Young man as he is,he knows a lot.

作者&投稿:韩琬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
_______ he is very young, _______ he knows a lot about how to be healthy. A.Though; but B.A.~

D 试题分析:句意:虽然他非常年轻,但是他知道很多如何保持健康的知识。Although/ Though尽管,不能与but连用,故选D点评:连词在中考中涉及到的很多,尤其在宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句中连词是必考点。平时学习过程中,掌握连词的意思,及所表示的关系是至关重要的,这种关系的判断可以通过句子意思的理解来选择恰到的连词。

1. 跟...一样地,同样地 例如:I'm as tall as him 我和他一样高。
2. 如同;例如 例如:There are lots of famous buildings as the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph. 这里有许多著名建筑如埃菲尔铁塔和凯旋门。
1. 作为,以...的身份 例如:He works as a tour guide. 他作为导游工作。
2. 当作 例如:She is a famous person as a actress. 作为一个女演员,她很出名
3. 像;如同 例如:The old woman was dressed as a young lady. 这位老妇人打扮得像一位年轻人。
1. 像...一样;依照;像 例如:You ought to do as Paul tells you. 你应按照保罗吩咐的做。
2. 当...时 例如:As she was leaving the room she remembered that book. 她离开房间时想起了那本书。
3. 随着 例如:As the sun rose the fog dispersed. 太阳一出来,雾随之消失。
4. 因为 例如:We didn't know what to do as we were just visiting there. 我们不知道该怎么办,因为当时我们仅仅在那里作访问。
5. 虽然 例如:Tired as he was, he stayed up late. 他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。
6.尽管 例如:Try as she might,Sue couldn't get the door open.尽管想尽一切办法,苏还是不能打开那扇门
1. (与such,the same,as等连用,引导关系从句)与...相同的事物(或人) 例如:He has
earned as much money as I have. 他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。
2. (引导从句,对前述内容作补充)本情况,该事实 例如:She has married again, as was
expected. 她已再婚,这是意料中的事。
1. =Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁-撒克逊人;盎格鲁-撒克逊语;盎格鲁-撒克逊人的;盎格鲁-撒克逊语的
2. =antisubmarine 反潜艇的
3. =Asia 亚洲;亚细亚
4. =Asian 亚洲的;亚洲人;亚洲人的
六,前缀:=ad 用于s前

(1) 在否定句中,第一个 as 也可换成 so。
(2) 在该结构的两个as之间通常接形容词或副词的原级,但若涉及数量或程度,可用“as much+不可数名词+as”和“as many+复数名词+as”。
I haven’t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原来想像的有那么多钱。
(3) 第二个as后接从句时,该as通常为连词,但有时这个as还充当其后从句的主语或宾语,此时该as实为关系代词。如:
I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。
(4) 该结构根据情况可用使用以下修饰语。如:(not) nearly, almost, just, nothing like, exactly, not quite, half, one-ten, twice, three times, 30 per cent等,并且这些修饰语必须置于第一个as之前,而不能置于其后。

Young man as he is,he knows a lot.
倒装句由as 来引导时需把句中的表语或状语提前,当表语为可数名词单数时,省略不定冠词。

Young as he is,he knows a lot.(As he is young ,he knows a lot.的倒装句)

A young man as he is, knows a lot. (As he is a young man, he knows a lot. 的倒装句)

A young man as he is, he knows a lot.

A young man as he is,he knows a lot.

Young man as he is,he knows a lot.
as 引导让步状语从句时,从句中有表语时,表语要放在as的前面。如果表语是名词,名词前不加任何冠词。

A young man as he is, knows a lot.

开原市17193728909: 有关as倒装句为什么是young man as he is而不是 a young man as he is不是名词前有修饰语加冠词吗 -
历峡北豆:[答案] as 引导的部分倒装,当名词置于句首时,前面不加任何冠词,这个是语法要求的.比如:Boy as he was, he behaved like a girl. 他虽是个男孩,但举止却像个女孩. Child as he is , he knows a lot of things. 尽管他...

开原市17193728909: Young man as he is,he knows a lot. -
历峡北豆: Young man as he is,he knows a lot. 倒装句由as 来引导时需把句中的表语或状语提前,当表语为可数名词单数时,省略不定冠词.

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历峡北豆:[答案] He earned his living as a drummer in a band. They were looking for somewhere to live. There was always something that one of them did not like about them. It was the problem of whether they shou...

开原市17193728909: 趣味英语小故事大约600个单词的.急需!请各位停下脚步回答下吧. -
历峡北豆:[答案] The House of 1000 Mirrors 千镜之屋 Long ago in a small,faraway village,there was a place known as the House of 1000 ...very well.Would you be satisfied if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?” Wilson said he would not be.The young man had ...

开原市17193728909: though he doesn't love me, I will love him forever. though引导状语从句要倒装的问题 -
历峡北豆: 去掉 though,提前 not,把主谓倒装:Not does he love me, I will love him forever.解析:though 引导的是让步状语从句,可以用两种倒装句改写:1、如果从句中含有否定词或带有否定意义的短语,可以把这种词语提前到句首,然后把主谓倒装,...

开原市17193728909: the same as 的as是介词还是连词 -
历峡北豆: the same as是个固定的词组,意为:和...一样,其中的as是副词. 您举得例子中的as是介词表示 “像...,如同...” 此句话的意思是:毫无疑问的是,比尔盖茨和Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell这些人一样,属于同一阶层的人,他们改变着这个世界.

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