
作者&投稿:苏薛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1.In 2.in 3.in 4.during 5.In 6.at 7.at 8.from 9.till
10.At 11.in 12.In 13.on 14.in/during 15.on 16.in

There isn't any sugar in my tea.
2.I've been nowhere today.
3.The childre haven't (got) anything to do this afternoon.
4.I didn't meet anyone I know in the town this morning.
5.There was nobody left in the office at 7 0'clock.
6.She doesn't ever go anywhere or do anything!

in: 1995,the summer,January,the evening,the morning,February,the autumn,6 moths' time
at: night,the moment,10.30
on: 13th March,Sunday,New Year's Eve,1st September
1 at 2 in 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 on

D(A possible answer)
I arrived here on Friday.I am stadying at my aunt's.Her house is not far from the sea.Every morningI get up at 8 o' clock.Then I go to the beach.I swim all morning.At 12 o'clock I go back to the my aunt's.She cooks a lot of food for lunch. I have large lunch and sleep all afternoon.In the evening I walk into the town with some friends.We are enjoying ourselves.


cbdaa bbdbb dc
新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 9
1. b根据课文内容第1-2行 It was the last day of the year…和第8行The big clockrefused to welcome the New Year, b 最符合课文内容,其他3个选择都不对。
2. b根据课文第4行...at five to twelve, the clockstopped.钟是在午夜前停的,但人们是在午夜后才意识到这一点的。(It's two minutes pasttwelve!第6-7行),所以b.是对的。
a. before midnight 和课文事实不符合。 钟是在午夜前停的,但人们是在午夜后才意识到这一点的。
3. dthe evening 前需要有介词in才能构成表示时间的短语,所以选d.其他3个选择都不对。
4. apeople 是集体名词,虽然形式是单数,但意思是复数的(人民或人们),做主语时候谓语动词要用复数形式。 B. was, c. is ,d be 都不能用在people 后面做谓语动词,只有a. were 可以,所以选a.
5. a这个问句的回答是一个表示时间的短语,因此需要一个针对时间提问的疑问词。
只有a. when是针对时间提问的,而其他3个都不是问时间的。
6. b在表示钟点的时间短语前面用介词at,所以只有b. at 是对的。
7. b从回答中可以看出,这个疑问句需要一个能够针对nothing提问的词,而且要能够在疑问句中充当主语。a.
nothing可以做主语,但一般不用在疑问句中;c. any 是量词,不能做主语;d. athing可以做主语,用在这个问句中意思虽然通顺,但不符合习惯用法;b. anything是不定代词,可以做主语,而且只能在疑问句中做主语,所以b.是对的。
8. da. hit , b. beat, c. knock , d. strike这几个动词中都有“敲”,“打”,“击”的意思,但是只有strike 有“(钟表)敲鸣”,“报时”的含义,所以最佳选择是d.
9. b本句表示钟点的短"几点过几分"中只能用介词past,所以只有b. past 是正确的答案。
c. passed 不对, 是动词pass的的过去式,一个句子里不能有两个谓语动词的。
Three months passed and then one morning, Sam found his walletoutside his front door.
It's two minutes past twelve.
10. b只有b. an hour 是正确答案,其他选择都不符合事实。
11. d根据生活常识应该选d. watch(手表),这个句子的意思是“大多数人带手表”,这是事实。而选a. an alarmclock(闹钟)或 c. a clock(钟表)都与事实不符合,人们总不可能随身携带着闹钟或钟。而选b. analarm(报警器)更不符合事实。
12. c只有选c. didn’t want to (不想)才能使这个句子同前面的句子It refused to …的含义接近。
b. wanted to (想要) 和d. wished to (希望)都与前面句子意思相反。
a. denied it (否认,拒绝接受)也同前一句意思不够接近。

A 1 On wednesday evening.2 In twenty minutes' time.3 at five to twelve.B 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 at 6 on in 7 in 8 at in 9 till C 1 The meeting will begin at 3 o'clouk.2 My father bought his first car in 1980.3 The shop opens from 9 a.m.till 10p.m.4 My children go to school in the morning.5 The new bridge will be finished in 2 years'time.6 My parents often go for a walk in the evening.7 They went to church lase Sunday.难点A 1 I haven't any money./I have no monney.2 I didn't go anywhere./I went nowhere. 3 I didn't buy anything./I bought nothing. 4 There wasn't anyone .There's no one.B He has no hobbies.He goes nowhere.He sees nobody. He is interested in nothing except food.多项选择 cb daabb dbbdc

急,谁知道在哪有新概念英语第二册答案,我只要后面的选择题答案,但我需要详细解释,各位好心人,帮帮我吧... 急,谁知道在哪有新概念英语第二册答案,我只要后面的选择题答案,但我需要详细解释,各位好心人,帮帮我吧 展开 4个回答 #热议# 【答题得新春福袋】你的花式拜年祝福有哪些?

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厉福胆石: A 1 On wednesday evening.2 In twenty minutes' time.3 at five to twelve.B 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 at 6 on in 7 in 8 at in 9 till C 1 The meeting will begin at 3 o'clouk.2 My father bought his first car in 1980.3 The shop opens from 9 a.m.till 10p.m.4 My ...

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厉福胆石: A.1.We went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening.(Wednesday evening可以换成New Year's Eve) 2.The clock would strike twelve in twenty minute's time. 3.The clock stopped at five to twelve. B.1.in 2.On 3.during或in 4.in 5.at 6.on...in 7.in 8.at......

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厉福胆石: >上有关键句型,难点的答案,至于摘要还是自己写吧.关键句型:A.1.We went to the town hall on Wednesday evening/New Year's Eve.2.The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes'time.3.The clock stopped at five to twelve.B.1.in 2.On 3.during/...

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厉福胆石:[答案] 上有关键句型,难点的答案,至于摘要还是自己写吧. 关键句型:A.1.We went to the town hall on Wednesday evening/New Year's Eve. 2.The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes'time. 3.The clock stopped at five to twelve. B.1.in 2.On 3.during/in ...

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厉福胆石: 第9课:关键句型答案:A.1.We went to the Town Hall on Wednesday evening.2.It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.3.At five to twelve,the clock stopped.B.1.in 2.On 3.in 4.in 5.at 6.on,in 7.in 8.at,in 9.until C略 难点答案:A.1.I hven't any ...

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厉福胆石: 1.摘要写作: We went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes's time.It stopped at five to twelve.It refused to welcome the New Year.Then the crowd began to ...

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厉福胆石: 摘要写作参考答案 We went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there. The Town Hall clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes'time.It stoppde at five to twelve.It refused to welcome the New Year.Then the crowd began to laugh and sing.

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厉福胆石: A 1.In 2.in 3.in 4.during 5.In 6.at 7.at 8.from 9.till 10.At 11.in 12.In 13.on 14.in/during 15.on 16.in B There isn't any sugar in my tea. 2.I've been nowhere today. 3.The childre haven't (got) anything to do this afternoon. 4.I didn't meet anyone I know in ...

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