
作者&投稿:朝盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

** Bad recall
*** I was satisfied that a company's business products play a **, I am the Secretary for 9 / 15 made in Brazil materials ** quality problems is found to be an emergency recall of this batch of goods ** estimated time of arrival in Brazil, the main single-number:, single - No.:, INVOICE NO., CODE **, the number of **, and logistics companies have been contacted, half-way is not possible, please have received this batch of goods to Brazil and returned to Division I, Division I will assume all costs arising therefrom, and as soon as possible send an equal number KGD.
Please inform this to the relevant departments, the Secretary for the inconvenience I am sorry, thank you!
If you have any questions, please let us know

It is great pleasure in cooperation with your company for years and we are grateful for your successive trust and support to our company.
In recent days,our company is going to push forward an exclusive brand of our own——the XXX. The XXX is designed as a general outlet that most Euro-top houseware brands converge on. With this brand,we hope that the introduction of European houseware culture will offer Chinese consumers a better perception and experience of Euro-style living. We are going to set up new shops in cultivated business zones of Shanghai and Hangzhou on the basis of 4 outlets in Shanghai and Suzhou now. Meanwhile, an expansion towards the Great China section is in the work now.
Our adoration to your brand is as much as our emphasis on you,therefore we expect with sincerity that your brand constitute one of the principal brands in the XXX.
We've played as the general distributor in China for the British brand XXX for as long as 10 years. During our cooperation period,we've developed and maintained 25 retail shops in first-class shopping malls throughout China,hence we not only provide sufficient experience in retailing and managing,but also a sound relationship with various shopping malls.
May our cooperation be sustainable and our performance be adorable.


事件背景:客户发邮件反映收到我们的货物有损坏,要求我们改进包装,但我们的包装没有问题,损坏是因为运输过程中可能遭遇了什么东西撞击造成的, 回复邮件如下:(以下需要翻译,如果觉得语言组织的不好请帮忙更改)
Event Background: The client mail to receive our goods to reflect any damage, requires us to improve the packaging, but our packaging is no problem, because of damage during transport may experience a crash caused by something, reply to e-mail as follows: (the following needs translation If that language organization, please help change bad)
Thank you inform us this, if possible, we like to find a better packaging to avoid the loss and inconvenience to both parties (each shipment of our goods are carefully packed before and in the packaging wrapped around 3 storeys in height to protect membrane to prevent damage to the goods and the reasons for the rainy season)
Receive your letter and logistics company, we look into the matter to contact the reasons for the request, according to the images should be in transit to see what the impact caused by (for example, transportation forklift)
The goods for damage and, if so please help to provide the list of damaged goods
Thank you!
TO; ** (logistics company)
Please investigate the matter because as soon as possible so that we know to find a solution to avoid cargo damage caused in transit


Event Background: In the client's mail reflected our goods have damages, requires us to improve the packaging, but our packaging doesn't have any problems, because the damage may be impact during transportation. Reply message as follows: (The following need to be translated, with fixes on grammar mistakes, please help to change that.) Thank you for informing us this, if possible, we like to find a better packaging way to avoid the loss and inconvenience to both parties. (Each shipment of our goods have been pre-packaged very carefully and wrapped in packaging for more than 3-layer protective film to prevent damaging the goods and the rainy season) The first thing we did after receiving your letter was to made a contact with logistics company, and request to find and look into the matter according to the images that was shown in transit of what caused the impact. (such as transportation of forklifts) Is the goods have been damaged? If so, please provide the list of goods to help us. Thank you! TO; ** (logistics company), please investigate the matter and let us know as soon as possible, and find out a solution to avoid damaging the cargo in transit.

PS: 除了楼主之外请不要抄写,复制。 我用了超过一个小时修改语法的错写。 还有就是如果是真正翻译员翻译的话,也要几个小时。 我尽力了,希望你满意~

Thank you for letting us know about this. We have already contacted the logistics company and asked them to investigate the possible reasons of the damages.

From the provided photos, we feel that it is more likely that the items were damaged due to collision during delivery (than that they were not properly packaged). For example, the fork truck that is used to pick the cargo up may have crushed into the cargo.

Please note that our company have always been trying hard to find better ways of packaging to prevent inconvenience and losses from both sides. Every time before the cargos are sent, we would carefully package them and wrap at least three layers of protective film to protect them from rain and other kinds of damages.

We are sorry that this has happened. Please provide a list of damaged goods to us.



To: (物流公司)

Please find out and let us know as soon as possible what has caused the damages, and identify ways to prevent such damages during delivery from happening again.

Background: The clients have sent an email notifying us of the damage to our goods. They demanded us to change the packaging, but we think the package itself bears no problems. The damage could result from some collisions against some items.

