她的性格的了解来看,她是个特别负责任的人,不会做出那些事情的. My reading of her character makes me feel that she was too responsible a person to do those things. 2、怨天尤人根本就不是她的性格. It's simply not in her nature to grumble. 3、她暴躁的性格和恶毒的言语 Her shrewish temperament and vicious tongue.

上街区19372806932: 用几个英语单词造句characteristic 特性;特征painter 画家put forword 提出scientific 科学的conclude 结束分别造五个句子,要有中文意思 -
党律盐酸:[答案] Quick decision is characteristic of him.快速决定是他的特征 he is an amateur painter.他是业余画家 He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议. We must take a scientific approach to the problem. 我们必须用...

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