
作者&投稿:咎会 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once upon a time,in a far away land,a young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything,he was unkind.One winter’s night,an old woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose.She warned him not to be deceived by appearance,for beauty is found inside.If he could learn to love another,and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell,then the spell would be broken.If not,he would be a beast forever.
The story told about the main character,Belle,a beautiful and clever girl.And her father once was caught by the Beast.In order to save her father,she had to go to the castle and was trapped in it instead of her father.Then she was kept being controlled by the ugly Beast.
During the first several days,she hated the Beast.Just after having known the Beast under such a condition,she changed her mind and tried to go well with him.
After the days she stayed with the Beast,she found the kindness inside the Beast and fell in love with him.There was no problem that the cup,the candle,almost all the furniture took part in the campaign to help their master.And Belle finally knew that ‘Beauty inside is beauty indeed.’
Just a little change.Small to say the least.Both a little scared,neither one prepared.Beauty and the Beast,the film is the best.
1、Although he had everything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind. 虽然他拥有了一切他想得到的东西,但这个王子被宠坏了,他的脾气非常暴躁,而且自私。 2、An old woman come to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. 一个老太婆来到城堡,给了王子一朵玫瑰花,希望能够换得一处栖身之所,以躲避严寒。 3、Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. (王子嫌弃她形如枯槁的面容,不屑于衣衫褴褛老太婆手里的玫瑰,并且一触残忍地把她赶走。) Repulse [ri'pʌls] vt. 逐退,击退,拒绝 sneer at:嘲笑,轻视 haggard['hægʌd] adj. 憔悴的 Turn sb away:把某人打发走,拒绝接纳 4、There’s a lot of girl in town who’d love to be in your shoes. 这个镇子里很多姑娘们都希望能像你一样。 Be in one’s shoes:处于某人的境地或处境来设想。 5、I’m speechless; I don’t know what to say. I just don’t deserve you. 我真不知道说什么好。我只是觉得我不适合你。 6、You have my word! 我保证! 7、Gaston, you’ve get to pull yourself together. pull yourself together意思:to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm way;to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way :(口语体)控制自己(的紧张、害怕和失控的情绪),镇静下来,重新振作起来 8、Now the wheels in my head have been turning. 现在,我的脑子在不停转动。 9、My what a guy. 我的偶像,我了不起的伙伴。 10、I’ve got my hearts set on marrying Belle. 我已经决定要娶belle做我的妻子。 Have one’s mind set on doing sth:将心思完全投入去做某事。/决心去某事。 11、It has to be something very special, something that sparks her interests. 那应当是一些非常特别而且能够激发她兴趣的东西。 Oh, lighten up, Cogsworth, and let nature take its course. 哦,葛士华,高兴点,让他们顺其自然吧。 It’s obviously, there’s a spark between them. 很显然,他们之间有火花。 Yes, but there’s no harm in fanning the flames. 没错,管它呢,扇一点火也没什么伤害

1、Although he hadeverything his hearted desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish and unkind.
2、An old woman come tothe castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from thebitter cold.
3、There’s a lot of girl in town who’d love to be in your shoes.
4、I’m speechless,I don’t know what to say,Ijust don’t deserve you.

5、You have my word!
6、Now the wheels in myhead have been turning.
7、My what a guy.
8、got my hearts set on marrying Belle.
9、It has to be something very special, somethingthat sparks herinterests.
10、It's obviously, there's a spark between them.




旁白:Hello,everyboby!I will tell you a very beautiful story.Now let me introducethe members of this story firet.大家好!我将告诉你们一个非常美丽的故事。现在让我介绍这个故事的成员。(一个一个指着说)Beauty’s father,the beast,playboy,the beauty of the elder sister,thebeauty of the second sister,our leading character in the story—the beauty.Now,ourbeautiful story is beginning. 美女的父亲,野兽,花花公子,美女的大姐,美女的二姐,我们的故事的主角——美女。现在,我们美丽的故事开始了。




美女的父亲(依依不舍的):My dear daughters,I mustgo.我亲爱的女儿,我必须走了。

三姐妹(很担心的):Where will yougo,father?Don’t leave us!你要去哪里,爸爸?不要离开我们!

美女的父亲:I must go to a far away place,to make a big business.If I talksucceed,then I will make very much money. 我必须去一个遥远的地方,洽谈一笔大生意。如果我说成功,我将赚很多钱。

美女的姐姐们:What?Oh yeah!Father,if you succeed,please bring us some pretty thing!什么?太好了!爸爸,如果你成功了,请给我们带一些漂亮的东西!

美女的父亲:What pretty thing do you want,my dear daughters?你想要什么漂亮的东西,我亲爱的女儿?

美女的大姐:I just want a diamond,my dear father!我只是想要一颗钻石,我亲爱的父亲。

美女的二姐:I just want a skirt and a perfume,my dear father!我只是想要一条裙子和一瓶香水,我亲爱的父亲。

美女的父亲:OK,I will bring them to you.And you,(对着美女)my dear little daughter,what do you want?好的,我会把它们给你们。你呢?我亲爱的小女儿,你想要什么?

