求一首女声的英文歌 歌词高潮部分第一句貌似是now I understand 【【【不是Vincent】】】

作者&投稿:澄张 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Paint your palette blue and gray 为你的调色盘涂上灰与蓝 Look out on the summer’s day 你在那夏日向外远眺 With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 用你那双能洞悉我灵魂的双眼 Shadows on the hills 山丘上的阴影 Sketch the trees and the daffodils 描绘出树木与水仙的轮廓 Catch the breeze and the winter chills 捕捉微风与冬日的冷洌 In colors on the snowy linen land 以色彩呈现在雪白的画布上 Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白你想对我说的是什么 How you suffered for your sanity 为自你己的清醒承受了多少的痛苦 How you tried to set them free 你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱 They would not listen 但是人们却拒绝理会 They did not know how 那时他们不知道该如何倾听 Perhaps they’ll listen now 或许他们现在会愿意听 Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 火红的花朵明艳耀眼 Swirling clouds in violet haze 卷云在紫色的薄霭里飘浮 Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of china blue 映照在文森特湛蓝的瞳孔中 Colors changing hue 色彩变化万千 Morning fields of amber grain 清晨里琥珀色的田野 Weathered faces lined in pain 满布风霜的脸孔刻画着痛苦 Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hand 在艺术家充满爱的画笔下得到了抚慰 Now I understand what you tried to say to me 如今我才明白你想对我说的是什么 How you suffered for your sanity 你为自己的清醒承受了多少的痛苦 How you tried to set them free 你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱 They would not listen 但是人们却拒绝理会 They did not know how 那时他们不知道该如何倾听 Perhaps they’ll listen now 或许他们现在会愿意听 For they could not love you 因为他们当时无法爱你 But still your love was true 可是你的爱却依然真实 And when no hope was left in sight 而当你眼中见不到任何的希望 On that starry, starry night 在那个繁星点点的夜晚 You took your life as lovers often do 你像许多绝望的恋人般结束了自己的生命 But I could have told you, Vincent 我多么希望能有机会告诉你,文森特 This world was never meant for one 这个世界根本配不上 As beautiful as you 像你如此美好的一个人 Starry, starry night 繁星点点的夜晚 Portraits hung in empty halls 空旷的大厅里挂这一幅幅画像 Frameless heads on nameless walls 无框的脸孔倚靠在无名的壁上 With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget 有着注视人世而无法忘怀的眼睛 Like the strangers that you’ve met 就像你曾见过的陌生人 The ragged men in ragged clothes 那些衣着褴褛,境遇堪怜的人 The silver thorn of bloody rose 就像血红玫瑰上的银刺 Lie crush and broken on the virgin snow 饱受蹂躏之后静静躺在刚飘落的雪地上 Now I think I know what you tried to say to me 如今我想我已明白你想对我说的是什么 How you suffered for your sanity 你为自己的清醒承受了多少的苦痛 How you tried to set them free 你多么努力的想让它们得到解脱 They would not listen 但是人们却拒绝理会 They’re not listening still 他们依然没有在倾听 Perhaps they never will 或许他们永远也不会理解

歌名:vincen Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点, Paint your palette blue and gray 你在 画板上涂抹着灰与蓝。 Look out on a summer's day 夏日里轻瞥一眼 With eyes that know the darkness in my soul 便将我灵魂的阴霾洞穿。 Shadows on the hills 暗影铺满群山, Sketch the trees and the daffodils 树木与水仙花点缀其间, Catch the breeze and the winter chills 用雪原斑驳的色彩, In colors on the snowy linen land 捕捉着微风与料峭冬寒。 Now I understand 我终于读懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They would not listen 可他们却充耳不闻, They did not know how 对你视若不见。 Perhaps they'll listen now 也许,现在听还为时不晚…… Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点, Flaming flowers that brightly blaze 鲜花盛放,火般绚烂 Swirling clouds in violet haze 紫幕轻垂,云舒云卷。 Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue 都逃不过文森特湛蓝的双眼 Colors changing hue 色彩变化万千, Morning fields of amber grain 清晨琥珀色的谷田, Weathered faces lined in pain 张张饱经风霜与苦痛的脸, Are smoothed beneath the artist's Loving hand 在画家笔下渐渐舒展。 Now I understand 我终于读懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They would not listen 可他们却充耳不闻, They did not know how 对你视若不见。 Perhaps they'll listen now 也许,现在听还为时不晚…… For they could not love you 他们根本不会在乎你, But still your love was true 你对他们的爱却未曾改变。 And when no hope was left inside 当最后一点希望都一去不返, On that starry, starry night 在那繁星点点的夜晚, You took your life 你愤然结束自己的生命, As lovers often do 如热恋中盲目的人儿一般。 But I could have told you, Vincent 文森特,我本该告诉你。 This world was never meant for one 像你这样美好的灵魂, As beautiful as you。 本就不该来这肮脏的世间。 Starry, starry night 那夜繁星点点, Portraits hung in empty halls 空旷的大厅里画作高悬。 Frameless heads on nameless walls 无名的墙上无框的肖像, With eyes that watch the world 用注视整个世界的双眼, And can't forget 把一切刻在心田。 Like the strangers that you've met 就像你曾遇见的匆匆过客, The ragged men in ragged clothes 褴褛的人身着破烂的衣衫。 The silver thorn of bloody rose 血红玫瑰上银白的利刺, Lie crushed and broken 零落成泥、摧折寸断, On the virgin snow 散落于皑皑雪间。 Now I think I know 我想我现在懂了, What you tried to say to me 你当时的肺腑之言。 How you suffered for your sanity 独醒于众人间的你是那么痛苦, How you tried to set them free 你多想解开被禁锢者的系绊。 They will not listen 而他们根本不会去听, They're not listening still 此刻,仍无人在听 Perhaps, they never will 也许,永远。
百度一下“酷影模式” 你懂得

