
作者&投稿:麻虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello,谁谁 is my friend. I am very interested in English.But i am not good at English very well.My friend says that you can help me.Since my uncle is an English,so i know London very well.I hope you can help me with my English.I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes!

Dear XXX,
I am XXX from China. i am 12years old. i eat eggs and bread for my breakfast, meat ,vegetables and rice for my lunch and supper. My maths teacher is Mr. Cai. English teacher is MR. wen and Mr. wei teaches us Chinese. I love them very much. The Christmas Day is coming. Wish you have a nice festivital in advance


Dear XXX,
It's my first time to write a letter to you ,for your birthday.
of course ,when you read the letter,you can also find a birthday present that I meticulously chose for you。 Do you like it?
I still remember the days when we were kids many years ago,we used to be good friends then. when I began my primary schooling, you left. i haven't heard from you for so long。one day,from my friends ,I was informed that you had emmigrated to Ireland,what a big surprise! I guess you must be living in a beatiful house。
I can't remember the exact date that we met on QQ,right at that moment,I thought I was the luckiest man in the world. the world is so small ,isn't it?and you are a beautiful and mature girl now.
Do you remember the diary I wrote on MSN?I misunderstood your "Love you". oh, what an embarrest man i am ~~~you must be laughing me~~~hehe~~~
well,it's raining outside now ,you haven't go to bed ,have you?
it's just 21:40pm in Dublin ,but 4:42am in china。Now ,I’m writing the letter,and missing you。
how peaceful the night is! we are so fortunate that we can enjoy the same moon。
and for that night when your arms were around me,i want to say that it made me just feel like that I finally met my long-lost baby sister。I’m so sorry I can't be with you ,hope you can understand.
well, I don't know how to express my feelings at the moment. in one word ,I wish you happy everyday。
best wishes, sweatheart~
and Happy birthday!~~


write letter --》 write a letter
primary schooland --> primary school and
I guessed --> so I guessed
Iwas the luckiest, man --> I was the luckiest man
beautiful mature girl --> beautiful and matured girl
it's rainy outside now -->it's raining outside now
haven't go to bed --> haven't gone to bed
21:40pm in Dublin --》 9:40p.m in Dublin
what a peaceful night --> What a peaceful night
see a same moon --> share the same moon
and missing you --> and missing you every moment
cancomprehend the reason --> know the reason
send the best wishes to you。 --> best wishes for you

好多的用词不当, 语法错误啊。。。 我也给你改好了

write a letter
and afterwards I haven't heard about .
I was informed that you
I can't forget the moment
mature 可以,不必用matured
21:40pm 要么 21:40 要么9:40PM
what a peaceful night! we can see a same moon。你那下雨的晚上能看见月亮?
your arms were around me ,
send the best wishes to you,BEST WISHES is enough~~

meticulously beatific 这样的词汇太文雅了不适合用在像给朋友书信当中。。


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这个需要U盘或者光盘才能修复 因为这两个系统目前你一个都进不了。只能进入PE工具箱修复你的系统




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电脑网络故障 紧急求助 高分悬赏 在线等解决办法
一清理下插件,将快播啊,一些不必要的插件移除 二如果清理完了,还是那么慢,那么就检测是不是硬件问题,猫有没有问题,或者网线质量不太好。三如果以上都没问题,那你就考虑电信的问题了

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邢晓消糜: Dear XXX, It's my first time to write a letter to you ,for your birthday.of course ,when you read the letter,you can also find a birthday present that I meticulously chose for you. Do you like it? I still remember the days when we were kids many years ago,...

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邢晓消糜: Dear students,First of all, allow me, on behalf of the leaders of our school teachers and students are warmly welcome to come to you, welcome to our school and life.Campus life is different in different countries, in order to make your life more ...

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邢晓消糜: 1. 坚决不要用“How are you!” . 英文正规信函都是直接进入话题.可以有“Thank you for your...”客套话, 而“How are you”是偶尔用于很熟的朋友间的很随意的招呼语.也不要说“我们非常欢迎”, 人都来过了,还欢迎啥?所以给你译...

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邢晓消糜: Dear [NAME]. I am terribly sorry for damaging your car.I know it is my fault that your car is damaged so badly but I hope that you would not be too angry with me. I will take full responsibilty for this and pay the cost for repairing the car.I wish to meet up ...

秦城区19259521044: 写信给外国朋友 - 但不知道用什么样的信封和邮票,以及信封上怎么写,
邢晓消糜: 如果他在国内,就按照我们的方式写,如果他在国外,就按照当地的方式写,用当地的语言.信封是写给邮递员看的,给对方的内容都写在信里了.信封做得太花哨或是不符合对方国家的习惯,信件无法寄到. 一般欧美国家的习惯是:左上角写自己的地址,你可以用中文,只要地下用英文注上P.R.China就可以了;中间地方用大字写对方的收信人地址,用当地的文字写. 至于什么样的信封,大概无所谓,关键是你以什么方式寄出去:平信还是特快.这个问题到了邮局服务人员会告诉你.至于邮票,只要他没有特殊的集邮爱好,什么的样的都无所谓,只要价钱够了就行.要是拿到邮局柜台去寄,邮政人员可能就是盖个章子,说是邮资已付.

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邢晓消糜: Dear Bob How are you?I am very glad to hear from you.I miss you very much.Thank you for writing to me.I have learnt English for a long time.Now I have made progress in my English but my English is still poor.I hope you can advise me to improve my ...

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邢晓消糜: 步骤:1、问清楚你要邮寄的那个加拿大同学的详细地址和邮编号码,记录下来.比如加拿大哪座城市哪个区哪条街什么的.要用英文(就是加拿大当地的语言文字).2、把你写的信拿好,带上钱.3、到邮政局,告诉工作人员你要邮寄一封信...

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邢晓消糜: Dear Lily, How is it going? I know you want to travel. What about travelling to my hometown?My hometown is a beautiful town with blue water and fresh air. If you can come, 字数受限制了

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