
作者&投稿:攸阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Put the...Arranged in sequence 把……按顺序安排好。

Please write the things you are going to do tomorrow in time sequence.

1. b_e 1.a_n
2. b_ee _ 2.a_nd_
3. b_ody _ _ 3.a_ble _ _
4. b_reak _ _ _ 4.a_pple _ _ _
5. b_eauty _ _ _ _ 5.a_nswer _ _ _ _
6. b_elieve_ _ _ _ _ 6.a _bility _ _ _ _ _
7. b_uilding _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.a_ ctivity_ _ _ _ _ _

1. do up get when you
When do you get up?

2. lunch I usually twelve at have
I usually have lunch at twelve.

Now bad night that car cup near box wall glass
cow bed light chat bar cap bear fox will class

1__What__colour is your sweater ? 2__Who___is that man ?
Its green. That’s my teacher ,Reachard

3._What___is she doing? 3__Where__is the post office?
She is playing the piano. Its over there.

Its windy in (autumn)换一个季节
It's windy in fall

找出下列错误 写出真确句子

Bob have a blank jacket.__________Bob has a blank jacket
This is a orange.__________This is an orange
What do he do at the weekend?_________What does he do at the weekend
That is a china car.________That is a Chinese car
There are seven sheeps over there.______There are seven sheep over there.
What do alice do at the weekend?______What does Alice do at the weekend?_
Where are my orange shirt?_____Where is my orange skirt?__
What are you look for?______What are you looking for?
How many is this bag?_______ How much is this bag?

1 by at
2 bee arm
3 bike army 军队军人
4 break april
5 bridge 桥 adjust调整
6 bandage绷带 apology道歉
7 baseball 棒球 allergic 忘记什么意思 但绝地是个单词!


When do you get up?
I usually have lunch at twelve

new bag fight打架 than cat pup fear boy ball grass

what who what where

It's sunny in the summer

找出下列错误 写出真确句子
Bob has a black jacket 单数第三人称
This is an orange
What does she do at the weekend ?
That is a Chinese car 中国的
There are seven sheep over there SHEEP是单复数同型
What does alice do at the weekend
Where is my orange shirt单数
What are you looking foR 正在进行时
How much is this bag 价钱不可数


3.running run errants 供差遣 4.standing 5.to go 6.shopping 名词形式 7.getting 8.to use 9.to meet 10.to run(too + 形容词+ to+形容词,翻译:以至于不能)11.registering 12.clean 辅音 (注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体...

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英语周报高一book3 unit2答案
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1.as red as an apple 2.as happy as a bird 3.as quiet as a sheep 4.as green as grass 5.as cold as ice 6 as big as an elephant 7as balck as a mouse 8as white as snow 9as small as a pea

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山阳区13619011456: 求几道英语题的答案!很急!
郁钞琥珀: next to to eat behind the desk next to the phone between desk and bed 望君采纳、谢谢!O(∩_∩)O~

山阳区13619011456: 悬赏100分,急求以下英语题的详细解答!!!希望您能给我具体的解
郁钞琥珀: 1.A)put on 放上 B)put in 放入 C)put up with 忍受 D)put down 放下 C 为什么我们不... 在某个程度 每个人都被他流利的英语惊呆了,他已经把他的口语提高到了能够随意和...

山阳区13619011456: 几题英语题,急求答案(高手速度)
郁钞琥珀: 1. Came home from school 2. Eating habits 3. Trying to do, try to do (something) 4.9 hours 5. To help me get good grades 6. To help (someone) do (something) 7. Learn to better 8. A bit unhealthy 9. There is a healthy habit

山阳区13619011456: 一些小学六年级英语题,急求答案! -
郁钞琥珀: 1、She could understand her lessons in Chinese.2、Yesterday it began to rain atnoon.3、Last Sunday my sister and I cleaned our house. drank

山阳区13619011456: 英语题,求解答.急!!!!!!! -
郁钞琥珀: what you mother said are you prepared anything worries the worst isn't it does ... tell don't..won't how do what..like 我堂弟长大后想当歌手. My cousin wants to be singer after he grows up. 我们的语文老师经常讲有趣的笑话,总是使得我们大笑. ...

山阳区13619011456: 急求下列英语题目答案!!! -
郁钞琥珀: 1Everyone .2.sorry

山阳区13619011456: 急求 英语问题答案 要正确的 急急急!!!
郁钞琥珀: 哎. 你也是够成绩差的了.1.第一题问你名字怎么拼写.举个例子周广 就是ZHOU GUANG. 把英文字母读一遍 2.你在什么学校. (我不知道你学校) - .- 自己什么学校就写上去. 3.Yes. Beacuse i think English very interesting. 4.6 years 5....

山阳区13619011456: 急求英语题答案非常感谢
郁钞琥珀: B 原因:这句话把它变成陈述句就是: you could show me the magazine --------- cover is black. 后面的 ------cover is black 是用来修饰magazine 的,是定语从句,把 magazine 带入就是 maganine's cover is black .杂志的封面是黑色的. 缺少部分是 maganine's 所以在选项中只有B符合.

山阳区13619011456: 【急急急】英语试卷求答案,不吝啬分,求速度 10点20之前一定要 -
郁钞琥珀: 1.are 2.lives 3.to have fun 4.beginning 5.friends friendly 6.dangerous 7. is swimming 8.is listening 9.not doing 10.first 11.How's 12.cl...

山阳区13619011456: 求几道简单英语题答案! 急!
郁钞琥珀: 1 A 一般现在时 或者你记住 good to do sth固定搭配 2 C finish doing sth 完成做某事 3 D forget to do sth 表示经常忘记做什么事情 forget doing sth表示忘记一次

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