美女:I want a pretty flower,daddy.I will miss you.我想要朵漂亮的花,爸爸,我会想你的。

美女的父亲:I'll miss you too.But I have to leave.(转身离去)我也会想念你,但是我不得不离开了。

美女的姐姐们:Good bye, father,rember to bring us a diamond,a skirt anda perfume!再见,爸爸,记得要带给我们一颗钻石,一条裙子和香水! 

美女:Good bye, father. 再见,爸爸。




旁白:One day, beauty’s father find he was lost his way.But a big castleappeared in his eyes.一天,美女的父亲发现他迷路了,但在他的眼前出现了一座大城堡。

美女的父亲:(上前敲门)Hello!你好!(发现门是开着的,走了进去)Is someone there?I don’t mean to intrude.But I’ve lost my horse.AndI need a place to stay for the night.(小心翼翼的说)So delicious dishes.I’m so hungry now.I think the master of thiscastle is generous man.Let me eat something.有人在吗?我不是有意闯进来的。我的马跑了。我想借住一晚。这么多美味的佳肴,我现在很饿了,这座城堡的主人是慷慨的人。我吃点东西。(吃了起来,吃到一半,突然发现前面的花园有许多美丽的鲜花)Such a beautiful flower! Should I bring my little daughter flowers.这么漂亮的花!我应该给我的小女儿带朵。(走过去采花)


美女的父亲:(吃惊的)Oh no…

野兽:How dare you!I have given you eating But I dont think you are  so greedy! I will kill you!你怎么敢!我给你吃,但我不认为你是那么贪婪!我要杀了你! 

美女的父亲:No!Please don’t!I have three daughters.If I die,they will very sad.不!请不要!我有三个女儿。如果我死了,她们会很难过。

野兽:You have daughters?你有女儿?


野兽:OK. I won’t kill you.But you must take your daughterhere. 好的。我不会杀了你,你必须把你的女儿在这里。




旁白:Beauty’sfather was going home and told his daughters what happened.美女的父亲回家,告诉他的女儿发生了什么事。 

美女:(伤心的)Daddy,we can’t affordto lose you.I must see it.爸爸,我们不能失去你。我去见他。

美女的父亲:No!You don’t know how strong and frightened it is.I don’t agree withyou.不,你不知道他有多么强大和可怕。我不同意你的观点。

美女的大姐:(面对父亲)Daddy,let her go.It’sher mistake.If not she want the flowers,nothing will happen!爸爸,让她去,这是她的错。如果不是她想要花,什么都不会发生!

美女的二姐:(面对美女激动地说)Why you want aflowers?Do you want to kill daddy?为什么你要要花?你想害死爸爸吗?!

美女:NO!I don’t! I'm going to find it, I won't let you die for me!不!我没有!我要去找它,我不会让您为了我而去死!

美女的父亲:No!I can’t leave you.Maybe I can think another way to…不!我不能离开你。也许我能想到另一种方法……

美女:Please believe me!I will be back,trust me!(转身离去)请相信我!我会回来的,相信我!


美女的姐姐们:(悄悄地离开房间后)She must beeaten by the beast.她一定会被野兽吃掉的。(两人一起笑着走远了)




旁白:When the beauty was on the road,she was become aim by someone.美女在路上的时候,成为了目标人物。

花花公子:Woo!What a beauty girl!Here is a present for you!(拿起一枚戒指)I love beautiful gril!And some boy should marry a beauty gril.哇哦!多么美丽的女孩!这是给你的礼物!我爱美女!就像一些男孩应该娶一个美女一样。

美女:I’m sorry.I can’t receive it.I must to see the beast.(转身准备离开)对不起。我不能接受它。我必须去见野兽。

花花公子:(一边说,一边上前挡住她的去路)Pleasewait a moment!(吃惊)Beast?!Whathappened?请等一下!野兽?!发生了什么事?

旁白:The beauty to the playboy tell what had happened. 美女向花花公子述说事情的经过。

花花公子:Don’t warry about it.I will help you to save your father.Then you…(奸笑着,上前动手动脚)不用担心。我会救你的父亲。在那之前……

美女:(一边后退,一边挣扎,同时大叫)Stopit.Don’t touch me!Help me!停下!别碰我!救救我!

野兽:(打花花公子)What are you doing!你在做什么!


野兽:(看向美女)You must be themerchant's daughter.你一定是那个商人的女儿。

美女:Yes,I am.

野兽:Coming with me.跟我来。



动物英语单词:animal。animal 英['ænɪml]美['ænɪml]n.动物;牲畜。adj.动物的;野兽的。Theanimalisdangerouswhencornered.野兽一旦陷于绝境就会变得很危险。Animalhusbandryisimportantinthisarea.畜牧业在这一带很重要。用法:animal用于比喻可指“畜生一般的人”“残暴的人”...


