
作者&投稿:蠹澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

相信很多小伙伴也会遇到题目这两个词汇,下面我就讲讲它们的区别ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ,nearly意为几乎,差不多,强调事情发生的可能性比较大,但还没完全发生;almost也有几乎,差不多的意思,但强调与目标相差很小,通常用于数字、时间等具体指标前。nearly后不能接含有no, none, nothing, never等词。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ




①I've nearly finished reading this book. 我这本书快读完了。

②It's almost 10 o'clock now. 现在差不多10点了。




①She nearly won the game. 她几乎赢了比赛。

②He almost fell off the ladder. 他差点从梯子上掉下来。




①I've nearly spent all my salary. 我的工资几乎花光了。

②The bus is almost here. 公交车快来了。




①I nearly didn't recognize you. 我几乎没认出你来。

②He almost didn't make it to the airport on time. 他几乎没能及时赶到机场。




①He has nearly arrived home when he realized he forgot his keys. 他几乎到家时,突然意识到忘记带钥匙了。

②The class was almost over when he walked in. 他走进教室时,课程差不多结束了。

humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I'm stubborn and a little impatient.I'm sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they are lets ...

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humble and polite.These are my strengths.However,I also have weakneaaes.For one thing,I'm stubborn and a little impatient.I'm sometimes lazy as well and can spent a whole day just watching TV and eating junk food.I'm not ashamed to admit these bad pints.Knowing what they ...

English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语。 The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you're seeking job opportunities with international panies. 如果你能流利使用英语和你的母语,这会提高你被国际公司录用的可能性...

you will almost certainly have a good tim e — and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more g entle, you ...Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Edgeworth, Ferrier, Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Wordsworth (nea rly all), Tennyson, Swinbume, and Brontes, George Eliot, W....

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C:WELL,it depends. but we can choose what we wanna take. moreover, we can also go to the restuarant neaby.A:ok,is your lessons difficult? can you keep pace with your lessons?C:well,i think it's ok. we usually spend our free time reading in the library.A: so have ...

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near的近义词有almost、close、nearby、nearly等。具体如下:一、nea r 英 [nɪə(r)]   美 [nɪr]adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的;吝啬的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎;[罕]吝啬地 prep. 附近;接近;临近;大约;(质量、大小等)相仿;濒临 v. 接近;靠近 二、almost ...

near的近义词有almost、close、nearby、nearly等。具体如下:一、nea r 英 [nɪə(r)]   美 [nɪr]adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的;吝啬的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎;[罕]吝啬地 prep. 附近;接近;临近;大约;(质量、大小等)相仿;濒临 v. 接近;靠近 二、almost ...

near的近义词有almost、close、nearby、nearly等。具体如下:一、nea r 英 [nɪə(r)]   美 [nɪr]adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的;吝啬的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎;[罕]吝啬地 prep. 附近;接近;临近;大约;(质量、大小等)相仿;濒临 v. 接近;靠近 二、almost ...

near的近义词有almost、close、nearby、nearly等。具体如下:一、nea r 英 [nɪə(r)]   美 [nɪr]adj. 近的;近似的;亲近的;吝啬的 adv. 在附近;不久以后;几乎;[罕]吝啬地 prep. 附近;接近;临近;大约;(质量、大小等)相仿;濒临 v. 接近;靠近 二、almost ...

辰溪县19867472973: nearly与almost的区别 ? 谢谢 -
华泄纯欣: They are nearly at the end of their journey. 他们快结束旅行了. almost与nearly倒是比较容易混淆的.下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别: 1)

辰溪县19867472973: nearly 和 almost 有什么区别,怎么可以轻松记住? -
华泄纯欣: nearly与almost都是副词,表示几乎.almost一般不带语气,表示事情已经这样了;nearly一般带点语气,表示事情居然都已经这样了.almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost多可以修饰more than,too,nothing,nobody,nowhere,no one,none,never等词,nearly则不行.

辰溪县19867472973: nearly和almost的区别?是不是nearly后不能接 -
华泄纯欣: nearly后不能接含有no, none, nothing, never等词.nearly和almost的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、nearly:差不多. 2、almost:几乎. 二、用法不同 1、nearly:nearly的基本意思是“几乎,差不多”,表示事情...

辰溪县19867472973: almost与nearly的区别、通俗易懂点、但要具体 -
华泄纯欣:[答案] 简单说就是nearly 表示差不多,程度不高 ,而almost 则表示几乎 ,非常接近的意思 ,程度高. 这样,在any 、否定词(no 、none 、nobody、nothing、never等)前就不能用nearly 了,因为加个词是为了修饰强调,用nearly就不能表达这种意境,用...

辰溪县19867472973: almost和nearly区别 -
华泄纯欣:[答案] >> almost,nearly都是副词,意为“几乎,差不多”>> almost一般不带语气,表示“这事情已经这样了.”nearly一般带点语气,表示“这事情居然都已经这样了!”>> 另外almost多表示时间、程度、距离、进度,且almost可以修饰m...

辰溪县19867472973: almost 和nearly的区别 -
华泄纯欣: almost和nearly的差异 1.句法上的差异 (1)almost可以用在any及否定词“no, no one, nobody, never, nothing, none, nowhere 等的前面,而nearly则不可以.eg: There is almost no leadership at all.(不可用nearly) 但是,nearly可以用在否定词...

辰溪县19867472973: Almost 和 Nearly 用法有何区别?别说没区别,我们考过, -
华泄纯欣:[答案] 1)nearly 2)almost 3)Almost 4)nearly 5)almost/nearly 6)nearly almost和nearly的差异 1.句法上的差异 (1)almost可以用在any及否定词“no,no one,nobody,never,nothing,none,nowhere 等的前面,而nearly则不可以.eg: There is almost no leadership at ...

辰溪县19867472973: nearly与almost的差别在哪里
华泄纯欣: 1)almost 和 nearly 在用法上既有相同之处,也有不同点.在单纯表示\"时间、程度、进度\"时,almost =nearly.例如: The building is almost completed. The building is...

辰溪县19867472973: almost和nearly的区别是什么? -
华泄纯欣:[答案] almost表示大多数,后接名词.nearly表示将近,几乎,是副词.

辰溪县19867472973: 请问“almost"与“nearly"的区别.举例说明下,谢谢! -
华泄纯欣:[答案] mostly 的意思是:adv 1)主要地; 多半地 如:The earth here is mostly clay.这儿的土大部分是黏土.Most of the Americans ... 但是almost与nearly倒是比较容易混淆的.下面我来说一下这两个词之间的区别:1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly)...

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