
作者&投稿:佴骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 主语加助词(过去式)再加上名词和时间就可以使用一般过去时描述自己做运动了。比如Ididsportsyesterday。

用英语介绍自己上个星期周末做的事情,(用一般过去时),学霸快来解答_百 ...
in last weekend ,morning I eat breakfast. and wash my face. I play football and play basketball. is it very haply.

What I am after thirty years I will be 45 after thirty years. I will have a happy family - My wife, my son and I. I will have my own business and become a millionaire and a splendid youth in China. I have a big house and a nice car. I donate a lot of money for...

找一篇写自己上个周末的生活英语小作文,50~60词一般过去时 帮帮忙啦
My last weekend Last weekend,I have a great time.Guess it .Where I have been?I went to an amusement park.It is really beautiful and interesting .I like it very much .I played with water I love it .And then I played the roller coaster,It‘s really etxcited.and finally ...

I was watching the football game with my friends yesterday afternoon.

1、一般现在时:主要用于不受时间限制的客观存在事实的描述,或发生或存在于写论文之时的感觉、状态、关系等的描述或致谢的表述等。值得注意的是,出于尊重,凡是他人已经发表的研究成果作为"previously established knowledge",在引述时普遍都用一般现在时。2、一般过去时:用于写论文中作者自己所做工作的...

是的,也可以用完成时 I have studied at Ping Jiang Primaly School for four years.还可以说 I used to study at Ping Jiang Primaly School .

一般过去时:1. I borrowed this book last week.2.l became a student two years ago.3. She died five years ago.现在完成时:1. I have borrowed this book for a week.2. I have been a student for two years.3. She has been died for 5 years....



撰写时要打底稿,反复修改、斟酌,在没有任何错误后,再打印出来。一份准确无误的简历能使用人单位感到你是很认真的。 4、真诚坦率。简历从头到尾要贯彻一个原则,即诚实地描绘自己。个人方面与求职无关的,暂时可以不写;能表现自己的、与求职目标相关的优势要写上。假如你太谦虚,用人单位感到你根本就不具备求职...

石渠县19342582834: 上周末做了什么过去时写作文 -
微祝去甲: 上周末,我度过了一个充实而有意义的时光.在周六早上,我起得早,并且参加了一次晨跑活动.我穿上舒适的运动装备,和一群志同道合的跑步爱好者一起,在清晨的阳光下畅快奔跑.这让我感到身心愉悦,同时也增强了我的体力和耐力....

石渠县19342582834: 我昨天在跑步用一般过去时怎么表达? -
微祝去甲: I ran yesteraday

石渠县19342582834: 一般过去时概念及基本用法有哪些?
微祝去甲: 一般过去时 一、概念:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为. 二、常搭配的时间状语: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last ...

石渠县19342582834: 让我来告诉你我做了什么,用一般过去式 -
微祝去甲: let me tell you what I had done let 的过去式和原型一样,所以主句的时态是一般过去时.从句中“做了”是已经完成的状态,遵循“主过去从过去”,需要用过去完成时.这句话中“what i had done”是 tell 的宾语,所以是一个宾语从句,let 后用动词原形所以tell不需要使用过去式.

石渠县19342582834: 怎样写小学英语作文,一般过去式,运动会
微祝去甲: 其实很简单的,我也是六年级的,只要记住句型,变化形式就行了. 比如: 主语+动词过去时+其他 主语+didn't+动词原形+其他 还有口诀: 一般过去式并不难,表示过去、状态记心间. 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站. 否定句很简单,didn't 在动词原形前,其他部分不要变. 一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其他部分依次站. 特殊疑问句也简单,疑问词+一般疑问句记心间. 如果还有问题的话,可以问我. 我打字太累了,之后你可以找我要范文.

石渠县19342582834: 用英语写一篇自己元旦活动的作文,用一般过去时态 -
微祝去甲: I haven't heard from you for a long time ,how are you ? We will hold a party for the drawing near New Year's Day. And all of the teacher and students in our class will come,Just imagine how happy we will be that day ,with so many friends talking and ...

石渠县19342582834: 用英语一般过去时写,Kate经常熬夜玩游戏(睡得晚,不运动,上课打瞌睡)? -
微祝去甲: Kate used to stay up late palying games.kate过去2113常熬夜打游戏.Kate slept late,5261never did exercise and even fell alseep during lessons.凯特睡得4102很晚,从不锻1653炼,甚回至在上课时打答瞌睡.

石渠县19342582834: 什么是一般过去时 -
微祝去甲: 一般过去时表示动作在过去发生或进行.这种时态中动词用过去式,句中往往含有过去时间的短语,比如yesterday,last year,last Sunday. I went to the park yesterday. 我昨天去公园了.

石渠县19342582834: My holiday(写一篇英语作文,分别用过去式描述一次曾经进行的旅游活动,和用一般将来时制定一个暑假计划 -
微祝去甲: 1. An unforgetble trip Last summer my parents and I went to Beidaihe. It was sunny and hot that day. My dad drove a car and it took us about three hours to get to the beach. There were thousands of people on the beach and in the sea that day. We ...

石渠县19342582834: My holiday 的英语作文 用一般过去时进行描述 早上跑步 上午写作业 中午放风筝 下午游泳 急要!1个小时给 -
微祝去甲: My holidayI had an interesting holiday!In my holidays,I often got up early and went out to run for an hour,than I returned home .After the breakfast,I wrote my homework until noon.After 12 o'clock and the lunch,I went to fly kites.I really like flying kites,...

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