
作者&投稿:城翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ "项链"英语单词怎么写



a necklace
A person that loves you will never let you go.
necklace 就是项链的意思。如果你要读音,可以到百度词典里去搜这个单词,然后点后面的小喇叭,就会有读音可供学习。
This is a one-act play, which is based on Maupassant’s best-known story The Diamond Necklace.

There are three characters in the play:

Mathilde Loisel, a young woman;

Pierre Loisel, Mathilde’s hu *** and, a government worker;

Jeanne, Mathilde's good friend.



英文介绍:The story takes place in Paris. One day, Pierre gets an invitation to a palace ball. He thinks it important to him, and decides to go to the party with his wife Mathilde. But Mathilde is worried, because she has no new dress and no jewellwey to wear. Her hu *** and spends 400 francs on a new dress and she herself borrows a diamond necklace from her good friend Jeanne. The young couple go to the ball and has a very good time here. On their way back after the ball, Mathilde finds that the necklace is no longer around her neck. They rush back to the palace and look for it. But they can’t find it; it is lost.The young couple borrow a great deal of money and buy a necklace that is exactly like Jeanne’s. It costs them 36000 francs. So they have to work day and night to pay back the money they have borrowed. After ten years of hard work, they at last pay back all the money, but now Mathilde looks so old that Jeanne even can’t recognize her when they meet.When Jeanne hears the story, she tells Mathilde that the necklace she has borrowed isn’t a real diamond ne......
项链:【英文】necklace手炼:【英文】the hand chain胆耳环:【英文】earring

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unit 1 pen pal 笔友 Australia 澳洲 Japan 日本 Canada 加拿大 France 法国 the United States 美国 Singapore 新加坡 the United Kingdom 英国 country 国家 Sydney 悉尼 New York 纽约 Paris 巴黎 Toronto 多伦多 Tokyo 东京 live 住 lauguage 语言 world 世界 in English 用英语 Japanese 日本人 ...

cinema n. \/ ‘sini m_ \/ ci- ne-ma 同样, city n. \/ ‘si ti \/. ci- ty 在单词里 ci 发音为 \/ si \/ ,不读 \/ sai \/

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2、电器:telephone 电话, computer 电脑, television 电视, radio 收音机, fridge 电冰箱, microwave oven 微波炉, air conditioner 空调,3、天气:fine 晴天, rainy 雨天, cloudy 多云, windy 刮风, stormy 暴风雨, foggy 雾, snowy下雪天 4、学科:Chinese 中文, math 数学, English 英语, P.E...

荆州市19496225561: 项链用英语怎么说?
欧阳维新福: necklace项链

荆州市19496225561: 项链的英文怎么?项链的英文怎么写
欧阳维新福: 项链 [词典] necklace; torque; [例句]她买了一个水晶项链. She bought a necklace of crystals.

荆州市19496225561: titlee项链用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: Titlee necklace 项链 [词典] necklace; torque; [例句]她买了一个水晶项链. She bought a necklace of crystals.

荆州市19496225561: 项链吊坠用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 项链是necklace 吊坠是pendant 我做过饰品,就是用这两英语

荆州市19496225561: 古天乐项链用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 项链_百度翻译 项链 [词典] necklace; torque; .She bought a necklace of crystals.torque_百度翻译 torque 英[tɔ:k] 美[tɔ:rk] n. ( 金属项圈; 金属颈环; [例句]In this paper, speed and torque regulation of the induction motor based on the passivity are investigated.

荆州市19496225561: 黄金红宝石项链用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 黄金红宝石项链 Golden Ruby Necklace 重点词汇红宝石ruby; rubine; carbuncle ruby 英[ˈru:bi] 美[ˈrubi] n. 红宝石,红玉; 红宝石色,深红色; <英>细铅字; 红葡萄酒; adj. 红宝石的; 红宝石色的; vt. 使带红宝石色; 把…弄红; 把…涂染成红色; [例句]They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing 'Danny Boy'.

荆州市19496225561: 耳环、耳钉、耳坠、手链、项链以及夹头发的卡子.用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 耳环earrings 耳钉Ear nails 耳坠earbob 项链Necklace 夹头发的卡子hairpin

荆州市19496225561: 珍珠项链用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 珍珠项链 pearl necklace 复数是pearl necklaces 送多两个:珍珠耳环 pearl earings 珍珠戒指 pearl ring 希望我的回答能够帮助到您!也希望能成为最佳回答喔,谢谢.

荆州市19496225561: 幸运鱼项链用英语怎么说 -
欧阳维新福: 直译:luckfishnecklace项链

荆州市19496225561: 珠宝词汇全攻略,钻石翡翠水晶玛瑙等英文怎么写 -
欧阳维新福: 珠宝专业英语词汇1、宝石名称宝石类: 钻石:diamond 刚玉:corundum 红宝石: ruby 蓝宝石: sapphire 绿宝石: beryl 石英:quartz 水晶: 无色水晶:rock crystal 黄水晶: citrine 烟晶:smoky quartz 紫晶:amethyst 蔷薇辉石:...

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