
作者&投稿:茆彪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


oneday,the gentle wind swept my face,I waited in line for takeing the bus.
  when the bus came, there was a strong man cutting into the line,I was angry with the phenomenon,but I did'nt say anything words,but a woman yelled the strong man,when I heard the words,I was very sad to my gut.
  if I were brave,I think I don't tolerate the behaviour,I think I should tell him about the behaviour that it is a terrible thing to cut the line.
  we should have a good behaviour,becuase we are chinese,if there are some children, we might make a bad effect on the kids.

3.衣服:sweater毛衣jacket夹克衫cap帽子hat(有边)帽子 vest背心skirt裙子tie领带 4.食物:cake蛋糕egg蛋pie派hotdog热狗tea茶milk牛奶 5.颜色:red红色的blue蓝色的 6.文具:book书pen钢笔bag书包tape胶带、修正带pencil铅笔 ballpen圆珠笔 7.地点:zoo动物园park公园bedroom卧室study书房 8.交通工具:bus...

5、can , usually , often , sometimes , always 这几个单词都是一般现在时的好朋友,当句子中出现了它们时,动词一般都要用原形。 now, am , is , are 这几个单词都是现在进行时的好朋友,当句子中出现了它们时,动词要用现在分词形式,也就是ing形式。 五年级下册英语第六单元知识点整理 一、主要单词 ...

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人教版五年级下册英语Unit5《Look at the Monkeys》教案
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晁侵阿泰: http://www.1010jiajiao.com/daan/bookid_45506.html 如果版本不同,请自行搜索(搜索练习册) 如果帮助了你,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮

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晁侵阿泰: 小学五年级下册英语书人教版第38页翻译

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晁侵阿泰: 你在做什么? (what are you doing,john?) 我在为我的家庭做一张生日表,你的生日在什么时候?(i am making a birthday chart for our family.when is your birthday?) 在五月.(it's in may.) 我的妈妈生日也在五月,爷爷的生日在什么时候?(...

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晁侵阿泰: I. 1-5 ABBCC6-10 ABBAB II. 1. Are, going to 2. What is,do 3. Whydoes, like 4. How does , play III. 1. famous soccer star 2.arrives at / getsto 3. going to be 4. make usstronger 5. half an hour doing IV. 1-5 CCACB 6-10 CBACB V. One possible ...

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晁侵阿泰: 英语配套五年级下册 第一页:一、1、B 2、A 3、D 4、C 5、E 二、1、When 2、usually 3、at 4、dinner 5、sports 三、略 (注:小调查,自己编上点就可以了) 第二页:四、1、When do you eat drnner? 2、I usually get up at 6:30. 3、I eat breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. 五、略 第三页:六、1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、C 七、A. 1、F 2、F 3、T B. 4、At 5:20 p.m 5、At 9:10 (注:这是人教版的)

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晁侵阿泰: 2. 2) zoo 3) bookstore 4) library 5) cinema 6) post office22. 1) next to 2) behind 3) Where opposite to31. hospital How post office hospital next to2. 1)hospital near 2) library next to 3) on foot3. 3)→6) →1) →8) →2) →4)42. 1) turn right 2) turn left 3) go ...

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晁侵阿泰: I. 1-5 BBCCA II. 1. hurry 2. questions 3. crowded 4. among 5. Finally III. 1. What is, doing 2. Whatshould, do 3. should not 4. No, needn't 5.better not IV. 1. spreading easily among 2.keep away from / not go to 3. work on 4. all the time

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