英语改错题 我需要帮助

作者&投稿:秦苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I found a 100-yuan note on my chair the minute I came to my seat in the classroom this afternoon. The first thing that came to my mind was to return it to the owner. After all, the money was not mine. However, I had no idea of who had lost this note. What I did was to ask all my classmates who the possible owner was. Eventually, one of my classmates told me that he had lost 100 yuan, and I gave it to him. "I thank you very much," he said. At that moment I felt very happy about what I had done.

3、not to have-> not having
4、saying-> saying about
6、accept->recieve 或者删去accept 后面的it
7、truth 前面加 the
8、去掉 be
9、Final -> Finally

3.there are中are改为were
5.were covered去掉were
7.a hour改为an hour
11.stay at去掉at

One day last week I went walking in the
country. In the morning the weather was good and
the sun was shining.The sky was blue and there were
no clouds.Soon a cool wind started blowing and black
clouds were covered to the sun and then it started to
rain.There were no houses in sight,so i got very
wet.After a hour or so, I mannaged to catch a bus
which took me home. But when I arrived,I was
shivering and I knew that I had had a bad cold.I
must have left my coat. I had nothing to do but
stay at home and waited for a doctor.

One day last week I went for a walk in the
country. In the morning the weather was fine and
the sun was shining.The sky was blue and there were
no clouds.Soon a cool wind started to blow and black
clouds covered the sun and then it started to
rain.There were no houses in sight,but i got all
wet.After an hour or so, I mannaged to catch a bus
which took me home. But when I arrived , I was
shivering and I knew that I had had a bad cold.I
should have taken my coat. I had nothing to do but
stay at home and wait for the doctor.

1 went后加for
2 well改good
3 are改were
4 started 后加to
5 were去掉
6 but改and
7 a hour的a改an
8 at去掉
9 没错
10 must改should
11 没错

第一行 went后面加上to
第二行 well改成fine
第三行 are改成were
第四行 started后面加上to
第五行 去掉were
第六行 but改成so
第七行 无错
第八行 at去掉
第九行 无错
第十行 taken后面加上off
第十一行 无错

One day last week I (had) a walk in the
country. In the morning the weather was well and
the sun was shining.The sky was blue and there (were)
no clouds.Soon a cool wind started blow and black
clouds (空白) covered the sun and then it started to
rain.There were no houses in sight,(so) i got very
wet.After a hour or so, I mannaged to catch a bus
which took me home. But when I arrived () I was
shivering and I knew that I had had a bad cold.I
must have taken my coat. I had nothing to do but
stay at home and wait for a doctor.

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