
作者&投稿:蔽馨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Safety belt is a lifeline, often traffic lights who protect compliance.
2. You want to see traffic safety warning signs in English and slogans? Here are some traffic safety warning signs in English that I recommend to everyone, welcome to read!
3. Traffic safety warning signs in English [1]:
- Yield three points in safety, and regret one second later.
- Anger is the source of evil, tolerance can ensure safety.
- Overtaking and speeding are enjoyable for a moment, but regretful for a lifetime.
- Traffic laws are observed by everyone, and happy communities are everywhere.
- Drive wholeheartedly, be an upright person.
- Drinking too much hurts the liver, and driving after drinking is fatal.
- Crossing the road without barriers is a hidden danger, and breaking the law is a hazard.
- Obey traffic laws and regulations, care for life's journey.
4. Traffic safety warning signs in English [2]:
- Traffic laws are observed by everyone, and civilized cities are safe everywhere.
- Gold and jade have value, life is priceless, follow traffic laws, and live a safe life.
- Big things and small things are not as good as not happening, early arrival and quick arrival are not as safe as safe arrival.
- You let me go, I let you go, safety guaranteed; I argue and fight, only casualties.
- People who break the law learn from their mistakes, and people who break the law learn from their mistakes.
- Courtesy first, smooth roads and safe citizens.
- Every step is careful, safety is gold.
- A second car accident, a lifetime of pain.
- Walk carefully, safety is the key.
- Rather than ten steps away, don't take risks.
- Observe discipline, deposit safety.
- Rather than three points late, don't rush.
- Drunk driving, life discount.
- Maintain traffic order, be a civilized citizen.
- People should not cross the road randomly, and cars should not cross the line.
5. Traffic safety warning signs in English [3]:
- Traffic laws, friends of life.
- Drunk driving is a gamble with life.
- Roads are the lifeline of the country, and laws are the soul of the people.
- Illegal driving harms others and oneself.
- A good car and a good road, safety is the best.
- The road is like a tiger's mouth, be careful.
- Holding the steering wheel, stepping on life and death.
- Traffic accidents are as fierce as tigers, be careful.
- Let each other, the road is wide and comfortable.
- Let each other, safety is guaranteed.
- Remember the rules, think before you act.
- No stop at the red light, where is the green light.
- Driving all want to be first, accidents are behind.
- Courtesy, courtesy, people and cars are safe.
- Violations are the forerunners of accidents.
- Be an ambassador of beauty and love.
- Take risks and be unlucky.
- Remember rules and be kind to life.
- Each has its way, safe and reliable.
- Randomly cross the road, no help.
- The road is bumpy without rules.
- If you want benefits, safety is the most important.
- Randomly cross the road, very dangerous, civilized walking, safe.
- Security and compliance, accidents and violations.
- Road passage see image, red and green lights see cultivation.
- Roads connect you and him, security is thousands of homes.
- After a car accident, report quickly, save the dying and help the wounded.
- Not paying attention to hygiene will make you sick, not paying attention to safety will cost your life.
- Rather than reasonable unreasonable, not reasonable to unreasonable.
- Drive carefully thousands of times less, careless driving once more.
- Crops need sunshine, safety needs rules.
- The consequences of drunk driving are severe.
- Walk all over the world, safety always in mind.


交通安全是目前关注度很高的一件事,要大家一起去维护交通安全,作为新世纪的我们,同学们要对交通安全有足够的重视。下面是我整理的交通安全宣传警示横幅文案80句,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴。更多交通安全相关内容推荐↓↓↓ 交通安全征文800字6篇模板 关于交通安全的经典文案句子 交通安全常识及注意事项 交通安全...

讲究交通公德,遵守交通法规关于委婉的交通安全警示语你们想了解吗?那么我整理了委婉的交通安全警示语,供大家分享!交通安全宣传口号 1. 遵守交通信号,遵守交通标志,遵守交通标线 2. 树立文明意识,搞好交通秩序 3. 违规是交通事故的祸根,侥幸是交通事故的隐患 4. 良药苦口利于病,交通规则利于行...

行万里平安路 做百年长乐人 但愿人长久 千里路畅通 人生美好 步步小心 路无规不畅 国无法不宁 狭路相逢“让”者胜 处罚违章不留情 看似无情最深情 爱妻爱子爱家庭 无视交规等于零 乱穿马路 失道无助 超载超速 危机四伏 酒后驾车 拿命赌博 一秒钟车祸 一辈子痛苦 遵守交规 储蓄安全 礼让礼让 人车...

