问一道英语考研题,Draw a tree diagram according to the PS

作者&投稿:绪齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ad. 在外面
n. 外面,外部
prep. 无,没有
1. 无,没有
阅读翻译不用愁:国民经济词汇一网打尽29-阅读辅导... ...
withdrawal of share 撤回股份
Without 无,没有
without charge 免费 ...
www.wtokj.com- 基于136个网页
2. 没有
第 21 楼 ...
7.Family家庭 ...
www.tycxkx.com- 基于176个网页
3. 没有歌声
易尚购物 - 音乐 ...
毋庸置疑 Cai dentro
没有歌声 Without
灵与肉 Body and soul ...
music.136888.com- 基于33个网页
4. 在……外
航海及海运专业术语W(4) ...
without 没有
without 在……外
withstand test voltage 耐压试验电压 ...
www.lhhy.cn- 基于28个网页
Without..无,没有 | 没有 | 没有歌声 | 在……外
1. 无,没有
阅读翻译不用愁:国民经济词汇一网打尽29-阅读辅导... ...
withdrawal of share 撤回股份
Without 无,没有
without charge 免费 ...

www.wtokj.com- 基于136个网页
2. 没有
第 21 楼 ...
7.Family家庭 ...

www.tycxkx.com- 基于176个网页
3. 没有歌声
易尚购物 - 音乐 ...
毋庸置疑 Cai dentro
没有歌声 Without
灵与肉 Body and soul ...

music.136888.com- 基于33个网页
4. 在……外
航海及海运专业术语W(4) ...
without 没有
without 在……外
withstand test voltage 耐压试验电压 ...

www.lhhy.cn- 基于28个网页
Without U..如果没有你
Without U..如果没有你
Without U
标签页面 ...
Take Your Sweet Time 慢慢来
Without U 如果没有你
Why Don’t You Kiss Her? 为何不亲吻她 ...

mbox.sogou.com- 基于40个网页
电路图中英文含义 ...
YEL 黄色 ...

www.qipei.hc360.com- 基于5个网页
go without..没有 | 不享受 | 没有…也行 | 不吃/喝/用
go without..没有 | 不享受 | 没有…也行 | 不吃/喝/用
go without
1. 没有
历年四级考试真题高频词汇 ...
go with 跟…相配;与…相伴;附属于
go without 没有
hand down 把…传下去 ...

en.ferha.com- 基于943个网页
2. 不享受
想考四级,记好这些词组先。呵 ...
go with 与…持同一看法;伴随
go without 不享受
as good as 和…几乎一样 ...

www.5ichg.com- 基于345个网页
3. 没有…也行
考研英语重点词组和高频词汇-天涯回音壁-西陆社区 ...
go with 伴随,与…协调
go without 没有…也行
as good as 和…几乎一样,实际上等于 ...

club.xilu.com- 基于240个网页
4. 不吃/喝/用
以文本方式查看主题 ...
go with相配
go without不吃/喝/用
go beyond超过 ...

www.schoolside.com- 基于50个网页
do without..没有…也行,用不着,将就 | 没有…也行 | 将就 | 没有……也行,将就
do without..没有…也行,用不着,将就 | 没有…也行 | 将就 | 没有……也行,将就
do without
1. 没有…也行,用不着,将就
英语三级考试词组(二)动词类 ...
die out 逐渐消失,灭绝
do without 没有…也行,用不着,将就
draw in (火车、汽车)到站;(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短 ...

www.edu114.cn- 基于867个网页
2. 没有…也行
四级词汇!!方便各位!!从新东方恐大叔那儿找的 -... ...
do away with = get rid of \ remove 消灭,除掉
do without没有…也行
draw a conclusion得出一个结论、协议 ...

gengzuoxuan.yculblog.com- 基于688个网页
3. 将就
想考四级,记好这些词组先。呵 ...
do with 与…相处;忍受;对付
do without 没有…也行;将就
have sth. to do with 和…有关;和…打交道 ...

www.5ichg.com- 基于313个网页
4. 没有……也行,将就
成人高考高中起点冲刺备考--英语词组2 ...
do away with 废除,去掉
do without 没有……也行,将就
draw in (火车、汽车)进站 ...

