生化危机2 Alice片头说的话

作者&投稿:泣会 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




My name is Alice.I worked for the Umbrella Corporation,
the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.
I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called The Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry.
But there was an incident.
The virus escaped and everybody died.
Trouble was they didn't stay dead.
The T-virus reanimated their bodies.
But I survived.
Myself and one other, an environmentalist named Matt.
When we emerged, we were seized by Umbrella scientists.
Matt and I were separated.

My name is Alice.

I worked for the Umbrella Corporation,the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.

I was head of security,at a secret high-tech facility called The Hive,a giant underground laboratory developing experimentation(这个词又好像是experimental),viral weaponry.

But there was an incident.

The virus escaped and everybody died.

Trouble was ,they didn't stay dead.

The T-virus reanimated their bodies.

But I survived,myself and one other,an environmentalist named Matt.

When we emerged,we were seized by Umbrella scientists.

Matt and I were separated.

男科学家:He's mutating.I want him in the Nemesis Program.


男科学家:Take her to the Raccoon City Facility,and assemble the team.We 're reopening The Hive.I want to know what went on down there.

We throught we'd survived the horror,but we were wrong.


龙山县15843598799: 生化危机2 Alice片头说的话 -
菜兴考克: My name is Alice.I worked for the Umbrella Corporation,the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.I was head of security,at a secret high-tech facility cal...

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机2最开始的台词 my name is alice 和之后的 自己的独白 要英文的 -
菜兴考克: My name is Alice.I worked for the Umbrella Corporation,the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called The Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral ...

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机电影开场白 -
菜兴考克: My name is Alice.我叫爱丽丝.I worked for the Umbrella Corporation the Iargest and most powerful commercial entity in the world.任职于安布雷拉公司 这是一家世界上最大、最有影响力的公司.I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility ...

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机2爱丽丝在教堂打死三个僵尸后女警察对她说的第一句话英语怎么说? -
菜兴考克: 问题没看太懂..你是说爱丽丝在爆了最后一个舔食者后女警说的话吗?她说:“Who the fuck are you?”意为:你他妈是谁?

龙山县15843598799: 电影生化危机2在教堂神父说的话 -
菜兴考克: 你指的是那个女的上楼的时候吧 女的进去,他问,你在做什么?女:发生什么问题了 他:他是我妹妹,她不舒服,也许我能帮他 女:不,让开!男:出去 女:你居然还给它喂食?真变态 男:不要管我们好了 然后就为了妹妹不吃子弹,结果被妹妹咬了 然后貌似就去领盒饭了== 希望对你有帮助~

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机:诅咒;艾达和里昂那段对话是什么意思?还有艾达说的那一晚又是什么 -
菜兴考克: 那一晚应该是调侃生化危机2(游戏)里昂B剧情最后在研究所艾达重伤最后和里昂深情一吻

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机电影复仇女神计划和ALICE计划是什么? -
菜兴考克: 1、复仇女神计划 复仇女神计划,就是《生化危机2》(电影)中的BOSS、生化兵器“暴君”作为原型,加入一种叫做NEMESIS(复仇女神,来自希腊神话的复仇女神涅墨西斯)的寄生病毒,制作出来的新怪物.与暴君不同,复仇女神具有思...

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机2里有个狙击手说了3句英文都是什么? -
菜兴考克: 第一句就是“那究竟是什么东西”,第二句是“去死吧,你这家伙”,追击者发出火箭弹后他说了第三句“狗屎(shit),火箭炮”,就跑了

龙山县15843598799: 生化危机1 经典对白 -
菜兴考克: 1、“当今天万分的幸福也无法消退昨日的半点痛苦时,那就是伤痕.”2、“活在别人的记忆中是可怕的,而迷失在现实中是可耻的.”3、“只有死者才能得到彻底的解脱,而生者却在无尽的痛苦中轮回,重要的是,生存的意志.”4、“没有...

龙山县15843598799: 电影<生化危机2>最后一点是什么意思呢? -
菜兴考克: 第一集是病毒突变的原型第二集是进化了的病毒 公司正在进行试验 也可以说是优胜劣汰 结尾说明他们还要在ALICE身上进行实验 检验这种生化武器的实用性 为第三集做了铺垫

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