
作者&投稿:宇昌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
几个英语语法题 语法高手进~

1.选B,on seeing表示一看到就停车;
2.选A,as 有虽然尽管的意思;
5.选B,yesterday一般过去式,希望做的事就用过去完成式had known.

这里是个形似主语的结构,it是形似主语,真正的主语是that Alice did surprised her mother,提个问,既然用了did为什么还用surprised?题干有问题!
这里是个形似主语的结构,it是形似主语,真正的主语是if he can't come to the meeting,很明显需要一个如果的意思,所以选if
很明显这里缺一个give to 的宾语。whoever you think can do the work well整个一起做give to 的宾语 whoever做宾语从句的主语。

1.A find找到 find out 查明 找出 look for sth.寻找什么东西表示动作 search搜索 找工作应该是找到一份工作而不是寻找工作这个东西
2.C some more 再来一些 如果more后是可数名词复数,那some还可以换成准确的数字表示再来几个...
3.B somthing及其它不定代词后有词表示什么样的(something)时这个词一定是形容词。动词过去分词表示被...的,可以做形容词;动词的现在分词也可以做形容词表示正在...的。此题是说发现某东西被偷应该用steal的过分形式--stolen
4.A others=other+名词复数,表示其余的人或东西;
the others=the other+名词单数,(用于两个中其余的人或物)
the others也=the other+名词复数(表示某一范围内的其他人或物)
刚才说,other和the other都可以加复数区别就是有the 就用于表示范围的;没有the就用于没有范围的。题意是除tim和tom以外的同学(暗示其范围很可能是同一班级内)有范围就用the other
5.D work当工作讲,不可数,job可数,前面有a
6.B 固定搭配 the key to ...的答案,关键,钥匙
7.A 现在完成时可以与A、B项的时间状语连用而CD选项只能与一般过去时连用选项A在过去的十年里,可以表示模糊的时间概念,是说在过去的十年里,工人们建造了许多房子 而for ten years表示原人原事原物从过去开始发生持续到现在并可能持续到将来 题意不能是表示原人原事原物,所以我认为应该选A
8.A have to与must意思相近,是不得不的意思。可能在时态上有疑议说前面有was不应该用D吗,但was out是mom过去发生的,而我照看弟弟是现在的不得已之举应该用have to
9.B我们从意思入手求解句子结构:我认为消息,(那个消息呢,)是你告诉我的(消息)不是真的 the news you told me _____true整个作think的宾语从句。you told me是用来修饰news的定语,可以去掉(不管是什么样的,去掉对句子主干没有影响)原句简化成the news ___ true因为news意义上是单数(尽管它形式上是复数)所以用is(要不你就简单理解成不可数也行)给你扩展一下除了news以外works(工厂)也是形式上是复数意义上是单数的词其谓语动词用单数
10.C 可这么理解neither--both(反义词)用于两者;none--all(反义词)用与三者,neither,none意思是都不;either有两个意思:1.也不;用于否定句的句尾2.两者之一。题意是他两者都不会说,本应该用neither但有了doesn't就应该用either来表示两者都不
11.D be blind in eyes固定短语;see sth.with one's own eyes=see sth. for oneself亲眼所见
12.D as ...as中间加形容词副词原型,且如果形容词要修饰名词就将名词直接放在该形容词后并位于两as中间。参照此原则和形式就应该选D


1.Now it is difficult to _____ a job in our city.
A.find 表示找到的结果 B.find out 弄清 C.look for 表过程 D.search 搜查
2.Will you please give me _____ more tea?
A.much B.little C.some D.a little of
选 C.some 表示客气的请求在疑问句中仍用some

3.When he got home,he found the window open and somenthing _____.
A.stealing B.stolen C.steal D.stole
选B 过去分词表被动

4.Tim and Tom have finshed their homework,but _____ students haven't yet.
A.the other B.others 不作定语用 C.other 泛指其他的 D.the others 不作定语用

选Athe other 的意思是“其余的,其他的”,用来表示特指。它的用法应该和上文有联系,如果上文体到过总体,在表示“其余”这一意思时就用the other,但可以表示其他的一个,也可以表示其余的多个。例如,There are two foreigners in the room. One is from Canada, the other (one)is from Africa.
Some stuents in my class like playing basketball. Some students likes playing football. The other students in my class like playing table tennis.

