简单的英语小故事 简短的英语趣味小故事

作者&投稿:希忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、简单英语小故事——老人和老猫

An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.

The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”




AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, The dew. The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.

驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来。蚱蜢答道:“吃露水。”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了。这个故事告诉人们不要企望非份之物。


One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.

一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有一只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,一只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了一顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。

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