关于英语的单项选择和句子翻译! 单选麻烦解释详细原因!

作者&投稿:笪郝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

单选B是正确答案。意思是拒绝,符合题干上提供的she always makes rude remarks这个线索。翻译:1. When he read this book, he often asked to adjust the reading speed/the rate of reading. 2. I am ashamed of not passing the Entrance Examination for Key Universities. 3. From here on, everything should be taken care to deal with in a proper manner/way.


实际上是省略 主语+be 的句型。完整的句子应该是:
All the pictures in the book,unless they are stated otherwise,date from the 1930s。
中间的插入语部分,经常省略主语,但主语they 和 stated是被动关系,所以省去的时候将be动词一并省去。
比如:all the pictures in the book,except those which have nice colors,date from the 1930s。
变为all the pictures in the book,except those having nice colors,date from the 1930s。





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1.Mres,Black doesn'tbelieve her son is able to design a digital cemera,___?
A.is she B.isn't she C.doesn't she D.does she
2.We didn't plan our art exhibition like that,but it ___ very well.
A.worked out B.tried out C.went on D.carried out
3.Why don't you put the meat in the fridge?It will ___ fresh for several days.
A.be stayed B.stay C.be staying D.have stayed
4.They reall had a great time too,designing everything,drawing the blueprints,___ the angles and so on.
A.looking out B.taking out C.finding out D.figuring out
5.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ___ in making the earth a better place to live on.
A.to have played B.to piay C.to be played D.to be playing
6.---Can I help you,sir?
---Yes,Ibought this radio here yesterday,but it ___.
A.didn't work B.won't work C.can't work D.doesn't work
7.---You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.
---Well.Now I regret ___that.
A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done
8.They are not only making it difficult to sleep at night,but they are ___ damage to our houses and places of historical interest.
A.doing B.rasing C.putting D.producing
9.Now that she is out of a job,Lucy ___ going back to school,but she hasn't decided yet.
A.had considered B.has been considering C.considered D.is going to consider
10.The conference had been held to discuss the effects of tourism ___ the wildlife in the area.
A.in B.on C.at D.with
11.This is the very knife ___ I used to cut pears ___this morning.
A.that;in B.which;by C.which;with D.that;with
12.I have many friends,___ some are businessmen.
A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom
13.The way he did it was different ___ we were used to.
A.in which B.in what C.form what D.from which
14.---Alice,you feed the bird today,___?
---But I fed it yesterday.
A.do you B.will you c.didn't you D.don't you
15.The place ___the bridge is supposed to be built should be ___ the cross-river traffic is heaviest.
A.which;where B.at which;which C.at which;where D.which;in which

1、他一直很尊敬他的叔叔,因为他是一位杰出的医生,挽救了很多人的生命。(look up to)
2、你刚走就有一个人到办公室找你。(shoretly after)
3、你对周围的世界感到好奇是件好事。(be curious about)
4、他对修车很有经验,因此有资格做这份工作。(be qualified for)

Mres,Black doesn'tbelieve (sth.),does she?这样 你懂了么?
该词组 有 行进中 运行 的意思
3.感觉选C 感觉而已 说不出来为什么
9.A 现在完成时
10.查词组吧 我也不会
This is the very knife with which I used to cut pears this morning.
some of whom
built the bridge at the cross-river where thetraffic is heaviest.

1.A 反义疑问句 前面否定后面就用肯定的
2.D 实施,进行的意思...
3.C 根据语境判断时态
4.D 不多说查字典去
7.D regret doing 后悔做某事


1.He always look up to his uncle,because he is a outstanding doctor who saved many lives。

2.Some body asked for you shortly after you went.

3.You are curious about surrounding is a good thing.

4.He experinced repairing cars,so he is qualified for this job.


1. 选A aging是“年老的”意思,这里的aged是表示一种年龄的状态 2. 选B 这里是独立主格结构,C和D都是完整的句子,显然用在这里不合适,不能选。A项表达的是一种正在发生的动作,可是这里的题意应该是一种状态,而B项是表达被动的状态,最合题意 3. 选D origin是“产生的来源,根源”的...

Multiple choice questions 多个选项的题目 具体要求都是在题目叙述中另外说明的。比如:Choose the correct answers to each question。 多选多 Choose the correct answer to each question. 多选一 希望我的回答能对你有帮助,^_^

1、选D.首先确定时态为被动语态,所以先排除B和C选项。其次,Once在这里作为连词(as soon as;when一旦;一...就...)引导状语从句,这种情况下,从句谓语动词是要用一般现在时的。再举个例子:Once you understand this rule,you'll have no further difficulty.一旦明白了这条规则,就再也没有困难...

三、单项选择。( )1.I___ Jeff.A.is B.are C.am ( )2.——Is that your ruler? —— .A.Yes,it is B.No,it is C.Yes,it’s ( )3.This is my aunt. ___ name is Mary.A.His B.Your C.Her ( )4.I was born ___July.A.on B....



