
作者&投稿:泷炉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Language belongs to each member of the society,to the cleaner__to the professor.
A.as far as B.the same as C.as much as D.as long as
为什麽选C阿. as much as 和...一样多。 这句话的意思是: 语言属于社会上的每个人,对于一个清洁工和一个教授都是一样的。修饰的是一种程度。 the same as 和...一样,它的意思是前后2个可以归结为一种东西。比如: His car is the same as yours. 他的车跟你的一样。
2.After__seemed an endless wait,it was her turn to enter the personnel manager's office.
A.that B.there C.what D.it
选D。 it 指代时间,after 引导一个时间状语
3.The 3 men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighbouring country,__by the police each time
A.had been captured B.being always captured C.only to be captured D.unfortunately captured
3.I've never been to Lhasa,but that's the city__.
A.I'd most like to visit B.which I like to visit mostly. C.where I like to visit D.I'd like much to visit
选A喔.为什麽呢.答案的解析看不懂= =
A, most 作为副词,“最,非常,及其” B mostly意思是“主要地” C the city作为 visit的宾语,不能用副词 where代替 D. much 副词修饰动词,位置在动词前,be动词或者助动词之后。 综合以上分析选A。
4.He's __as a "bellyacher"--he's always complaining about something.
A.who is known B.whom is known C.what is known D.which is known
因为这里不是一个定语从句而是一个表语从句。 你把 what is known as a "bellyacher" 看作一个名词。可以这样理解,写这句话的人不知道用哪个名词来形容他,所以用这个句子来代替这个名词。 如果选A的话,句子要变成:He's (a man) who

3、可以,但不够好。因为加and的话,一般还要加一个it··就是and it has the`````不然就会很别扭,你念两遍就能发现了。
On the sea,there are many ship routes which enable you to travel across many cities on the sea coast of China.

1.Such idioms and slang_in the novels are popularly used by the American teenagers
A.as are found<在定语从句中,当先行词被"such,the same.. 修饰时,从句用as引导>
B.as they are found <在定语从句中,关系代词"as"本身就可作主宾表成分,这里“they"多余
C.as found <关系代词"as"替代先行词"idioms and slang",它们与谓语动词是被动关系>
D.as they find them <错的离谱,不再赘述>

__,the report convinced the committee to vote for the city to hold the 2010 World Expo
A.It was well written and documented <句中有逗点,说明这是一句话,可两个子句却没有连词连接.>
B.Well written and documented <非谓语形式的分词做状语,write 与 主句中的主语是被动关系,故选用过去分词
C.Being well written and documented 与选项B一样同样是作状语,虽然现在分词的被动式和过去分词都可表被动,但前者表主从句动作同时发生,后者表被动和完成.
D.Having well written and documented <根据B,C 解释,排除>

3.__at the very beginning,the financial crisis was getting worse and worse in the US.
A.Not dealt with properly
从句谓语动词与其逻辑主语是被动关系<即The financial is not dealt with properly>,故用过去分词表被动
B.Dealt with not properly <非谓语动词的否定形式直接加在非谓语动词前面,仅从构成形式上即可排除>
C.Not having dealt with properly<虽然非谓语动词的否定形式是正确的,但却表达的是主动关系>
D.Having not dealt with properly <非谓语动词的否定形式直接加在非谓语动词前面,仅从构成形式上即可排除>

4.In our office,we have an microwave oven __teachers can heat up their food for lunch or snacks.
A.which <从句不缺主干成分,缺的是状语 排除>
B.that <从句不缺主干成分,缺的是状语 排除>
C.what <不能引导定语从句,排除>
D.where 从句还原如下:
Teachers can heat up their food <in the microwave oven> for lunch or snacks . 这里 where= in which= in the microwave over

5.The recent economic crisis has made me recall the difficult times__my parents went through.
A.when <从句缺宾语成分,排除>
B.that <关系代词that替代前面修饰的,先行词从句还原:My parent went through <the difficult times>.
C.what <不能引导定语从句,排除>
D.where <从句缺宾语成分,排除>

If you still feel confused,leave a message please
祝 学习进步!

as 引导限定性定语从句,替代先行词作主语。与found 之间被动关系。
限定定从,teachers can heat up their food for lunch in the microwave oven 先行词作状语,所以用where
my parents went through the difficult times.先行词作宾语,只能先关系代词that

