
作者&投稿:夏婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




  我学过的单词有很多,有关于食物,家具,颜色……等等一些。比如:rea红色,white白色,green绿色,bed床,TV电视,wall墙,happy快乐的,bedroom卧室,kitchen厨房……这些都是我学过的单词,我还学到了许多句子,比如:What would you like? Is she your sister? I ‘d like some fish。 Who are you? Yes。It is……这些句子都是我学到的英语句子,我都记得特别牢固,而且我也很开心。



  This is Beijing .It’s in the north of china .It’s got fourteen million people .It’s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall.

  It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. And there is a famous square in the middle of Beijing it’s beautiful .(There be句型,需记忆)It’s Tian’an men square .

  I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day.(I want to句型,需记忆)





  My English name is sally. I‘m from China. I‘m Chinese.

  I always wear green and white shirt and blue trousers. I have big eyes,small mouth and a small nose.

  My favorite sports are tennis, Ping-Pong and running.

  My favorite subject is English. I like eating apple and cake.

  My favorites drink is coke, milk and juice.

  This is me, we can become good friend?


  I like banana very much. Banana always grows in the warm area. It’s nice to eat, and it is good for our health.(好句子可记忆)

  Like us, monkeys also like to eat bananas. You can see them is in the zoo. I’m a student. I like eggs and coconut. Because eggs are very good for me .It's very healthy. The coconut is a very sweet .The Hainan’s coconut is very great. I like them.





  Hello, friends! What’syour favourite animal? Can you tell me?

  My favourite animal is panda . It’s very smart. It has two black eyes. It eats bamboo very much. It always sleeps. It’s very fat. But It can climb trees. It’s very funny.

  This is my favourite animal—Chinese baby panda. Do you like panda?





  I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. (外貌描写可背诵)Her voice is better. She is good at singing.

  She is a clever girl. She likes reading books, playing computer games and chess. She is also nice. She often helps us. Our classmates like her very much.






  My Dog

  I have a dog. Its name is Doggy. I like it.

  Doggy has two big eyes, two small ears, a big nose and a small mouth. It’s black and white. It has a short tail. It’s cute and lovely.

  Doggy is strong. It likes bones, rice and meat very much. My dog is lazy. It can catch a ball. I love my dog very much.







  The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me because I’ll soon graduate. Even though it doesn't come yet, I believe it must be the most unforgettable. I will no longer be a child once going to middle school.(好句子,可记忆)

  What an unforgettable Children's Day!(感叹句型,须记忆)







  复赛时,我的分数不是很高,但还是顺利晋级。这下我忽然担心起来,生怕决赛时被刷下来了。回家后,我又把稿子重新修改了一遍,把每个单词、每个句子都反复朗读,做到精确无误,还用心设计了每一个动作。我信心满满地走上台,一开口,评委的脸上就露出了笑容,我流畅地做着自我介绍、演讲、才艺展示。我们五个人都讲完了,评委进行了认真的点评,最后公布成绩——— 我取得了我们组的最高分!这一次又顺利晋级了!我高兴得心花怒放,合不拢嘴。妈妈也高兴地抱着我亲了又亲。




  妈妈是在酒店工作的,经常会和一些外国人打交道。有一次,我到妈妈酒店参观,正当我参观的时候,妈妈在和一些外国人交谈,妈妈说得非常流利、发音准确,交谈时,我听他们说得象外星语,特别快,我听得头晕脑胀,可妈妈好象一位真正的老外,他们不停地交谈。忽然,他们交谈停止了,老外向妈妈满意地点了点头,向妈妈说了声“Thank you very much..”然后满意地走了。后来一问妈妈,原来刚才的三位老外在向妈妈询问他们的房间在几楼以及酒店的主要设施、结构,哇!如此难的问题,妈妈竟然对答如流,佩服,真是佩服。



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村变口腔: 1. A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the ...

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村变口腔:[答案] Dear Helen, i'm sorry that i won't go to the tennis club this afternoon,because i can't play it well.But i hope you'll have a good time with your other friends there. yours , Mr.Green Dear Tom: So happy to hear that you will come to Guiling! Since I just have a ...

上城区18740859493: 四年级十篇英语作文不少于40 -
村变口腔:[答案] I love my bedroomI have a bedroom .It is not big ,but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom .A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it .Next to the bed,there is a desk.A bear lamp is ...

上城区18740859493: 四年级英语作文培训
村变口腔: 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语... 那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我整理的小学四年级英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏. 小学...

上城区18740859493: 四年级十篇英语作文不少于40 -
村变口腔: I love my bedroom I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It's cute. I like to do ...

上城区18740859493: 四年级英文小作文 简单 -
村变口腔: Look !This is my room.It isn't very big but it is very clean.There is a desk and a chair in my room.There are many books on the desk.And there is a bag on my chair.There are some beautiful pictures on the wall.I love my room.翻译:1.瞧!这是我的房间.它不大但是很干净.2.在我的房间里有一张书桌和一张椅子.3.在桌子上有一些书.在椅子上由一个书包.4.在墙上有一些漂亮的图画.5.我喜欢我的房间.

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村变口腔: My Family I have a happy family.In my family,there are father,mother,sister and i.My father is a doctor, and he is very busy. My mother is a teacher,my sister and i are Student.i have a happy family,i love my family.采纳我哦,自己写的.

上城区18740859493: 小学四年级英语作文
村变口腔:财富与成功 Wealth and Success When we hear about the celebrity and business tycoon, the first reaction is admiration. We envy their success and great fortune, we dream to be one of them. The biggest success seems to own much money, ...

上城区18740859493: 简单的4年级英语作文 -
村变口腔: Tring harder My mother talked with me today. Ingeneral, she doesn't think I'm doing well at home. I have to do better. According to my mother, I clean my room too carelessly. I should clean more carefully. Inaddition, I do my homework too slowly. I ...

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