英语辩论赛万能句子 英语辩论赛万能句子精选

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~ 1、How to agree strongly with an opinion 我完全同意你的观点!
2、I couldnt agree more!我完全同意!
3、Thats absolutely true! 绝对是真的!
4、Absolutely! 当然!
5、I take your point. 我接受你的意见,
6、Id go along with you there.我同意你的意见。
7、Im with you on that. 我也同意。
8、Thats just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。
9、Thats a good point. 得好
10、Thats just how I see it.说。我就是这么想的。
11、Thats exactly my opinion. 这正是我的观点。

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论求几个英语句子!1在这个世界上,所有的东西都有好有坏,重要的是,我们要积极的运用它好的方面2.在将来,任何人都无法阻止不良的影响发生... -
支骂黄连:[答案] 1. stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion… 我的意见是…… b. personally I think…… 我个人认为…… c. I believe that…… 我相信…… d. I think that…… 我觉得…… e. the point is that…… ...

云阳县19159257840: 英文辩论 评委常用的句子从参加者的说话的语法,内容,逻辑,积极性等各方面进行评论,并简单地作比较有总结性的评语.用多一些句子. -
支骂黄连:[答案] Usage of English:The student was careful in using proper tense and correct grammar,and made very few mistakes.The student's English left a lot to be desired.At times it was hard to understand what he ...

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论赛 正方观点 Good marks indicate how clever you ar英语辩论赛 正方观点 Good marks indicate how clever you are.求大神给几个辩论语句. -
支骂黄连:[答案] Academic achievement is the evidence of high IQ.Because how you do in study mostly depends on your memory.If a student gets good marks in test (not by cheating),it means that he is good at memorizing what he has learned in class.And a smart ...

云阳县19159257840: 求英语辩论常用语及词汇.(如"一辩,二辩,正方,反方,观点;一辩陈述观点,四辩总结等.) -
支骂黄连:[答案] 以前参加过大学之间的辩论赛. 一辩:FIRST DEBATER 二辩:SECOND DEBATER 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.后来的部分就和一般的议论问差不...

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论赛中有哪些常用名词和句子--求有这类经验的朋友帮忙比如中文中“一辩”“二辩”“对方辩友”等对应的英文表示,还有陈词时的一些专用语句 -
支骂黄连:[答案] 以前参加过大学之间的辩论赛. 一辩:FIRST DEBATER 二辩:SECOND DEBATER 对方辩友,my fellow debaters 开始的陈词,Honorable judges,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen.后来的部分就和一般的议论问差不多了. 然后加点题外话:...

云阳县19159257840: 求英文辩论的一辩正方开场白 -
支骂黄连:[答案] Topic 1:Is opportunity and luck more important than hard working 开篇陈词 正方一辩:We can't deny the importance of hard work.Both of these elements are very important in determining whether a person is successful or not.But luck brings us ...

云阳县19159257840: 英文辩论 评委常用的句子也许要从语法上,从内容上等各方面进行评论,还有说下总结性的话.望高手给点耐心,一楼无脑请走开. -
支骂黄连:[答案] Usage of English:The student was careful in using proper tense and correct grammar,and made very few mistakes.The student's English left a lot to be desired.At times it was hard to understand what he ...

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论话题求答案(正方反方) 期末口语急用1. Parents should never get divorced in order to hold a family for their children.2. Parents should not interfere ... -
支骂黄连:[答案] After Bill Gates,who will lead the industrial revolution?Watt invented the steam engine and that led to the Industrial Revolution.Nobel invented the solid explosive and boosted the military industry.....

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论话题求答案(正方反方) 期末口语急用1.Parents should never get divorced in order to hold a family for their children.2.Parents should not interfere in ... -
支骂黄连:[答案] After Bill Gates,who will lead the industrial revolution? Watt invented the steam engine and that led to the Industrial Revolution.Nobel invented the solid explosive and boosted the military industry..Edison brought the human into the electrical era.With the ...

云阳县19159257840: 英语辩论会,关于看电视的好坏,我们是反方,要求都是常用词,句型,来几句,加翻译, -
支骂黄连:[答案] watching tv get in the way of our study and it will also make us unhealthier and unhealthier 看电视会影响我们的学习,会让我们越来越不健康

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