
作者&投稿:朝凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Deng Yaping,life as a sporting hero.She has been chosen to represent Chinese table tennis and she has been known as a table tennis hero. Deng Yaping was born in June 2nd,1973.She began to study table tennis in 1918 and took part in Hainan table tennis team in 1983.She went abroad to study many times and she is good at English. In her sporting life, she has got 18 world champions and 4 Olympic table tennis winners.Now ,she is well known all over the world and she becomes a symbol of China`s international sporting success.

我想对她说 :你是我们中国的骄傲 ;你让世界震惊;你创造了一个乒坛奇迹;在她的神韵里,有一股王者势气。她不会输,一定要赢,一定能赢。

Deng Yaping,life as a sporting hero.She has been chosen to represent Chinese table tennis and she has been known as a table tennis hero. Deng Yaping was born in June 2nd,1973.She began to study table tennis in 1918 and took part in Hainan table tennis team in 1983.She went abroad to study many times and she is good at English. In her sporting life, she has got 18 world champions and 4 Olympic table tennis winners.Now ,she is well known all over the world and she becomes a symbol of China`s international sporting success.

我将亲自为你颁奖。 一年后,邓亚萍如约站在了巴塞罗那奥运会的赛场上, 她拿下了女单、女双两块金牌,萨马兰奇也如约为她颁奖。 这一画面成为经典,邓亚萍亲切得称他为老萨, 而老萨则说,一个条件并不好的女孩称霸女子乒坛, 她就是奥林匹克精神。 两人的友谊也成为一段佳话, 后来老萨还资助邓亚萍出国...

接着就温柔地向它说话,用手拍拍它,好像对待一匹就要开始一次长途驰骋的好马,他对那口钟即将开始的...首先不要向我说起你的法比(这样说着,他走来走去,好像一个不能停留的人一样,他把她拉到面前),...2009-02-06 《巴黎圣母院》中的优美语段 354 2009-02-05 巴黎圣母院精彩语句或片段 675 2017-...

相信运动会对所以热爱的体育的同学来说,都是大展身手的好机会,但对像我这样“大脑发达”、“四肢简单”、跑几步就扭伤脚的体育盲来说,运动会就不怎么样了。 第一:写报道——苦啊! “谷安楠、余傲然、胡冠西、许晨镐!你们几个来一下……就是这样,你们一定要认真地写!这是展现、锻炼你们写作能力的最好机会...


为了心中的 600字记叙文 初二的作文


邓亚萍 心得体会或学习感悟
会后马不停蹄来到古巴,为提高拉美女子乒乓球水平贡献自己的力量。今年夏天,她将进行硕士论文答辩,实现她人生新的目标。邓亚萍表示,这不是终点,她将继续学习。 邓亚萍是一颗璀璨的明星,同时也是一个和你和我一样的普通人,你我有的缺点或许在她身上也有。过去我们领略到了邓亚萍高超过人的乒乓球艺,今天我们感受到了...



她认为:“我从来不曾有过幸运,将来也永远不指望幸运,我的最高原则是:对任何困难都决不屈服!” 在这样一位庄严、勇敢、高雅、和平的伟大女性面前,时间的...邓亚萍从小就酷爱打乒乓球,她梦想着有朝一日能够在世界赛场上大显身手。却因为身材矮小,手腿粗短而被拒于国家队的大门之外。但她并没有气馁,而是把失败...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 初2英语作文 邓亚萍邓亚萍是很多人心目中的英雄,请你根据提示写一篇介绍她的英语作文.1、邓亚萍1973年6月2日出生于河南省.2、她是我国著名的乒... -
关侵安宫:[答案] Deng Yaping is an famous Pinpang athlete in China.Many people think she is a hero. She was born on June second,1973 in Henan province.And she started to play Pinpang in her 5 years old. In 1983, she joined Henan Pinpang team.She's also very ...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 写一篇英语作文,关于民族英雄邓亚萍 -
关侵安宫: Deng yaping is very famous.she was born in 1973 in HuNan Province.When she was 5 years old,she started playing table tennis.and in 1988,she joined the chinese table tennis programme.However, she won both the team and singles titles in a ...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 初二英语关于邓亚萍的作文 -
关侵安宫: Deng Yaping is an famous Pinpang athlete in China.Many people think she is a hero. She was born on June second,1973 in Henan province.And she started to play Pinpang in her 5 years old. In 1983, she joined Henan Pinpang team.She's also ...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 英语作文My favorite athlete最好是写邓亚萍的,60 - 80词,最好能有一句谚语, -
关侵安宫:[答案] my favorite athlete is deng ya ping. she's one of the most famous table tennis player in china. she has won many world champions. she trained very hard to become number one. as the old saying goes, "g...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 求英语短文:写一封信表达自己对邓亚萍的崇敬之情,内容有:1表示祝贺,2介绍自己及爱好,3崇敬的原因, -
关侵安宫: Dear Sister Deng Yaping,Hello.This is Janet from *** Middle School.I am glad to hear that you have gained the Doctor Degree in College of Cambridge after eleven years of study.Congratulations!You have really set an good example for us teenagers...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 关于八年级邓亚萍的英语作文,80字左右 -
关侵安宫: Deng Yaping was born February 6th,1973......

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 急!!有谁可以帮我写下关于邓亚萍的英语作文!! -
关侵安宫: Deng Ya-ping table tennis most great woman player at the history, she learn, fight ball with father from the 5 year old, entered the national team in 1988, successively obtained world champion's title 14 times; In table tennis circles the world ranking ...

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 初二上英语u9self check2写邓亚萍的作文 -
关侵安宫: As we know,Deng Ya Ping is famous for playing pingpong.Of course she made plenty of exercise to make such a wonderful acheivement in the Olympic Game.The exercise is very hard but she still instit on it .As the word said 'Practise make perfect....

金秀瑶族自治县13835718466: 跪求邓亚萍的英语作文 -
关侵安宫: 关于邓亚萍的英语作文 Deng Ya-ping table tennis most great woman player at the history, she learn, fight ball with father from the 5 year old, entered the national team in 1988, successively obtained world champion's title 14 times; In table tennis ...

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