
作者&投稿:氐钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Surging Yangtze River, always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves, she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry, with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou.
Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, is located in the middle along the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta economic zone for the 16 central cities. Long from north to south and east-west the city's narrow, straight-line distance between the North and the South's largest about 124 kilometers from east to west about 19 kilometers narrowest, widest point is only 55 km. The city's total area of 5793 square kilometers, of which four hundred and twenty-eight square kilometers of urban area. The total area, the land area accounts for 82.74%, 17.26% area of the waters.
Phoenix has a reputation of Taizhou, with 2100 years of history,古称Haiyang, Hailing, the early Han Dynasty home county, the Eastern Jin Dynasty set up county, Nantang statehood, our ancestors hope "to be tranquil and peaceful, Longfeng phoenix", the name of Taizhou and from the beginning. Known as "the Han and Tang Dynasties Gogun, Huaihai District" of the ancient Hailing and Jinling Nanjing, Yangzhou Guangling, Lanling Changzhou Huaxia famous, renowned in China. Jiang海交会here, magnificent, marvel in the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei: "floating in淮泗, Haoran Tianbo, sea spray in the course of events, Jiangcheng vast change in the Yang."

这是一片神奇的土地,这是一片希望的田野,更是129万儿女为之魂牵梦绕、身心永系的家园。在她温暖的怀抱里,我无忧无虑、幸福美满地度过了十几个春秋,泰兴企盼着我成长,我时刻感受着家乡的辉煌。 沧海桑田,斗转星移。改革的春风吹遍神州大地,家乡的变化翻天覆地。经过百年蜕变,泰兴的人口逐渐稠...

回答:http:\/\/204138.hrgzs.cn 这里有



每个人对家乡的风俗都有不同的记忆和感受。下面是一些经过润色和改写的家乡风俗作文,希望能给大家带来启发。家乡的风俗作文1 我的家乡华港,位于江苏泰州,是一个充满诗情画意的小镇。在这里,春节前的除夕是最热闹的一天。家家户户会购买糖果等节日用品,晚上则是一家人团聚吃年夜饭,共饮守岁酒,...

且不用说古银杏森林的神秘与美丽,更不用说黄桥烧饼的声名远扬,让人心潮澎湃,如痴如狂。 这是一片神奇的土地,这是一片希望的田野,更是129万儿女为之魂牵梦绕、身心永系的家园。在她温暖的怀抱里,我无忧无虑、幸福美满地度过了十几个春秋,泰兴企盼着我成长,我时刻感受着家乡的辉煌。 沧海...

泰州太美作文800字 快
在一望无边的苏北平原上有一颗璀璨的明珠,她就是我那美丽 富饶的家乡——泰州。近几年,泰州发生了翻天覆地的变化,一座座高楼大厦拔地而 起,雨后春笋般,整个城市充满了勃勃生机。一条条宽阔的马 路纵横交错,路面上宽敞洁净,路边一排排树木郁郁葱葱。过 去那一间间平房被那新颖别致的小楼房代替...

1. 美丽姜堰我爱我家作文 我的家乡坐落在江苏省泰州市一个美丽的地方,名叫姜堰。 姜堰有一条很出名的河叫做通扬河,河水清澈见底,水底的鱼儿自由自在地游着,春天,河旁盛开了一丛丛野花,花瓣小小的,好似小水滴,花蕊是金黄色的,摸上去毛绒绒的,十分舒服,靠近花一闻,一股淡淡的花香味扑鼻而来。“啦、啦、啦”...


无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都写过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我整理的家乡的风俗初二的作文7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 家乡的风俗初二的作文 篇1 俗话说:“百里不同风,千里不同俗”。我的家乡在江苏泰州,在我们家乡有着自己独特...

合浦县15886044060: 用英文介绍我的家乡 泰州 -
鲜宇加葵:[答案] Surging Yangtze River,always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves,she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry,with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou. Taizhou City,Jiangsu ...

合浦县15886044060: 用英语介绍我的家乡泰州 -
鲜宇加葵: TaiZHou City, situated in the southwest of Shandong Province, administers 12 districts, counties and cities. It covers an area of 11,000 sq km with a population of 7.56 million. Most of the terrains in Jining are plain except some mountains in the ...

合浦县15886044060: 用英文介绍我的家乡 泰州 -
鲜宇加葵: Surging Yangtze River, always pour in into the sea is about 10,000 ares waves, she slowed down the pace of the eastbound carriageway of a hurry, with sweet warm milk nourishing a beautiful historical and cultural city - Taizhou. Taizhou City, Jiangsu...

合浦县15886044060: 求一篇一百字的英语作文 《my hometown》 江苏泰州 -
鲜宇加葵: My hometown is in jiangsu taizhou. My parents was born there and grew up, I was born there and grew up, too. So I like my hometown very much. My hometown has a lot of tourist attractions, such as taizhou old street, there are a lot of delicious, such ...

合浦县15886044060: 求一篇有关泰州变化的英语作文
鲜宇加葵: Taizhou Fengcheng River Scenic Area, to fall back on Fengcheng River, with water as pulse, human soul, focused and completely reflect the country as a rare urban Aqua, ...

合浦县15886044060: 泰州市的简介 -
鲜宇加葵: 泰州市地处江苏省中部、长江沿岸,为长三角经济区16座中心城市之一,有凤凰城的美誉,具有 2100多年的历史.全市南北长而东西窄,南北最大直线距离约124公里,东西最窄处约19公里,最宽处也仅55公里.全市总面积5793平方公里,其中市区面积428平方公里.总面积中,陆地面积占82.74%,水域面积占17.26%.

合浦县15886044060: 英语主题翻译 - 我的家乡(用来跟大家简单介绍的,简单句简单词即可) -
鲜宇加葵: My hometown is in Taizhou Jingjiang, a small city in the Yangtze River where is comfortable for us place to live, connecting to the transport hub of South of Jiangsu in Northern Jiangsu. Although there is not big, there are many good Food like ...

合浦县15886044060: 泰州太美作文800字 快 -
鲜宇加葵: 在一望无边的苏北平原上有一颗璀璨的明珠,她就是我那美丽 富饶的家乡——泰州.近几年,泰州发生了翻天覆地的变化,一座座高楼大厦拔地而 起,雨后春笋般,整个城市充满了勃勃生机.一条条宽阔的马 路纵横交错,路面上宽敞洁净,路...

合浦县15886044060: 我的家乡 英语作文 100字左右 -
鲜宇加葵: Welcome to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see big trees and nice ...

合浦县15886044060: 2009泰州英语作文中考 -
鲜宇加葵: I love my hometown very much ! Because my hometown has changes a lot. In the past, there is very poor .And the air pollution was very serious. people live in a low house.Farmer planted crops with the help of animals. They worked very hard. ...

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