
作者&投稿:攸兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

课程表用英语这样说:school timetable。想要读好英语单词的话一定要多看多说多想,建议你可以来网上英语培训,是外教一对一教学的,课程种类涵盖了少儿、成人等等,每一节课最低才要13.8元,效果也好。给你分享免费试听课地址:【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击即可领取欧美真人外教一对一免费试听课!阿卡索的英语课程拥有较高的性价比,每节课不超过20元,外教执教经验丰富,能够针对不同基础和水平的学员制定相应的教学方案,满足多样化学习需求。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全的英语资源。

The syllabus is going around the class.课程表就在教室里传阅一下。
The syllabus is already available online.现在课程表已经放在网上了。
Options are offered subject to staff availability and the constraints of the timetable.课程选择视教师的时间与课程表的限制而定。
Teachers warn today that Latin, Greek and other classics will be squeezed out of school timetables.老师们今天发出警告说,拉丁语、古希腊语和其他古典文学将被挤出学校的课程表。
The other period of relaxation in the school timetable was gardening, presided over by Miss Dutton, the biology teacher学校的课程表中,可以使学生们放松一下的另一个时间是园艺劳动,由生物老师达顿小姐负责组织。

school timetable / schedule time / subjects / place Monday 物理:physics Tuesday 化学:chemistry Wednesday 语文:Chinese Thursday 数学:mathematics Friday 英语:English Saturday 生物:biology 历史:history 政治:politics 地理:geography 体育:P.E. 等等…… 主要词汇就这么多,你根据自己的具体情况再填到你的汉语课程表里就行了。

英 [kə'rɪkjʊləm] 美 [kə'rɪkjələm]名词. (学校等的)全部课程 网络. 课程设置,课程表,课程安排 2.syllabus 3.schedule 4.timetable 例句:The syllabus is going around the class.课程表就在教室里传阅一下。5.Options are offe...

Today is 周一\/周二\/周三\/周四(日期自己写)I have twoclasses in the morning .We start the lessons at 8:30. The first class is English,and the second class is maths.Then We take a rest at midday.In the afternoon,we have four classes.The first one is biology.The second one...

五年级英语课程表制作如下:1、大扫除spring-cleaning。2、活动课activity curriculum(鉴于我感觉你还在初中,建议用lesson)。3、书法calligraphy。4、早自习morning study。5、晚自习evening study。history,h不用大写,课程表中完成一项,在完成情况里打勾,课程内容上会添加删除线,并以绿色字体显示,下方...


On Monday morning, there are Chinese and math classes, on Moday afternoon, there are politics and biology classes. On Tuesday morning, there are English and painting classes, on Tuesday afternoon, there are music and physical exercise classes. On Wednesday morning, there are geography ...


① 五年级英语课程表,快 你好,希望可以帮到你,你是不是说五年级的暑假作业要用英语写个课程表,我帮别人写过 Morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chinese Math Chinese English Moral Ecation English Chinese Math Society Art Computer Art read Chinese Chinese Math English English Computer Art Afte...

课程表:英语介绍:My school time starts at 8:30. We have three lessons in the morning: Chinese, math and geography. Every lesson takes about 50 minutes before we have a 10 minutes break. After two lessons, we have a long break. It gives us half an hour for setting-up ...

课程表(简称为课表)分为两种:一是学生使用的。二是教师使用的。学生使用的课表与任课师使用的课表在设计结构上都是一个简单的二维表格,基本上没有什么区别,只是填写的内容有所不同。2017年12月1日,《公共服务领域英文译写规范》正式实施,规定标准英文名为:Class Schedule或者Timetable。

Eight Chinese, but maths, at 10:30 history, "computer, think of 1 PM, 1:50 creatures, 2.35 sports, sports, 3:15 school at 4:30 eight Eight fifty Ten thirty Eleven ten one One fifty Two thirty-five Three fifteen Four thirty ...

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语怎样写课程表 -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturdayfrist english(英语) math(数学) chinese(语文)second physical(物理) chemical(化学) biology(生物)third political(政治) history(历史) geogr...

尖草坪区15181271716: 求用英语写个课程表?用英语写星期一:星期四:星期五: -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] Monday:english mathematics chinese PE chinese biology english mathematics Tuesday:mathematucs chinese history ...Pe biology chinese english Friday:chinese mathematics english art politics chinese class-meeting 这是我辛苦写的,有什么不满意...

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语列出课程表?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] 语文Chinese 数学Maths 英语English 物理Physical 生物 .Biology 化学Chemistry 地理Geography 历史History 政治Politics 计算机computer science 劳技Labor& Technical 美术Arts 音乐Music 应该没了吧?!

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语写课程表 -
巧缪乖孩: Monday: english mathematics chinese PE Chinese biology English mathematics Tuesday: mathematucs Chinese history English mathematics geograghy Chinese English Wednesday: Chinese English mathematics politics computer-science ...

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语写出一段话(课程表) -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] 哈哈~我来回答哈 首先 There are (数字) classes in a week On Monday ,there are 数字 English classes/maths classes/Chines classes…… 如果只有一节课的话,class用单数 接下来是On Tuesday周二 Wednesday 周三 Thursday周四 Friday周五 句型...

尖草坪区15181271716: 帮忙用英语写出下面的那个课程表 3Q课程表星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五3英语 电脑 体育 英语 健康/法制4科学 体育 美术 四合一 英语1劳技 习作 英语 ... -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] Time Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Chinese Math Chinese Chinese Chinese Math Chinese Math Math Math English IT PE English Health/Law Science PE Art Four in one English Skills Study English Music Manners Reading...

尖草坪区15181271716: 根据平时上课的经验,设计一张合适的课程表.(用英语写) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8: 00           8: 50           9: 50   ... -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8: 00 Chinese English music computer English...

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语填写小学五年级课程表 -
巧缪乖孩:[答案] 数学 math class 语文 Chinese class 英语 English class 科学 science class 体育 P.E class 电脑 computer class 音乐 music class 美术 art class 思品 Moral Education class (你说随便..那你就自己填吧,我给你提供单词..QAQ表拍我,我自己作业还没做...

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语写的课程表 -
巧缪乖孩: school timetable / schedule time / subjects / place Monday 物理:physics Tuesday 化学:chemistry Wednesday 语文:Chinese Thursday 数学:mathematics Friday 英语:English Saturday 生物:biology 历史:history 政治:politics 地理:geography 体育:P.E. 等等…… 主要词汇就这么多,你根据自己的具体情况再填到你的汉语课程表里就行了.

尖草坪区15181271716: 用英语写一天的课程表,初一的. -
巧缪乖孩: Everyday I get up at 6 o'clock .Than I eat breakfast and go to school at 7......Today,I am very busy.I have four classes in the morinig.I have two Chinese classes art classes and math classes.....像上面那样写你下午的课程就OK了~~ 祝你学业进步~~

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