1.Such idioms and slang_in the novels are popularly used by the American teenagers
A.as are found
B.as they are found
C.as found
D.as they find them
解析;首先排除bd,因为such idioms 是主语,这一句主要考察省略句,选c
__,the report convinced the committee to vote for the city to hold the 2010 World Expo
A.It was well written and documented
B.Well written and documented
C.Being well written and documented
D.Having well written and documented
解析:这个空之后有一个逗号,说明空缺部分应该是作为状语,根据选项信息和题干可以知道,动词write 和document 和report构成动宾关系,故首先排除d,a也可以排除,因为逗号表明空缺部分是状语,且句子中已经有一个主语the report。B 和c 的区别在于b 表示write这个动作已经完成了,而c 表示正在进行,不符合句意,因此最终答案是b
3.__at the very beginning,the financial crisis was getting worse and worse in the US.
A.Not dealt with properly
B.Dealt with not properly
C.Not having dealt with properly
D.Having not dealt with properly
解析:根据句意,可知逗号前面是原因状语,首先排除b ,因为not 应该放在非谓语动词deal 的前面,c 也可以排除,因为c 是主动形式,不符合题意,应该选a,即表示被动,又表示完成
4.In our office,we have an microwave oven __teachers can heat up their food for lunch or snacks.
5.The recent economic crisis has made me recall the difficult times__my parents went through.
解析:went through 是不及物动词,,因此先行词difficult times 在从句中作为时间状语,选a

你的答案正确。1.A 定语从句,as 在从句中作主语,从句谓语是被动语态,这正常。
2.B 过去分词短语作状语,和主语之间有动宾关系。被动关系。report
4.定语从句,先行词+关系副词。因为where 在句子中作状语,只缺状语,主语宾语都不缺。
5.B对。定语从句,times 先行词,在从句中作went through的宾语。不同意二楼。went是不及物动词,而went through就可以理解成是及物动词了,因为through是介词,后面肯定要接宾语。所以用that

这里的关键点是: story是"故事","storey是"楼层"。第三个选项的意思是:"有两个故事的房子",不符合逻辑。这道题启示我们:对于形近词要仔细区分。如: quite是副词,"相当,非常"。quiet是形容词,"安静的"。有两层的楼房的表述有: a two-storey house;a house of two storeys。

翻译:他在一所中学担任英语教师工作一直到去年为止。解释:这是一个强调句型结构的句子。去掉It was和引导词that,剩下部分刚好是一个完整的句子。即四个选项可以还原成下面四句:A. He left his home town for a new start until last year;B. He came to realize the importance of learning ...

关于英语语法的一道题 The Prime Minister was not available for comme...
comment在这里面是抽象名词,所以用单数不用复数。The Prime Minister was not available for comment.意思是首相无暇作出评论。重点词汇:comment 读音:英[ˈkɒment]美[ˈkɑːment]释义:n.议论;评论;解释;批评;指责。v.表达意见。例句:Government officials do not want...

“as you are wearing now”,就你现在穿在身上的这件。如果是which或that就可以理解为你穿了的或是你之前也穿过的。当然whose的主语一般都是人,这里用whose显然不合适了!好久没接触英语了,希望可以帮到你,也许有的解释的也不是很完整或是很准备!

这道题考的是间接引语一般所引问句应用陈述句语序但这里是what is\/was the matter形式语序不变间接引语: 拉丁语语法名词,又叫间接引述,英文为 indirect statement。指用在表述意见的动词 [perception] 之后的一种从句,这种从句并非由主语直接叙述出来,而是通过第三人转述的。实际上间接引语大都是宾语从句,当直接引语...

3.I‘d like something to read during the journey, and (anything) will do.翻译:旅途中我想找点什么书来看,可惜没有找到。4. A good book is (one ) which benefits readers.翻译:一本好书应该能使读者受益。你是理解which引导的定语从句的,这里明显是受到前面选择题something的影响,前面...

关于几道英语语法的题目帮帮我 谢谢
题目是Q1.make one sentence from two.Use who\/which\/that\/ a. A man was injured in the accident. He is now in hospital.The man who \/that was injured in the accident, is now in hospital.b.A school was destroyed by fire. It has now been rebuilt.The school which\/...

Have you got the key to unlock the door 这句话的谓语和宾语是,Have got the key There are many fruits to choose 这句话的,谓语和宾语是choose fruits Have you got permission to stay here 这句话是have got permission This will be my last Attempt to make noodles 这句话是will be...

