
作者&投稿:芒荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He is Tom .
The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west .
He runs fast .
I have milk for breakfast every day .
They have a new teacher this term .
We all like sports .
She usually goes to school by bike .
They swim in the river in summer .
On the Mid-Autumn Day ,we always appreciate the moon together .
He watches TV once a week .

.I love you very much.
2.I will meet Mr. Green at the meeting room.
3. Mr.Chen will come here at five.
4.You should not say very much about this.
5.He can not do the job very well.
6.The students love their teacher very much.
7.We have our breakfast at 8:00.
8.They fight the war very violently.
9. The teacher will give his speech at the speechhall.
10. The president will visit China next month

1.定语从句:He is the man that I saw yesterday.
2.宾语从句:I know that you are a student.
3.条件状语从句:We will have a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
5.由not only...but引导的并列句:
I am not only your teacher but your friend.
6.非谓语动词作定语:He has a letter to write.
7.被动语态:The car was repaired by my father.
8.间接引语:My mother said that she would went back soon.
9.比较级:My house is cheaper than yours.
10.use to do:I use to play the piano.
be used to doing:I use to getting up early.

1 the tall boy who reading books is my classmate
2 he asked me where we would go
3 we will go to the zoo if it is sunny afternoon
4 he read when i saw him yesterday
5 he is not only good but very tall
6 i have a lot of work to do
7 the windows have been cleaded
8 he asked me where we would go
9 i have more books than you have
10 he used to run
i am used to reading books now

My mother helps me with my English.My friend helps me finish the project.He helps me to finish my work.Nina decide to do her homework after class.Bill find you going to home last night.

2、最好是娴静地招呼那熹微的晨光,不必忙乱地奔向前去,也不要对落日忘记感谢那曾晨光之垂死的光明。周作人 3、我第一次学烧饭时,弄得忙乱不堪。 4、马上要搬入新房子了,大家显得很忙乱。 5、什么季节,你最惆怅,放下了忙乱的箩筐。大地茫茫,河水流淌,是什么人掌灯,把你照亮。 6、...

这几个单词造出的句子如下:I think the diamonds in the shop are inexpensive.The shopping mall is usually busy at weekends, but it is uncrowded on weekdays.It is convenient for me to shop online.This shopping mall is my favorite.She works as a clerk in a foreign company.The ...


How exciting it was to see the monkeys performing in the zoo!看见那些猴子在动物园里表演多么令人兴奋

多帮我个忙!还有10个词 的造句!

慌忙造句: 1、“哦,不”玛丽修女慌忙的说。 2、他慌忙把一支枪塞进口袋。 3、我慌忙站起来,整理好我的面纱,感谢她抽时间见我们。 4、他把我领进屋,慌忙把一个大包藏到了桌子下面。 5、老栓慌忙摸出洋钱,抖抖的想交给他,却又不敢去接他的东西。 6、那位警察慌忙不迭地...


一、庄稼成熟了,村民们正忙着夏收。 二、几只蚂蚁正忙着往洞里搬运食物。 三、晚会还有半小时就要开始了,她在后台正忙着化妆呢。 四、值此各类传统势力甚嚣尘上、各种保守意识正忙着提供兴奋剂与避风港之际,正视现代性的严峻要求,乃是维持社会改造的动能、维护社会进步远景的重要一步。 五...

芒种节气祝喜事连连,幸福快乐在眼前。 6 出了学校,来到社会;没有前途,受尽苦累;忙里忙外,终日疲惫;吃顿好饭,还觉浪费;一点工资,还得交税。 7 白露谷,寒露豆,花生收在秋分后,天凉如水好个秋,忙里忙外忙丰收,老友情谊不能丢,思念心儿请你收,祝你开心到老,幸福永随,...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙按要求造10个英语句子 -
纵咏弘正: 1.定语从句:He is the man that I saw yesterday. 2.宾语从句:I know that you are a student. 3.条件状语从句:We will have a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow. 5.由not only...but引导的并列句: I am not only your teacher but your friend. 6.非谓语动词...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙英语造句帮忙造6个句子,要求如下: 1.hear sb doing 2.用动词ING形式作伴随状语 3.fight for 4.look into 5.用must have done对过去进行猜测 6.n(单)+... -
纵咏弘正:[答案] 1. I hear someone playing the piano near my house. 2. We all went ou for a picnic,leaving the dog alone at home. 3. The workers fighted for high income. 4. Have you look into changing job? 5.My mo ther must have cleaned the floor. 6.He continued the ...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙造几个英语句子 -
纵咏弘正: 1.i have bought two books 2.I have never met him 3.I have not finished my homework yet 4.I have gone to American 5.The train have just left the station 6.I have gone aboard for 3 months

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙写几个英语句子急用 -
纵咏弘正: 10个...建议上网学东西,会用就行,别让别人帮你完成作业~used to do sth.指以前经常做什么I used to go to church every Sunday.我以前每个星期天都去教堂.be used to doing指习惯做某...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 英语造句 帮忙 -
纵咏弘正: always: 1. We should always help each other.我们应始终互相帮助. 2. I'm always at home in the evenings.晚上我总是在家里. 3. You could always use a dictionary.你无论如何还可以使用词典嘛. 4. I always think of her in that dress.我总是想著她穿著那件连衣裙的样子.

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙造英语句子!谢谢帮忙!
纵咏弘正: 1. It is useful\important\good\nice \ necessary... for us to learn English well. 2. i don't know whether\if he is a teacher\star\policeman... 上面是我的做题思路,看明白了吗?只要换换词语,别说10句,20句都没问题.

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙造几个英语句子
纵咏弘正: 1.The village lie in a peaceful basin surround by hill. 那村庄座落在平静的山坳里. 2..I will leave you to settle all the business. 我将委托你处理一切事务. 3.We can't take possession of the house until all the papers have been signed. 所有的文件都...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙造英语句子(一般现在时) -
纵咏弘正: I am a girl. She is a student. She is beautiful. He is popular at school. He is clever. I like dancing. We enjoy playing soccer. I want to play computer games. I love my mother. We play basketball well. He likes singing. She writes very well. He wants to be...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 请大家帮个忙,用这10个英语词组造句! -
纵咏弘正: 1. The exam was a piece of cake. 这次考试非常容易. 2. He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders. 他抱起孩子让她骑在自己的肩膀上. 3. Although young, she know much. 虽然她很年轻,却知道许多. 4. They urged us to go with them. ...

乌鲁木齐市17040813643: 帮忙造十个英语转述句句子,必采纳 -
纵咏弘正:[答案] My father says he will help you.

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