帮忙翻译一下 急

作者&投稿:殳超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句







大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译成英文,急急急 -
程重普拉: Help translate into English

大名县18738207892: 高手请进,帮忙翻译一下!急!帮忙翻译一句:我不是阿甘,你也不是珍妮!谢谢! -
程重普拉:[答案] I am not ..and you are not jenny.忘了阿甘咋说了,看阿甘正传也没记,尴尬!

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下!...
程重普拉: 收费 Charges 迎接 Meet 珍贵的Precious 系好 Fasten 诠紧 Quan tight遗憾Sorry

大名县18738207892: 请帮忙翻译一下,急. -
程重普拉: Education experience:1999/09--2003/06 Beijing Union University / Computer Application professional / undergraduate / English Grade 4 Major Courses: da...

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下 急 -
程重普拉: 是意大利语,是一种产品的简介:)~OLIVE CINESE CONGELATO 中式-意大利冰橄榄PESO NETTO; 250 G PRODOTTO IN CINA 净重:250克,中国制造(生产的)IMPORTATO DA VITTORIO SRL进口公司:维托里奥公...

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下~~~~急急 -
程重普拉: as the order is in the process of manufacturing, and could be handed in on 5th, November, it is expected to arrive in England in mid-September. The tow orders below have been close...

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下,急!谢谢! -
程重普拉: 你好, 参照如下:After reading this novel, I get great inspiration. Kindness and beauty always are people's precious gifts, even though I don't have the gorgeous appearance, I have a kind heart, I will use my kind and sincere to treat my life. 希望能对你有所帮助. 祝顺利.

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下 急 急!! -
程重普拉: 1)Lives fries the steamed bun2)South flies in circles the small cage package3)Mixed sea food small wonton4)Fried bean curd line noodle soup5)The dried shelled shrimp onion oil mixes the surface6)Strip cake peppermint cake7)Hypericum cake8)Crab shell yellow9)Strikes the sand round10)spareribs lunar new year's cake

大名县18738207892: 帮忙翻译一下急、、、谢谢 -
程重普拉: 我爱你胜过世界上的一切.

大名县18738207892: 英语翻译,帮忙一下, 非常急 -
程重普拉: 我非常抱歉这么久回复您,Do excuse our delayed reply.我们最终决定接受最后一次价格.Now we have come to accept the final price.如有问题请及时联系我Don't hesitate to contact us if anything arises.

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