coco.jndxs.net- 基于312个网页
without it..有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行.
without it..有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行.
without it
经典英语格言3000句[新版欢乐学生论坛] ...
When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. 当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产。
With justice on your side,you can go anywhere; without it; you can't take a step. 有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行.
The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. 人没有想象力,犹如天文台没有望远镜. ...

www.chunyun.net- 基于43个网页
Without me..没有我 | 少了我
Without me..没有我 | 少了我
Without me
1. 没有我
葛莱美经典歌曲 ...
Get the party started派对开始
Without me没有我
Picture画像 ...

www.8music.cn- 基于18个网页
2. 少了我
听歌学英语单元目录(不断添加中.......) ...
Seven Days(七天)
Without Me(少了我)
Shut Up!(闭嘴!) ...

bbs.ilanzhou.com- 基于10个网页
Without you..失去你 | 你不在 | 没的你 | > 主题曲
Without you..失去你 | 你不在 | 没的你 | > 主题曲
Without you
1. 失去你
欧美流行英文歌曲集 ...
The color Of the night 夜之彩
Without you 失去你
The one you love 你的至爱 ...

cd.it88.com.cn- 基于1706个网页
2. 你不在
银河互动网路 ...
On Our Way 没问题
Without You 你不在
Still Dirrty 依然下流 ...

www1.iwant-radio.com- 基于86个网页
3. 没的你
真情马克合唱团新专辑Only Love (OnlyLove) ...
Right By My Side 就在我的身边
Without You 没的你
Howcould I Know 我怎么了 ...

www.51t.com- 基于4个网页
4. > 主题曲
我喜欢的音乐_百度知道 ...
Scarborough Fair (> 主题曲)
Without You (> 主题曲)
How Do I Live (电影"空中监狱"主题曲) ...

www.qq-con.cn- 基于6个网页
without day..不定期 | 无限制(休会) | 无期限的 | 无限期
without day..不定期 | 无限制(休会) | 无期限的 | 无限期
without day
1. 不定期
想考四级,记好这些词组先。呵 ...
to a day 一天也不差
without day 不定期;无限制(休会)
a good deal 许多,大量;…得多 ...

www.5ichg.com- 基于374个网页
2. 无限制(休会)
想考四级,记好这些词组先。呵 ...
to a day 一天也不差
without day 不定期;无限制(休会)
a good deal 许多,大量;…得多 ...

www.5ichg.com- 基于335个网页
3. 无期限的
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(159) ...
without ceremony 不拘礼节
without day 无期限的
without doors 在户外 ...

www.cnxedu.com- 基于21个网页
4. 无限期
日常用语词汇接龙 ...
无名 reconditeness without a name
无限期 without day
无子女拖累 without encumbrance ...

englishcorner.cc- 基于1个网页
without end..无穷 | 不止 | 无穷无尽的 | 无终极的,无尽期的(地),无休止的(地)
without end..无穷 | 不止 | 无穷无尽的 | 无终极的,无尽期的(地),无休止的(地)
without end
1. 无穷
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(159) ...
without encumbrance 无子女拖累
without end 无穷
without example 没有先例 ...

www.cnxedu.com- 基于21个网页
2. 不止
汉英词汇074[kejiyingyu.com整理] ...
不值一提的人物 /second-rater/
不止 /incessantly/without end/more than/not limited to/
不只 /not only/not merely/ ...

www.kejiyingyu.com- 基于3个网页
3. 无穷无尽的
nciku n词酷 :: 比词库更酷 ...
without end 无穷无尽的;永久的;无终极的,无尽期的(地),无休止的(地)
with this end in view 为此,以此为目的
win one's end(s) 达到目的,成功 ...

nciku.com- 基于1个网页
4. 无终极的,无尽期的(地),无休止的(地)
nciku n词酷 :: 比词库更酷 ...
without end 无穷无尽的;永久的;无终极的,无尽期的(地),无休止的(地)
with this end in view 为此,以此为目的
win one's end(s) 达到目的,成功 ...

nciku.com- 基于1个网页
1. The rumor was without foundation.
2. I can't live without her love.
3. There is no joy without alloy.