50.珍爱生命,安全出行。 51.遵守交规路路顺畅,文明出行天天平安。 52.遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 学校交通安全警示语 1.35度健康的温度,20迈安全的速度 2.安全伴我在校园,人人事事保平安。 3.安全来自警惕,事故出于麻痹 4.安全是父母的寄托,安全是儿女的心愿。 5.安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随 6.打开交通...

安全警示语书签推荐 1、安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。2、我们可以拥抱大海但却不可被海“拥抱”3、减速慢行缓一秒,关照生命到一生。4、纸币莫过手,一卡-通健康!5、千里之行,始于足下,交通安全,从我做起.6、安全手中握生命飞不走 7、安全伴我行,生活甜如蜜。8、倡导文明出行,牢记...

交通安全警示语 (一) 行车上路要小心 平安二字值千金 (二) 司机一滴酒 亲人两行泪 (三) 心急不吃热豆腐 开车不开英雄车 (四) 滴酒不沾 出行平安 (五) 安全意识抛脑后 事故发生忙个够 (六) 生命最可贵 平安是幸福 (七) 礼让为先人人敬 强超抢会是祸根 (八) 平安藏心间 ...

交通安全教育内容100条,交通安全,是指人们在道路上进行活动、要按照交通法规的规定,安全地行车、走路,避免发生人身伤亡及损失。以下学习交通安全教育内容100条及相关知识。 交通安全教育内容100条1 经典交通安全警示语 1、爱妻爱子爱家庭,无视交规等于零 2、安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人 3、乱穿马路最危险...

(一) 行车上路要小心 平安二字值千金 (二) 司机一滴酒 亲人两行泪 (三) 心急不吃热豆腐 开车不开英雄车 (四) 滴酒不沾 出行平安 (五) 安全意识抛脑后 事故发生忙个够 (六) 生命最可贵 平安是幸福 (七) 礼让为先人人敬 强超抢会是祸根 (八) 平安藏心间 礼让应率先 (九...

你我生命线。25、传递文明、升华人格、赢得尊重。26、遵守文明出行,享受精彩人生。27、排队乘车从我做起!讲究秩序,排队礼让。28、斑马线,遵守停止线。29、斑马线上晒文明,红绿灯下亮美德。30、交通拥挤莫急躁,各行其道勿干扰。交通安全 警示语 1、道路畅通让城市提速,出行文明给都市增辉。

仙居县18765572349: 交通警示语英语有哪些 -
竺蔡心安: Heart of the dream becomes a vague memory

仙居县18765572349: 10句标语【英语】有关交通安全方面的 要有注解 -
竺蔡心安: Yield and watch for bicycles 注意自行车-公路上的) Unmarked intersection ahead (前方是没有标志的十字路口--慢行) Lane crossover with width restriction: 前方十字路口有宽度限制) Lane shift with width restriction: 前方上坡 有宽度限制 ...

仙居县18765572349: 交通安全英语,中文警句 -
竺蔡心安: 遵守交通法规,关隘生命旅程 Observes the traffic law, the mountain pass life journey

仙居县18765572349: 英文交通安全的标语 -
竺蔡心安: Don't let your kids drive if they are not old enough - or else theynever will be….. Remember: it's better to lose one minute of your life than your life in one minute.Watch the Road!

仙居县18765572349: 谁有英文的交通安全标语呀!英汉要标明 -
竺蔡心安: 大街上看到的吗? GIVE WAY! STOP FORM ONE LANE FREEWAY 国外没见到国内那种标语.

仙居县18765572349: 劝戒他人注意交通安全的英语! -
竺蔡心安: 1)Slow down and be aware of pedestrian movement near schools, shopping centres and other pedestrian areas - never assume a pedestrian has seen you. 2)Never assume that a driver has seen you and will stop for you. 3)Before crossing the road...

仙居县18765572349: 双语安全标语 -
竺蔡心安: 1、 为了你和家人的幸福,请您注意安全! Safety Depends on You, Your Family Depends on You 2、 一人违章,众人遭殃! Everyone Suffer Due to Someone Violation! 3、 生产必须安全,安全促进生产! Safety in Production Promote ...

仙居县18765572349: 劝戒他人注意交通安全的英语!可以是口号,也可以是句子 -
竺蔡心安:[答案] 1)Slow down and be aware of pedestrian movement near schools,shopping centres and other pedestrian areas - never assume a pedestrian has seen you.2)Never assume that a driver has seen you and will sto...

仙居县18765572349: 想几个关于交通安全怎么做的英语句子. -
竺蔡心安: Green for stop and red for go.红灯停绿灯行 Don't play on the street.他要在大街上打闹 preschool children walking in the street or on the road, must there adults lead 学前儿童过马路必须有大人陪同

仙居县18765572349: 在路上要注意交通安全英文 -
竺蔡心安: On the road to pay attention to traffic safety 在路上要注意交通安全

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