你好 1.If you were much younger, I would arrange ___ as the general manager, for all your colleagues speak highly of your work.A.for you to work B.of you to work C.for you work D.you work 只有arrange for sb to do这种形式 : 意为安排某人去做,所以答案为A 2.I di...

。另外,that(those)可以代替单(复)数可数名词,也可以代替不可数名词,而one(ones)只可代替单(复)数可数名词。在这个题里,前面a room是泛指,当然后面对应的要用one,同样是泛指。6. 选B 这个题毫无疑问,对于对方的称赞,肯定是表示感谢啦。ACD都是中国式的谦虚,在英语国家是行不通的。

汉中市13417671256: 急,几道关于英语的语法题.有正确答案再补充50分)Task 1 使用括号内词语的正确形式完成以下句子.例:The rainy season has come,and it has been raining... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 26.interesting(有趣的); interested (be interested in 对……感兴趣) 27.finding,( give up doing sth.放弃做某事);has found, 28.takes; take(fail to do sth.未能做某事) 29.considered(动词的过去分词,被动用法); consideration (without 后面跟名词) ...

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语语法题,回答正确率最高者可以多加分!选择最佳答案:(1) - I don't know what price the owners are asking. - You could give them a ring and make ... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 5 C D C A A 10 B C B D D 11~15 B C A A A 16~20 A D D C A 21~24 C A B B 哈哈~太好了,顺便复习下英语

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语的语法题,请帮我讲解清楚,1、( )I teach - ___ - Chinese and they teach - ___ - English.A.their,my B.they,my C.them,I D.them,me2.( ) - -Where is ... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] D(他们;我,都用宾格) C(在什么地方用in) C(说英语用speak) A(like+ing)

汉中市13417671256: 英语的几道语法题 -
褚钩普拉: 1.is 2. will fail 3. 查看转述句的语法 4.should visit 5. will have been built 6. graduated 7. are welcoming,arrived 8.told ,后面的填法看转述句语法 9.10. 也需看转述句语法. 转述句语法有好几种时态,有点忘了.转述的话,你需要看是在第三方人转述的时候已经完成了还是没完成,如果在第三方人转述时已经完成的事情,后面的动词时态需要用过去完成时.

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语语法题,回答正确率最高者可以多加分!(第二部分)选择最佳答案:25.Come and look what is happening in the street: a woman - _ - of her ... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 25 A 动作有先后,用现在完成时 26 C CATCH SB. DOING STH. 27 D IT'S NO USE DOING 28 D 一句话里不能有两个谓语的 29 A but前面是do,后面就可以跟动词原形 30 A HELP是个神奇的单词

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语语法题,急急急 -
褚钩普拉: 保证答案准确!1. B 主谓宾2. C 主系表3. D 主谓间宾直宾4. A 主谓5. E 主谓宾宾补6. A 主谓7. E 主谓宾宾补8. B 主谓宾9. C 主系表10. D 主谓间宾直宾如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

汉中市13417671256: 帮忙分析几道英语语法题.11.The engineer is not happy with the project,and_____is her boss.A.neither B.soC.eitherD.as12.____ - for a long time,but he tried ... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 11.答案应为A.表示".也是"的时候,前面是否定句,用neither或者是nor.如果前面是肯定句,用so.本题前面有not,是否定句. 12.答案应为D.逗号后面有but,说明逗号前面是一个完整的句子,所以不能选A和B,A和B属于非谓语形式,不能独立成句....

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语语法题目!(1)Harry--------book the tickets,but he had no time to call the booking office at the cinema.A.can B.should go to C.may D.was going to答... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 1had,是过去式. 2 dying是垂死的意思,people是复数.Does the doctor know , how many people are dying of the disease? 3 这里giving就是表示要给的意思不是现在时,牛津词典里有解释 4 这不清楚,不过我平时就是这样说的 5 这是现在完成时,...

汉中市13417671256: 帮我看几道英语语法题需要正确率A:You - _____ - this package immediately!B:I'll take care of it right away.must be sentmust be sendingmust have sentmust ... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] must send has to be sent gets elected don't agree has been laid off

汉中市13417671256: 几道英语语法题1mary is very late,she - __her trainA,may have missed B,must missC,may missD,could miss2,do you know how the war - ___A,was wonB,winsC... -
褚钩普拉:[答案] 1、A may have 表推测 2、A 其语序为 win the war 改为被动 3、B 表能够 4、C 前面为虚拟 后面为事实 故用现在完成时

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