5.The young man promised to do _____ next time.
A.a better work B.better works C. better job D.a better job

6.Is this the key _____ the door?
A.of B.to C.for D.from
选B,the key to the door为固定搭配

7.The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai ______.
A.in the past ten years B.for ten years
C.last years D.ten years ago
选A,句子用的是现在完成时,in the past ten years 常用于现在完成时,表示“在最近10间”

8.Mother was out. I _____ look after my little brother.
A.have to B.mustn't C.need D.had to

9.I don't think the news you told me _____true.
A.are B.is C.being D.am

10."Does she speak English or Russian?""She doesn't speak _____."
A.neither B.none C.either D.all

11.The man was blind ______ both eyes.How could he see it _____his own eyes?
A.with…in B.with…with C.in…in D.in…with
选D,考的是固定和搭配:was blind in both eyes“双目失明” with his own eyes"用他自己的眼睛"

12.We should try our best to make ______possible.
A.mistakes as few as B.as fewer mistakes as
C.as less mistakes as D.as few mistakes as



1.Now it is difficult to _____ a job in our city.


2.Will you please give me _____ more tea?

要用little的话,应该是a little more,没有这个选项,所以只有some more 是对的

3.When he got home,he found the window open and somenthing _____.


4.Tim and Tom have finshed their homework,but _____ students haven't yet.
A.the other

要用the, 因为是特指与Tim and Tom的同学。

5.The young man promised to do _____ next time.
D.a better job

work不可数,job可数。如果用work,应该是better work,没有这个选项。

6.Is this the key _____ the door?


7.The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai ______.
B.for ten years

have built是现在完成时

8.Mother was out. I _____ look after my little brother.
A.have to

have to = must 必须。 妈妈不在家。我必须照顾妹妹。

9.I don't think the news you told me _____true.


10."Does she speak English or Russian?""She doesn't speak _____."

前面doesn't已经否定了,所以不用neither. She speaks neither.就对了。

11.The man was blind ______ both eyes.How could he see it _____his own eyes?

双目失明 blind in eyes,没有为什么。 用眼睛看,所以see it with eyes.

12.We should try our best to make ______possible.
D.as few mistakes as

as后面不可以跟比较级。 as ... as possible固定搭配

1 A 现在在我们城市找工作很难find找find out找到look for寻找
2 C 加嗲茶。疑问句中希望别人给予肯定的答案用some
3 B 发现一些东西被偷
4 A 除两人外,其余的the other 。后边有名词所以不用在other后边加S
5 D work不可数名词.do a good job干得好 good比较级better
6 B不用of,用to固定搭配如the key to the answer
7 A现在完成时标志词在过去十年里AB比较,A的翻译更合理 C,D为一般过去时标志词
8 D一般过去时
9 B news虽以S结尾。但是是不可数名词消息。
10 C neither,either都用于指两者 neither翻译为两者都不,语句中does not已经是否定.either用于否定句句尾翻译为 也
11 D be blind in both eyes 双目失明 。with用 他怎么能用他的眼睛看东西
12 B as...as possible尽可能怎么样 我们应该尽可能的犯更少的错误as后边不能加比较级。但是fewer后边还有一个mistakes。fewer是修饰mistakes的。如果没有mistakes肯定不对

1。A 2A 3B b4C 5D 6B 7A 8D 9B 10A 11D 12A

1Whether he can come to the party on time depends on the traffic.主语从句 2That you don't like him is none of my business.主语从句 3It's said that the book has been translated into Japanese.主语从句 4I thought that you would be free today.宾语从句 5That's because ...

1. loads of sth. = plenty of sth. 大量 这个用法主要在口语当中,load是名词 descend on 突然出现 感觉bus应该是复数才对。loads of tourists后置定语修饰several buses。“几辆载满游客的巴士突然出现在小镇。”2. it 和its是一个系列,ta,ta的,具体ta指谁要看前文了;way指的是路;trace...