小学英语题 单项选择
1.The computer ___ Doctor Smith.C belongs to belong to的第三人称单数形式belongs to 2。Yang Liwei says that he ___ his country.A loves 用一般现在时 says相对应,所以用 loves 。3.Let her ___ you the truth.C tell let sb do sth,所以用 tell ...

英语问题、(单项选择)(单词填空)(连词成句)..如题 谢谢了
单项选择: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 单词填空: 1. Tom often___at the weekend . 2.How much ___ does he want? 3.My mother bought me a ___.I like it very much. 4.Taotao is seven years old. He can ___. 5.It 's six o'clock now .Amy 's father is ...

不是复合句, 这里made后更的是复合宾语, make + it(形式宾语) + adj (宾补)+(for sb)+to do sth(真正宾语) 应该是With吧,有不有

每四天 every second year 每隔一年,每两年 every few days 每隔几天 every few minutes 每隔几分钟 参考资料:英语问题提问在 http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/browse\/951 。 高手比较多。

秦淮区15641615840: 初一英语单项选择(帮助翻译一下句子,并把选项讲解一下 ) -
钟旭清凉: 选1 在这意思是 请自己动手吃鱼肉和鸡肉,都是肉,并不是整条鱼或整条鸡,所以都是不可数,绝对正确. 同时,三楼所说错误,同一种鱼也可用复数

秦淮区15641615840: 关于英语的单项选择和句子翻译! 单选麻烦解释详细原因! -
钟旭清凉: 1.D Mres,Black doesn'tbelieve (sth.),does she?这样 你懂了么? 2.D 该词组 有 行进中 运行 的意思 3.感觉选C 感觉而已 说不出来为什么 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.A 现在完成时 10.查词组吧 我也不会 11.C This is the very knife with which I used to cut pears this morning. 12.D some of whom 13.C和D我拿不定 14.D 15.c built the bridge at the cross-river where thetraffic is heaviest.

秦淮区15641615840: 求五道英语单项选择的答案(附解析和句子翻译) -
钟旭清凉: 1、A 你在哪等? wait是不及物动词选B的话后面应加for 2、B 我的第一个英语老师将我引向成功 强调句型 去掉It's;that句子仍然成立3、C 我们被告知将会有两天的假期 定语从句which指代前面的句子,其他的没有这个用法4、A 具体日期前面用on5、B A.climb 爬 C.flow 流动 D.swim 游 只能选B

秦淮区15641615840: 单项选择并翻译1.Atfirsttheyhatedeachoth
钟旭清凉: 1.At first they hated each other,but they( )be coming good friends. A.ended up 结... When( )with the size of the whole earth,the Pacific Ocean does not seem big at all. ...

秦淮区15641615840: 英语单项选择 1.It - ___John and Mary that helped me the other day. A. A. has been B. B. are C. C. was D. D. were 2.The reason I plan to go is - ___if I don't. A. ... -
钟旭清凉:[答案] 1. C强调句型的固定结构:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其他部分.去掉it is/was和that后,可以构成一个完整的句子即:John and Mary helped me the other day. 句子用一般过去时,所以是it was而不是it is.2...

秦淮区15641615840: 一道英语题单项选择并翻译Telephoneis - way
钟旭清凉: 选 A .another 另外一个,又一个 ;other 其他的;the other 另一个,常和one 一起构成词组one...the other ...;one 一个. Telephone 是 phone 的另外一种说法.

秦淮区15641615840: 英语翻译单项选择1 everyone - _ - hobbies.A have b has c is d can2 - __ - colourful kite it is A what b where c how d what a3____ - colourful this kite is A what b ... -
钟旭清凉:[答案] 自动检测中英文中译英英译中百度翻译 翻译结果(英 > 中)复制结果 1人___爱好. 第二个有是可 2____色彩缤纷的风筝是! 一个什么样的地方怎么什么 这3_____五颜六色的风筝! 一个什么什么如何如何 4,现在的____风筝. 苍蝇飞的苍蝇会飞的 ...

秦淮区15641615840: 英语单项选择 Could you please tell me where - ___ - find Professor Smith?His wife has just called his office. -
钟旭清凉:[选项] A. I can B. can I C. would I D. I would

秦淮区15641615840: 高考英语单项选择题 句子翻译 解析一下? -
钟旭清凉: 解析:这里是一个宾语从句句中做主语.that 和 which 是用在定语从句中的关系词,不符合本句.as就更离谱了. 翻译:在西方许多年轻人会把他们一生当中最重要的决定---婚姻--完全交给缘分. 考点定位:1,宾语从句用法 2,考查学生的抗干扰能力,这里的破折号和把完整的句子分开就是在考验这种能力.

秦淮区15641615840: 单项选择 英语 -
钟旭清凉: 这就是中英两种语言文化的差异了!multiple choice 译成中文,为了方便大家理解,叫单项选择.英语multiple choice的表述意思是:这题有多个备选项.所以单项选择题=multiple choice 在各自的语言里,人们一般不会有疑问的.汉语里的“单...

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