Mink 的Here by my side 很好听 有日文版和英文版两种Mink - Here by my side 歌词
作词/作曲:Vincent Degiorgio

I strated to write you
a letter last night
but I didnt know where to begin

I thought of first
saying thank you
the words woldnt flow
to any of the pages
till heard your voice

you believed
that nobody would be there for me
now my dream
has found its melody

so for all my life
be the star that shines
whenevr you're here by my side

another year passed us
and look how we've grown
every wish has come true, every day

seasons change so easy
like sun into rain
falling in to winter
the snow's on the way

now you'll see
it's not a holiday without you here
I believe
we'll soon be home and feel

now I understand
what means to have a special friend
I really want my heart to take your hand

Now I Understand - Stratovarius

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首歌 很好听的女声 英文歌 是以高潮部分开头的 第一句话好像是beautiful girl -
巢莲麝香: 这首歌名字叫Nothing on you,女生版应该是邓福如翻唱版本 外文名称:Nothing on you 歌曲原唱:B.O.B,Bruno Mars 歌曲翻唱:邓福如 所属专辑:《原来如此》 音乐风格:R&B 歌曲语言:英文 歌 词: Beautiful girls all over the world. Beautiful ...

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首女唱的英文歌歌名 节奏很快 高潮部分歌词是重复 Wanna love me wanna l -
巢莲麝香: 是lemon的pussy drop. 那句歌词是you wanna love me wanna love me . wanna l l l l love me

湘潭县17554872752: 求助 有一首女声唱的英文歌 曲风很轻快活泼的 高潮部分歌词唱的很快是连起来的 之后有几个记忆片段歌 -
巢莲麝香: go with me我不知道,您听一下是不是《 you belong with me》

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首英文歌:女生唱的 很欢快 高潮部分很有节奏 歌词大概是 答拉滴答滴 -
巢莲麝香: We Can't Stop-Miley Cyrus

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首歌,是一首女生唱的英文歌,高潮部分是什么babyI loveyou,曲风很安静温柔,不是贾斯丁的那首 -
巢莲麝香: 你提供的资料实在是太少了……很多歌里面都有baby I love you 啊…… 不过mariah carey 有首歌叫《I wish you knew》 高潮部分是I love you baby 虽然不知道是不是你说的这首,不过我真心向您推荐这首歌,实在是很好听…… 如果您听的这首歌里面有大量的气声和高潮的海豚音,那就绝对是mariah 的歌错不了了!不管怎么样,都希望我说的这些能够给您一些帮助……

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首歌女生英文歌曲,高潮部分是什么alonly alonly......这首歌曲很空灵..... -
巢莲麝香: 是 lonly Nana 的 还有中文版 是 卫诗 唱的都很好听

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,大概是这样,有点摇滚的,yeah yeah yeah.....高潮部分 -
巢莲麝香: 歌名:See Ya-Radio Mix 歌手:Atomic Kitten 能想到的就这个了!

湘潭县17554872752: 求一首英文歌!是一个女的唱的,高潮部分大概是这样的..........
巢莲麝香: 泰勒 斯威夫特的we are never ever get together.

湘潭县17554872752: 跪求一首英文歌词,一个女生唱的欢快的歌曲,高潮部分的歌词大概是I know you want it -
巢莲麝香: 亲 你的歌词给的不太全 我只能博一下.我有一首类似的 歌曲 也是特别欢快 动听 跟你的歌词有点相近 歌名:All I ever Wanted --- Befour 你听一下吧! 嘿嘿.

湘潭县17554872752: 求歌词:一首外国女生唱的英文歌,节奏很好,高潮部分是you know why.....you know why.... -
巢莲麝香: Merry christmas MR. Lawrence(宇多田光)

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