
作者&投稿:宰蓉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Should we help others in need?
Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture.But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need.
I would like to elaborate my views on this issue. Firstly, I think people’s moral sense has degraded.When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others.Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions.So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.
In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.

On my way to school there was something wrong with my bike. What should I do? I would be late for class. I checked the bike again and again, but I didn't know what the matter was. I was so worried that I was wet all over. Just then an old man came up to me. "What's the matter, young man?" He said, "Let me help you." I was glad that my bike was mended a few minutes later.
I didn't really know what I should say. I thanked him again and again, He said with a smile, "It is my pleasure. We should help each other." Yes, we should help each other. When I see someone is in trouble, I will help him, too.
本内容来源七厘米: http://www.777cm.com/html/Reading/200807/1295.html

In school, I work very hard and I rank in the top of my class. Therefore, my classmates would like to ask me some questions about study when they do not ask for teachers. I like helping others. Firstly, when others need help, I want to give them a hand. They come to me, because they trust me. This makes me happy. Secondly, I can get help from others, too. Once you did some favors to them, they are more likely to help you. Finally, helping others is helping myself, too. When I solve problems, I get improvement at the same time. 全文你参考这个“英语作文网”吧 http://www.adreep.cn/cz/50416.html




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沙逃复方: In school, I work very hard and I rank in the top of my class. Therefore, my classmates would like to ask me some questions about study when they do not ask for teachers. I like helping others. Firstly, when others need help, I want to give them a hand. ...

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