
作者&投稿:习昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.
Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful clothes,which will bring parents heavy burtden . What's worse, schools can't form a perfect eniveroment.
As is the saying goes,every coin has two sides.We must recognize the negative and positive effects of wearing school uniform.






Do you like school. uniform?I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.
Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have
a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract
others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful
clothes,which will bring parents heavy burtden .What's worse,schools can't form a perfect eniveroment.
As is the saying goes, every coin has two sides.We must recognize the
negative and positive effects of wearing school uniform.

Do you like school. uniform?I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.
Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have
a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract
others' attention,students will spend more money to purcher beautiful
clothes,which will bring parents heavy burtden .What's worse,schools can't form a perfect eniveroment.
As is the saying goes, every coin has two sides.We must recognize the
negative and positive effects of wearing school uniform.

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宝坻区13256864396: 英语作文《喜欢你的校服么?》 -
宜俊蛇胆: Do you like school. uniform?I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will...

宝坻区13256864396: 英语作文 初二下试题(A) 你喜欢你的校服吗?请说出你的理由,并试着设计出你理想中的校服,请谈谈它的颜色、样式等等.词数在60个左右 (B)世界... -
宜俊蛇胆:[答案] 作文A My favorite school uniformEvery school has their unique uniform,My school has a kind of uniform,too.Our uniform jacket is red and whit...

宝坻区13256864396: 你喜欢你的校服么?如果喜欢请说明原因,如果不喜欢请阐明你的观点.写一篇80词的英语短文
宜俊蛇胆: Possible Version: Dear 'Chat back', Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I'm all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students. Since clothes play an important role in our daily life, many students feel ...

宝坻区13256864396: 英语作文 学校要求学生穿校服,对此你怎么看?你喜欢你的校服吗?为什么?如果你可以自己设计,那你理想 -
宜俊蛇胆: It is normal that most students wear uniforms at school. It is regarded as the discipline for students. As a matter of fact, I do not like it. In my opinion, it is better to design uniforms by ourselve. If I am allowed to design uniforms by myself ,I will choose ...

宝坻区13256864396: school uniform英语作文说出你是否喜欢穿校服,如果你喜欢,写出它的好处,如果不喜欢,请写出它的不好之处.(只能写一种),70字左右.或者直接写好处... -
宜俊蛇胆:[答案] 校服 Uniform has many uses in our lives. We students wear uniforms at school to show good discipline . I think they can even make us study much harder.School uniforms are cheaper than casual clothes . Clothes in fashion cost too much. So I don't ...

宝坻区13256864396: 英语作文 你喜欢你的校服吗?说明理由 速回
宜俊蛇胆: 喜欢

宝坻区13256864396: 英语作文my favorite school uniform怎么写我最喜欢的校服 其实就是设计校服 包括颜色 尺寸 材料和喜欢的原因给我一篇文章 -
宜俊蛇胆:[答案] I`m a middle school student and in our school ,student must wear uniforms every day,but most of my classmates complain /kem`plen/(抱怨)that our uniforms are ugly.If we have a chance to design/dizen/(设计)our own uniforms,we will wear blue ...

宝坻区13256864396: 关于校服的英语作文, -
宜俊蛇胆: I think it necessary for student to wear the same school uniforms.Firstly,wearing the school uniform is able to make students have a good attitude towards study life.In addition,in order to attract others' attention,students will spend more money to ...

宝坻区13256864396: 写一篇英语作文,谁会帮一下
宜俊蛇胆: Wearing school uniforms has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, it make students feel proud of their schools. In addition, it builds a common spirit of unity among students. Furthermore, it reminds students of the value and history of ...

宝坻区13256864396: 求一篇关于校服的英语作文谢了哈! -
宜俊蛇胆: 【英语作文】 First of all I have to say under the school uniform meaning: "schools require students to wear school uniform meaning: First, let every student is in...

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