he coula not ignorance

作者&投稿:丰庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 他不能以不知情为借口;他本应该对自己部门发生的事情有所了解的.
plead 以……为借口;
resort 凭借
petition 请愿
reproach 责备

凤翔县18630329330: 安装Microsoft office2007出现The ordinal 365 coula not be locatedin the DLL COMCTL32.dll.是什么原因
童唐迪克: 这是安装文件的问题,里面缺少东西,把这个卸干净了,再重新下一个.

凤翔县18630329330: 楠楠果木是什么木头,各位老师请告知 -
童唐迪克: 一种非洲原木.也叫非洲酸枝. 1、新棒果香木 Chengal 喃喃果木Kekatong 坤甸铁樟木 Billian ... 2.Coula 虎斑楝 Apome 喃喃果木 Monkey plum 大果风车玉蕊 ...

凤翔县18630329330: last night Ji Wei coula not (sleep)well用适当格式 we are talking about where (go)tomorrow两道题 -
童唐迪克:[答案] 1.Last night Ji Wei could not (sleep) well. 2.We are talking about where( to go )tomorrow.

凤翔县18630329330: ...D.what if  4.The day that he was looking forward - ____at last,    A.come   B.to came   C.came   D,to coming  为什么要有to?  5.--Coula you... -
童唐迪克:[答案] 是时间状语从句,一般选that的话,that要在后面的从句当中担任一定的成分,可是后面的句子不缺主要成分.而且一般是宾语从句. what is known to us all 整个做主语从句,for whom.in the past 定语从句,修饰old 化学家 for是介词 后面接宾语所以用...

凤翔县18630329330: 在线翻译 -
童唐迪克: However,as winter holidays in the Alps became more and more popular,so did the idea of a truly intermational Winter Games.The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix in 1924,though they we...

凤翔县18630329330: I have to say that you are a uncultured and igno -
童唐迪克: 这句话有点重,且伤人:我不得不说,你是一个既无品味,又无知的女人,没有任何素质!

凤翔县18630329330: Smoking is one of the - -------causes of cancer,ki -
童唐迪克: b

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