In mine production, the influx of a variety of underground water sources, such as groundwater, precipitation, water production and mined-out area, such as water gushing. These Underground Water Survey, will affect the normal production, if not promptly from the flooded mine also the danger. Mine drainage equipment from the mission is the continuous influx of underground water gushing, to create a good working environment, and ensure normal production and mine safety. So mine is mine drainage equipment is essential for mining equipment to ensure its stability, reliability and economic functioning of the entire mine production is of great significance.
1. Pump
Must have work, spare and repair water pumps, water pumps should be able to work 20 hours within 24 hours of mine from the normal discharge, spare capacity to pump should be not less than 70 percent of the pumps, water pumps and spare the total capacity, should be able to In the 20 hours from the mine within a 24-hour maximum discharge. Maintenance of the ability to pump the work should be not less than 25 percent of capacity pumps.
2. Water pipes
Must have a water main and backup work. Plumbing work should be able to work with the pumps within 20 hours from the normal 24-hour mine Chung water, plumbing work and the total spare capacity, should be able to cope with work and backup pumps in 20 hours from 24 hours in the largest discharge.
3. The export pumps
The main pumping station at least two exports, with a shaft Inclined Drift and the same, higher than its exports of the pumping station 7 m above the ground. Another bottom-parking lots, the export channel, the water should be set up fire doors closed. Pumping station should be higher than the bottom elevation of the ground yards 0.5 m.
4. Supply line
Mine is the main drainage equipment mine a load, power supply lines not less than two-loop, when one of them to stop power supply circuit, another circuit should be able to bear the entire burden of electricity supply.
5. Drainage equipment must be in a higher efficiency of work.
二. Under the mandate of the request, the associated design and calculation
1. The initial choice of the drainage programme
According to the mine depth, open up the system and the level of discharge of different sizes, drainage systems can take different options. Mine drainage equipment to be adopted drainage system, the technology required to determine the economic future comparison. In the technical and economic reasonable under the premise of the drainage system should be as simple as possible.
2. A selection of equipment and related terms
The design, based on the value and nature of mineral water, choice of three different pumps, after calibration, the final accounting rule out two options.
3. Identify pipeline system and determine the necessary and reasonable pipeline Annex and the number and rendering pipeline system map.
4. Calculation of line, characteristic of a pipeline, and to determine the status of the equipment
Reasonable working conditions, conditions in the industry point of the region too large flow section, and working conditions, the efficiency of more than 70%, when conditions at the industrial use in small sections or exceed the flow of industrial use, if the pump A reasonable choice, the choice of pipeline system that are unreasonable, should be re-select pipeline system.
5. Calculated to allow the water pump and check the drainage time high
In mine drainage water in the actual height must be less than or equal to allow a high degree of water. To ensure that the pumps to work, the results of calculation should be rounded down to decimal parts and rounded, if the water is less than 3.5 m high around, should consider supporting pump water or other measures to ensure that the pumps work; normal water gushing at the time of the drainage And the largest water gushing at the time of the drainage should be less than or equal to 20 hours.
6. Determine the type pumps, piping system and the number of Taiwan
To meet the reasonable working conditions under the premise that if two (including the above) models of pumps and piping system (two kinds diameter and above) are to meet drainage requirements were calculated device efficiency, high-efficiency device to select the pump And the piping system as optimization of the drainage equipment.
Finally, the remaining programme of economic accounting, with tons of water 100 meters and initial investment costs for the selected indicators of the final package.
Selection System Accessories, in accordance with the selected pumps and motors Dimension and installation requirements, and its operating conditions to determine the water pumping station Dimension, the final layout of the pumping station and pipeline plans.
三. The pump impeller structure for analysis and use the speed factor of the structural parameters of the impeller design calculations.
Impeller centrifugal pumps are the main parts, according to their means water can be divided into single-and dual-impeller suction aspiration impeller two; according to cover coverage can be divided into open and semi-open impeller and closed three.
Impeller geometry parameters are mainly imported impeller diameter D, leaves import diameter D, impeller wheel diameter d, blade angle of imports, exports impeller diameter D, impeller exports width b, blade angle and leaves a few Z. Impeller geometry parameters on imports of steam cloud has an important influence, impeller geometry parameters on the export performance (H, Q) has major implications, both of the efficiency implications.

是句子的各个成分的分析, 但要用树枝一样的图形表达。


考研英语中因果关系的表达多种多样,这也是其中的一种,因此我们可以认为政治的某个东西与经济的某个东西两者间是因果的关系,再看选项,可以发现A和C中的两个动词,outweigh是超过的意思,排除,bring about意为带来,是一种因果关系,与原句契合,再看一下D,发现它毫不相关,因此答案为C。 功能举例题 这几乎可以说是...