结构作主语的被动语态。如果用主动语态应该用 How little time we have spent! 其中的how结构是spent 的宾语。如果用 How little time it left,代词 it 指代是事物,意思成了“这个东西留下多么少的时间”,怎么可能呢?尽管这个句子语法正确,但不合情理,因此这是一个错误句子。

3. B指两者中更。。。的一个,用the+比较级。4. A 选项的意思是:我要一个比这大两个号的,比较级前可用倍数、分数、百分数作为修饰语。5. A from是英语中比较特殊的介词,不仅可跟名词,还可以跟形容词、副词、介词短语等。Your pronunciation is far from perfect.(形容词)He has just ...

这位朋友,首先说明的时,这句话有语法错误。抽象名词statement为可数名词,有单复数之分,前面用了all后,表明statement应该用复数形式statements。所以,正确的表达应该是:All the statements we've shown you have been very simple.翻译为:我们给你的陈述已经非常简单了。本句话的主体为:All the ...

3.I‘d like something to read during the journey, and (anything) will do.翻译:旅途中我想找点什么书来看,可惜没有找到。4. A good book is (one ) which benefits readers.翻译:一本好书应该能使读者受益。你是理解which引导的定语从句的,这里明显是受到前面选择题something的影响,前面...

跪求英语语法题目解答.学哥学姐 。、
1 答案是 We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. " "He can't have attended it.这是对过去发生的事情 的 否定推测 不可能 2答案是 They (may have missed ) the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason. 对过去 事 的猜测 表示 可能 ...

英语语法题 请告诉我为什么这些题选这个答案?
1.当……时,……已经……。从句一般过去时,主句过去完成时;从句一般现在时,主句则是现在完成时。...,2,英语语法题 请告诉我为什么这些题选这个答案 If you stop *** oking by the age of 40,your survival rate can equal ( B ) of lifelong non- *** okers.A.those B.that C....

2. 全部否定:要想表达:当时没有一个客人在那家宾馆,要说:None of the guests were in the hotel at that moment.None ...作主语,谓语动词可以用单数,也可能用复数,这个是主谓一致的语法内容。我怀疑这一题很多同学会用部分否定句式:All... weren't ...而老师很可能说这是错误的。

英语语法问题 All the tasks___ahead of time,they decided to go on...
选A是因为他是独立主格结构 句子是要有谓语动词的,A选项中的fulfilled是过去分词,having been fulfilled是动词fulfill的现在分词的完成式的被动语态,表示task和fulfill是被动关系,并且动作已经完成。就相当于after they fulfilled all the tasks ahead of time, ... 或 after all the tasks were ...

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定达香云:[答案] 1.Ain less than two weeks的意思是在未来不到两周的时间内,是将来时,所以选A什么时候用B呢?我举个例子,I will have graduated by the time you come here next week.当你下周过来的时候,我已经毕业了.是指截止到未...

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定达香云:[答案] 25 A 动作有先后,用现在完成时 26 C CATCH SB. DOING STH. 27 D IT'S NO USE DOING 28 D 一句话里不能有两个谓语的 29 A but前面是do,后面就可以跟动词原形 30 A HELP是个神奇的单词

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定达香云:[答案] 1Whether he can come to the party on time depends on the traffic.主语从句2That you don't like him is none of my business.主语从句3It's said that the book has been translated into Japanese.主语从句4I...

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定达香云:[答案] 1had,是过去式. 2 dying是垂死的意思,people是复数.Does the doctor know , how many people are dying of the disease? 3 这里giving就是表示要给的意思不是现在时,牛津词典里有解释 4 这不清楚,不过我平时就是这样说的 5 这是现在完成时,...

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定达香云:[答案] B 现在进行时+过去完成时 我们一直在盼望你能够在本周内帮我们把电视安装好 很抱歉,我一开始也是计划本周内安好它,但是一直到现在都太忙了 D 过去进行时 为什么你的衬衫这么脏? 我刚才一直都在打扫楼下的储物间

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