英译汉 我的妈妈有一个红色的小汽车

作者&投稿:浦丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译 :我的妈妈有个红色的好看的书包。~

1.My mom has a beautiful red bag.
2.I have a skirt, it is a blue one.
3.You seem very tired, you can't run as fast as the do.
4.The weather is very good today, we can fly the kite very high.

My mom wants a red T-shirt

My mother has a red car.

His uncle has a sister.

My father has a beautiful bicycle.

There is an apple on the table.

My mother has a small red car.
His uncle has a younger sister.
My father has a beautiful bike.
There is an apple on the table.

My mom has a red car.
his uncle has a sister
my dad has a beautiful bike
there is a apple on the desk

My mother has a small red car.
His uncle has a sister.
My father has a beautiful bike.
There's an apple on the desk.

My mother has a red car.
His uncle has a sister.
My father has a beautiful bike.
There an apple on a table.

My mother has a red are
His uncle has a sister
My father has a beautiful bike
There is an apple on the table

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 英译汉 我的妈妈有一个红色的小汽车 -
敏红脑血: My mother has a red car.His uncle has a sister.My father has a beautiful bicycle.There is an apple on the table.

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 我的爸爸和妈妈有一辆小汽车英文 -
敏红脑血: 我的爸爸和妈妈有一辆小汽车 英文:My father and mother have a car

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 英语作文《我最喜欢的一辆汽车》急!!! -
敏红脑血: My aunt bought a red Chery QQ cars, cartoon image. Compact car, both in the aspects of appearance, or the internal comfort and safety are detailed. QQ's eyes so beautiful, just like my egg baby. I like the QQ beautiful color. I said to my mother: " I ...

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 我的妈妈每天乘坐小汽车去上班.变一般疑问句 -
敏红脑血: 您好,翻译为:Does your mother go to work by car everyday?希望帮助你

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 说服妈妈,让她同意你在家里养一条小狗.口语交际 -
敏红脑血: 妈妈,我想和你谈件事,请您同意我在家里养一只小狗吧.请您听一下我的理由吧. 妈妈同意了.理由一共有4个:一,你们每天出门上班都没人陪我,现在有了狗狗,我也多了个玩伴;二,养狗陪养了我的青责任心,让我学会关爱,更让我有耐心;三,狗狗可以让我戒掉看手机的坏习惯;四,狗狗还既可以看家又可以保护我.“那如果耽误你学习怎么办?”妈妈问道.“绝对不会耽误我学习.我也是节假日陪它玩.”我解释道.我又补充了:“我会按时给它打疫苗的,如果它咬人,我就把它拴起来,它的卫生我会解决的.妈妈您就让我买一条狗吧.

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 我的妈妈有两个红色的盒子和一个白色的包英文 -
敏红脑血: 我的妈妈有两个红色的盒子和一个白色的包 My mother has two red boxes and a white bag.我的妈妈有两个红色的盒子和一个白色的包 My mother has two red boxes and a white bag.

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 把小红帽的故事给我用英文写下来并翻译 -
敏红脑血: 中英原文: Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl who always wore a red hat from her grandmother, so everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood". 从前有个可爱的小姑娘,她总是带着奶奶送的红帽子,所以大家都叫她“小红帽”. ...

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 我们正要出发,这时我妈妈的回来了 (英译汉) -
敏红脑血: 我们正要出发,这时我妈妈的回来了 We were about to start when my mother came back.满意请及时采纳,谢谢

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: 我的妈妈会开小汽车英语怎么说 -
敏红脑血:[答案] My mother can drive a car. 希望我的回答能够帮到你,如有疑问,欢迎追问.O(∩_∩)O

耿马傣族佤族自治县15613522995: "我的妈妈是一个让人感到温暖的人."汉译英,翻译句子. -
敏红脑血: 我的妈妈是一个让人感到温暖的人 My mom is that one who can make your heart feel warm.

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