
作者&投稿:逄高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. He was hard working  and  energetic.


2. He seemed adynamic and  energetic  leader。


3.The company is trying tocreate ayoung energetic image。


4.He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done。


5.Aaron Copland was always the most energetic promoter of American music。


6.How easy it is foreven an energetic person to lapse into a pleasant languor。


7. He completely departed from the text and extemporized in a very energetic fashion。


8.Welookforapplicantswhoaregoodwithnumbers,computer—literate,and energetic self—starters。


9.People are healthy and energetic longer。


10.Keeping a proper balance between study and restkeeps us energetic。


11.We become more energetic,more alert,better able to take effective action。


12.You should exercise more so as to keep energetic and you can work efficiently。


13.What would this energetic,enterprising country be without new lands to conquer?


14.In other words,they allow themselves to make mistakes,so they remain energetic。


15.My drama teacher had been looking for someone to play an energetic boy in acomedy。


范文:This is the first week of the second term.When I went back to my familiar school,I found that everything was so energetic that I even felt I should do something to change myself.It's time for me to make change,I know.今天是第二学期的第一周。当我回到我熟悉的学校,...

Not only am I outgoing and energetic but also I am optimistic and enthusiastic.I have a good command of English, which enables me to communicate with foreign friends well.想了解更多关于英语写作的技巧,点击下方蓝字注册外教课一节,免费欧美外教教你如何写出漂亮作文。【免费领取,外教一对...

was working是什么意思?
- He was losing weight and feeling more energetic.- We were getting better grades in school as we studied together.这两个例子中的过去进行时,其实是在强调协调(控制)或持续的状态,类似于 “keep doing something” 这种表达方式。因此,过去进行时在以上三种情况中都拥有自己的特点和应用场合...

Loud music makes them energetic. 过大声音的音乐使他觉得精力充沛。It made her sad. 这使她感到难过。Waiting for her made me angry. 我很生气一直等着她。可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed ...

The pressure( )causes Americans to be energetic, but it also put them under a constant emotional strain. (CET-4 1997,6) A) to pete B) peting C) to be peted D)shavingspeted pressure后面应接后置定语,表示竞争的压力.单个分词作定语一般置于名词前,故B和D可以排除.C为不定式的被动式,而竞争...

I am so energetic that my parents had to buy me various toys .这个...
so... that...句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,意思是“如此\/这么„„以致于„„” 1. 常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj. \/ adv. + that从句。The boy ran so fast that I couldn't catch him. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. ...

automatic-automatically; energetic-energetically; 但是public-publicly例外。5、以辅音字母加le结尾吋,去e加y,如:simple-simply; considerable-considerably; terribl-terribly gentle-gently; possible-possibly; probable-probably; incredible-incredibly 元音字母加le时加ly,如: sole-solely。但是whole-...

Be elegant and with nice personality.With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.Energetic,fashion-minded person.With a ...

比较级:more cheaply 最高级:most cheaply 英语的比较结构主要有:as...as,more...than,the most...结构du。通常,单音节词和少数双音节词加词尾-er构成比较级,其他双音节词和多音节词在前面加more构成比较级。英语里边常用比较级和最高级去修饰形容词或副词,用来表示形容词和副词的关系递增。

Health is very important to us teenagers. Either study or work is based on strong body. Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy and energetic. If we don’t take any exercise, we may feel tired and get sick easily. Just as the slogan says, "Exercise one hour a day, ...

杜集区15116164741: energetic造句子 -
藏家盐酸: I am energetic! A milk in the morning can keep you energetic all day.

杜集区15116164741: energetic是什么意思 -
藏家盐酸: energetic [英][ˌenəˈdʒetɪk][美][ˌenərˈdʒetɪk] adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的; 精力旺盛的,精神饱满的; (措施等)积极的,有力的; 雄健;例句:1. The energetic and wily mr rubalcaba is the more obvious choice. 精力充沛、狡猾的卢巴卡巴是更明确的选择.2. It is an energetic exchange, but a risky one. 这是积极的互动,但却是冒险之举.

杜集区15116164741: energy的形容词形式是什么 -
藏家盐酸: energy的形容词形式为energetic,有“精力充沛的;积极的;有力的”的意思.energetic可用于人,也可用于事物,表示其具有从事某种活动所需要的充沛精力或能力. 例句:Her wiry athletic body seems energetic. 翻译:她瘦长结实的身体看...

杜集区15116164741: 英语造句,想爆了还是编不出来.用energetic(耐心的)造一个句子;用be confident(自信的) of造一个句子;用annoy造两个句子;用represent(v,代表)造... -
藏家盐酸:[答案] 1、He is an energetic man. 他是个 有耐心的人 2、I am confident of the exam.我对考试充满信心 3、She is annoyed for your words. 因为你的话她生气了 4、X represents the unknown. X 代表未知数 5、This book will come out next month.这本书下个月...

杜集区15116164741: energetic和energetical的区别 -
藏家盐酸: energetic 英[ˌenəˈdʒetɪk] 美[ˌenərˈdʒetɪk] adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的; 精力旺盛的,精神饱满的; (措施等) 积极的,有力的; 雄健; [例句]Her mother was a resourceful and energetic woman. 她母亲是一个足智多谋、精力充沛的女人. [其他] 形近词: synergeticenergetical高能的 有力的例句与用法 1. The energetical develop mechanized technology on pasture producing and processing 大力发展牧草生产加工机械化技术

杜集区15116164741: 描写春天的英语形容词 -
藏家盐酸: 描写春天的英语形容词:warm、energetic、charming、beautiful、colorful. 词汇解析:1、warm 英 [wɔːm] 美 [wɔːrm] 1)adj.温暖的;暖和的 2)v.(使)温暖,变暖和;使)变得更友好,变得更温情 3)n.取暖;加热 4)adv.使人暖和地;温暖...

杜集区15116164741: 造句.用“energetic”“confident”“permission”“herself”“bother”各造一个英文句子. -
藏家盐酸: 1. I feel more energetic after short time of rest.2. She is very confident.3. If you want to leave earlier, you have to get the boss's permisssion.4. She drives herself to work everyday.5. Don't bother me.

杜集区15116164741: 精力充沛的(英语怎么说?) -
藏家盐酸: 精力充沛的英语:energetic 一、读音:英 [ˌenə'dʒetɪk] 美 [ˌenər'dʒetɪk]二、意思是:adj. (形容词);积极的 精力旺盛的, 精力充沛的,精神饱满的,充满活力的,有活力的,有干劲的 三、例句: 1、His son is an energetic child. ...

杜集区15116164741: energetic的汉语意思是什么?
藏家盐酸: 1、精力充沛的,充满活力的、,(例、I never saw such an energetic man)我从来没见过精力这么充沛的人、 2(拥有)能量的;高能的、

杜集区15116164741: 用energetic和kind造句 -
藏家盐酸: He is energetic.He is always kind to others.望采纳哦~

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