Thanks for the notification. If possible, we are glad to find better packaging ways to prevent the bilateral losses and inconvience (Prior to delivery, our goods are carefully packed and tie up with more than three layers of protective membrane to shield the goods from damaging and cause of potential rain drops.) Upon the arrival of your letter, we contacted the logistic corporation for a request of the potential cause of damage to the goods. Based on the picture provided, it seems that during delivery, there are collisions caused by some items (forklift for delivery, for example).
Should there are any damages to the goods, please provide a list of the damaged items.
Great appreciation!

To: (logistic company)
Please investigate the cause and notify us as quickly as possible. Find some ways to prevent the damages during delivery.


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义马市13411616552: 中译英,最好是懂商贸英语的进~~高分~ -
镡向噻吗: Thank you for letting us know about this. We have already contacted the logistics company and asked them to investigate the possible reasons of the damages.From the...

义马市13411616552: 中译英,最好是懂商贸英语的进~事件背景:客户发邮件反映收到我们的货物有损坏,要求我们改进包装,但我们的包装没有问题,损坏是因为运输过程中可... -
镡向噻吗:[答案] Thank you for letting us know about this. We have already contacted the logistics company and asked them to investigate the possible reasons of the damages.From the provided photos, we feel that it is...

义马市13411616552: 商务英语学外贸方面的好还是翻译方面的好呢??? -
镡向噻吗: 哪个都好,但是商务英语更倾向于外贸类英语,或者商务类翻译.看你喜欢做什么工作了,以后想做翻译最好考下翻译证和专八证.做外贸考个BEC会很加分.外贸和翻译都很赚钱,但是也都很累.希望对你有帮助,望采纳!

义马市13411616552: 专八,商务英语,中高级口译哪个好 -
镡向噻吗: 专八偏文学,中译英都是散文,BECH是商务英语,重商务,个人认为在找工作方面,BECH其实是最实用的(不是说这张证书这么有用),因为它的知识最实用,能让你学到更多的东西,对面试也是很有帮助的,你学了后就知道.高口啊,这个是口译,这张证对照工作很有帮助,它的作用和BECH正好相反,它的知名度高,有了找工作有帮助,但是真正学到的知识对一般的工作帮助不大,除非做翻译(当然只过高口的话离专业译员还差十万八千里哦,还需要不断积累经验).所以,这几个没哪个好哪个不好的,看个人需要了.

义马市13411616552: 经贸英语专业,工作方向是外贸好还是英语翻译好. -
镡向噻吗: 外贸吧,适合你的专业,而且工资也不会很低.英语翻译工资很高,但要求更高,一般不是本科生能胜任的,需要考很多证的,而且一般翻译也是要找翻译公司的,因为很多的翻译的要承担一定风险,这是个人无法担当的.如果你要是从事外贸工作,建议你重考BEC,BEC中最好拿到B或B以上,老实说你的证的价值不高.

义马市13411616552: (紧急)是报英语(经贸英语)好,还是英语(商务翻译)好?哪个更好就业? -
镡向噻吗: 经贸英语用的更广 翻译就是练...

义马市13411616552: 英语翻译商务英语哪个就业前景好 ? -
镡向噻吗: 我是学商务英语的,已经毕业一年多了,你要选择的话,做英文翻译口译的话还是很有前途的,口译则倾向于商务形式,而笔译相对而言工资就会差很多,所以不管你选择英语翻译还是商务英语,口语是最重要的,只要你学好了,出去机会就会很大,如果你想充实教师类的工作英语翻译就可以了,从事商务,赚大钱,还是选择商英比较好

义马市13411616552: 商贸英语专业和英语翻译专业相比哪个专业好找工作?
镡向噻吗: 应该是商务英语吧 本人就是的 但是翻译很顶尖的话薪水不是一般的高 不过反正只要是英语专业都要学翻译的 还是看你擅长什么吧 翻译也是要点天分的

义马市13411616552: 英语专业中的翻译和商务英语哪个就业前景好? -
镡向噻吗: 我觉得还是商务英语好一点! 以后毕业了找工作,如果不是专门的当翻译,只会翻译是不够的,现在社会竞争这么激烈,肯定还需要其他方面的技能,学商务英语就可以学到除英语以外的其他技能!而且金融危机之后,金融方面的人才需求比较大!学到一定水平再去考个BEC或其他含金量高一点的证书就不错啦! 关键还是要看自己的兴趣,如果对经济金融感兴趣就可以选商务英语,如果对翻译感兴趣就可以选翻译啦! 个人看法,仅供参考!Wish u successful! ps:英语专业不要学高数的!

义马市13411616552: 急!!中译英——纯人工翻译,英语翻译高手速进! -
镡向噻吗: 1.我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭. We stopped and had lunch at a village inn. 2.(你)车开得这么快是危险的. It's very dangerous for you to drive so fast. 3.他解出这道数学题是不可能的. It's impossible for him to solve the math ...

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