能整除 13^4 -11^4, 2的最大次方 13^4 -11^4 利用 a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b) , a=13^2, b=11^2 =(13^2-11^2)(13^2+11^2)计算13^2=169 , 11^2=121 =(169-121)(169+121)=(48)(290)因式分解 =(3x2^4)x(2x145)=(3x145)x2^5 2^5 =32 最大的2的幂是=5 ...

考研英语作文答题时间应该控制在 50 分钟之内。第一篇小作文 15 分钟差不多,因为第一篇小作文写 6—8 句话,超过 8 句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。\\x0d\\x0a第二篇作文 35 分钟足够了,也就是写 3 个自然段,12 句话,冲到顶 17 句话。提交回答 ...

38. The priorities and expectations defined by the young will ___.[A] become increasingly clear [B] focus on materialistic issues [C] depend largely on political preferences [D] reach almost all aspects of American life 解析:本题为细节题。利用题干关键词定位可使用替代性比较低的短...

[A] freedom [B] origin [C] impact [D] reform 这一题的答案也是从后文的理解中得出来的,从后文的争论中我们可以看出这是宗教自由的问题,因此应选A。(%bk%)三.运用排除法,排除明显的错误选项: 排除法是我们在做政治和英语选择题时最常用的方法之一。一般来说,考研英语每...

2023年考研英语百度网盘下载 考研资料实时更新链接:https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1OaxK1mrBZDySwYCEKqepgQ ?pwd=2D72 提取码:2D72 简介:2023年考研英语复习资料、考研英语复习规划、考研英语大纲,考研英语真题等合集


第一步:在讲态度题之前,我们先明白考研英语阅读中什么叫态度题,请看以下例子:例1:35. The author’s attitude toward reversing the high-speed trend is ___.(英二2013年 text3)例2:31. The author views Milton Friedman's statement about CSR with ___.(英一2016年 text 3)例3:4...

”I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest ...

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 英语考研真题 通过下面这段话为什么选择C 为什么A不正确Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters ... -
逄贾天麻:[答案] [答案] C[解题思路]本题对应的是文章的第一段,首先要判断题干中提到的supporter就是第一句话中的doubter,因此才能正确判断supporter的观点.首先,A选项在原文中没有明确的表述,因而不是正确答案.B选项也与第一段的最...

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: draw a t - shirt and colour it?中文怎么说 -
逄贾天麻:[答案] 翻译: 画一件体恤衫,并涂色.

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 问几道英语科学题一.please draw lines to match the situstions.1.Overwatering A.can't germinate 2.Deep planting B.Lack of oxygen3.Dry conditions C.Weak,not... -
逄贾天麻:[答案] 前两道是光的折射,盛有水的碗和老花境相当于凸透镜,可以通过画图解决.也可以自己做实验.第三题是情景反映题,意思是:--我很抱歉我没有赢得这个比赛

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 一道英语题 -
逄贾天麻: A.Let's hope not为正确选项.Let's hope not=Let's hope he won't fail in the exam.而 B.Not hope so 是不通的.

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 问一道英语选择题
逄贾天麻: 翻译成中文就是:TOM很惊讶发生的事情,TOM不知道做什么,根据后面的didn't可知是过去式,所以排除A、B是被动,C是过去完成时,根据题目意思所以应该选D

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 问几道英语IQ题 -
逄贾天麻: 1.Tigresses 2. It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) 3.Because there is love between them!...

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 1、两只相同的钟,分别静止于两个有相对运动的参照系S和S'.则‍ - 上...
逄贾天麻: 明显选A remind + of 是使什么想起什么的意思 而remember to 是记得去干什么的意思 而且没有remind + to这结构

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 问一道英语题
逄贾天麻: 你一定是认为by后面应该接动词ing形式吧,这没错.不过,这里fighting是形容词,而fight既有名词战争的意思,同时也可做动词战斗理解.所以答案是B.希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢!

双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县18877512682: 问一道英语题目
逄贾天麻: 选D因为must后应该加动词原形,就排除了A和B,而C中的illness是名词,不能表他处于生病的状态,故选D

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