动物的英语单词:animal 读音:英 ['ænɪml] 美 ['ænɪml]n. 动物;牲畜 adj. 动物的;野兽的 词汇搭配:1、land animals陆地动物 2、pet animals宠物 3、sea animals海洋动物 4、water animals水生动物 常见句型:1、All animals including men feed on plants or ...

beast n.兽,野兽;牲畜 beat vt.&vi.打,敲;打败 beautiful a.美的,美丽的 beauty n.美,美丽;美人 because conj.由于,因为 become vi.变成;成为,变得 bed n.床,床位;圃;河床 bee n.蜂,密蜂;忙碌的人 beef n.牛肉;菜牛 beer n.啤酒 before prep.在…以前;向…beg vt.&vi....

求50个英语单词,要求有音标,汉语意思和用法可以直接打在上面,也可以告诉我网址,拜托大家了 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 职场上受委屈要不要为自己...n.动物,兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的announce [4'nauns]v.1.宣布,宣告2.声称annoy [4'n3i]v.1.使恼怒,使烦恼2.打扰anxious ['16k54s]a.1.焦虑的...

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3、动物一词的中文意思是animalanimal作为名词表示为动物的意思,作为形容词表示为动物的,zoon作为名词表示为动物发育完全的个体Zoon人名英荷佐恩的意思,beast作为名词表示为野兽畜生人面兽心的人的意思;有关英语动物的单词有很多ant蚂蚁 bear熊 camel骆驼cat猫 cow母牛,奶牛 dog狗犬 elephant象fox狐狸 ...


animal a.动物的,野兽的;n.动物 another a.另一,再一;pron.&prep.另一个 any a.任何的;ad.稍;det.一些;prep.无论哪个;pron.任何 anyway ad...2010-10-13 仁爱英语七年级上册单词表 50 2011-02-12 急需仁爱英语七年级上册单词表 493 2011-03-12 急需七年级上册英语单词表(仁爱版 ) 46 2013...

beast n.兽,野兽;牲畜 beat vt.&vi.打,敲;打败 beautiful a.美的,美丽的 beauty n.美,美丽;美人 because conj.由于,因为 become vi.变成;成为,变得 bed n.床,床位;圃;河床 bee n.蜂,密蜂;忙碌的人 beef n.牛肉;菜牛 beer n.啤酒 before prep.在…以前;向…beg vt.&vi....

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽电影中的英语单词和句子中英文版 -
阴甘氟尿: Once upon a time,in a far away land,a young prince lived in a shining castle.Although he had everything,he was unkind.One winter's night,an old woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose.She warned him not to be deceived by ...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽中的10个英语句子 -
阴甘氟尿: Point being,it's not about how others look at me,it's about how I look at myself.不是别人如何看我,而是关于我如何看待自己.

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽英语台词美女与野兽的英语台词!我要正确的! -
阴甘氟尿:[答案] Beauty and the Beast 的台词吗? 这里有一些

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 谁有《美女与野兽》的英文台词? -
阴甘氟尿: (Suddenly, BEAST grabs BELLE's shoulder and whips her around. She drops the torch she was carrying into a puddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.) BEAST: What are you doing here? MAURICE: Run, Belle! ...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 《美女与野兽》里的好词好句有哪些? -
阴甘氟尿: 好句:1.受伤的野兽躲在阴暗的角落舔着伤口, 吸吮不到一丝光明. 尽管墙外的阳光是那样明媚温暖. 可野兽看着周围保护着它的黑暗,犹豫了. 2.尽管它是那样地想触碰,拥抱.那样热爱阳光.却无能为力. 但它害怕,害怕自己会给它伤害 ...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽英文概括 -
阴甘氟尿: A merchant is lost in the forest. He enters a castle and tries to take a rose from the castle to his daughter Belle. But he is caught by the Beast. The Beast allows the merchant to go and say goodbye to his children, but says he must return to take his ...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽好词好句好段 -
阴甘氟尿: 最近我读了一本童话书,是苏格兰着名作家安德鲁·朗的作品,名字叫《美女与野兽》. 这本书讲的是一个叫贝儿的美丽女孩,在城堡里和一位被变成野兽的王子建立了深厚的爱情,在代表野兽生命的玫瑰最后一片花瓣即将凋零的时候,贝儿对...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: 美女与野兽英语版精简一点,急 -
阴甘氟尿: Beauty and the Beast depicts a prince who was turned into a beast and a girl who rescued her father from going to the castle. They became acquainted with each other and finally the beast succeeded in dispelling the story of magic with Belle. .

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: Alizee 美女与野兽歌词加翻译
阴甘氟尿: Tale as old as time, true as it can be. 古老的传说,这是真的 Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly 朋友之间坦诚相处,需要有人退让,这非常难得 Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared, neither one ...

积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县19251412793: "美女与野兽"翻译成英文 -
阴甘氟尿: 第2种:The beauty and wild animal

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