her _____(ear) aer small and her hair is short. 怎么填

作者&投稿:嬴乔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Her hair is long ___ short? 填空~

or 或者

How is your hair?
或:What is your hair like?


ears (耳朵)

都昌县15025458760: 急,一道英语题,考虑送分快啊请根据例子,找出发发规律,举两例读音为【ae]】 a bag 含a - ------ - ---------读音为 [反过来的e:] er her 含er - ------ - ------- - ir bird ... -
善尹喜素:[答案] 读音为【ae]】 a bag 含a 【 tag mad bad fat hat】 读音为 [反过来的e:] er her 含er 【certain jerk 】 ir bird 含ir 【dirt firm dirty 】 or word 含or 【world work 】 ur nurse 含ur 【curse fur lurk burn turn】

都昌县15025458760: 急求含ai,al,ar,are……的单词 -
善尹喜素: ai:rain laid afraid wait al:walk talk chalk call ball wall;ar:car far sarcastic bar sharp smart are:care bare square share dare air:chair fair airy aircraft hair pair repair ea:eat meat steal cheap lead sea ee:feed feel steel sheet seed feet cheese ear:dear ...

都昌县15025458760: 含有ear或含有ere的单词 -
善尹喜素: hear here here there dear fear adhear pear bear sear mere wear near care fere sere bear bere cear cere dear dere mear mere near nere pear pere sear sere tear tere wear were

都昌县15025458760: 用 h s a r e t o,造英语单词 -
善尹喜素: ear 耳朵 reas 理由 hear 听见 toea 托伊 某一国家的钱币单位 to 朝向 ... ...

都昌县15025458760: 含有音标/e/和/ae/读音的单词有哪些 -
善尹喜素: 我告诉你. 前面那个音嘴巴不要闭了. 后面的哪个嘴巴要闭一下.因为里面有个e的音.

都昌县15025458760: 填空,身体部位类:e - r - ,l - p - ,c - i - ,c - e - t? -
善尹喜素: ear 耳朵 lip 嘴唇 chin 下巴 chest 胸膛

都昌县15025458760: 补全下面单词,一个空代表一个字母 - al _all _ _all _all _all_old _old _old _old_eat _ea_ _ _ea_ ea_t _ea_t _ _ea_ ea_ __low _low_ _ _low_ow _ow _ow__eet _... -
善尹喜素:[答案] 参考下列材料: other-m_other-b_ r_other-a_n_other make-l_ake-t_ake-w_ake-b_ r_ake刹车 snake也可,蛇 rain-b_rain-_... (想不到第二个哎,是不是空格放错了……) sea-p_ea豌豆-t_ea_-c_ l_ear_-ear_ n_挣得 low-s_low-f_lowe_r _-b_low吹 cow-...

都昌县15025458760: 你能加上一个字母,组成另一个单词吗?an_____ - no_______ hair_______ ear__________her______ all_________ you________ ice__________ -
善尹喜素:[答案] and nod hairy earl here ally your iced

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