Helen 's story encourage you and 后面填什么?

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小学生英语作文Helen's story gives everyone hope六年级水平,最少100单词~

Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A.She was a great woman.
When Helen was a baby,she got very sick.Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can't see and she can't hear." Her mother and father were very sad .
Afthe a few years,things got worse.There was no way for Helen to speak to other people.She heard nothing.She saw nothing.She didn't undertand anyting.I admire her for her, was also impressed by the spirit and perseverance, as people with disabilities she can be fearless, so we normal people, continue to waste good time?

story是第三人称单数 所以 后面的动词give要用第三人称单数形式

1. 问题解答: 这里应该用宾格人称代词me或者us。之所以应该再补充一个宾格人称代词,是因为空格位置在及物动词充当的谓语动词encourage后面,即encourage有并列的宾语。另外,原句中的谓语动词encourage错误,应该用动词的单三形式encourages或过去式encouraged。这样原句就是: Helen's story encouraged you and me. 海伦的故事激励了你和我。

2. 英语语法: 现代英*语是一种分析*性语言,语序占据主导地位,处于不同位置中的名词或者代词承担不同的语法功能,对应着不同的变化形式。这就是英语“格”的概念。名词有普通格和所有格之分,代词则有主格和宾格之分。处于主语位置,也就是承担动作施动者角色的人称代词,用主格人称代词形式。处于宾语位置,也就是动作承受着角色的人称代词要使用宾格人称代词形式。宾格人称代词一般置于及物动词后或者介词后。主格人称代词与宾格人称代词对应关系如下: I- me, we - us; you– you; he - him, she - her, it

- it; they– them。

3. 典型例句:

① Can I help you?我能帮您吗?(主格I,宾格me)

② We are start at 8:00 tomorrow morning.我们明早八点就出发。(we主格)

③ She gave the books to you and me.(主格she,you和me为宾格)

④ It was he who did it.(强调句第一个it形式主语,he没有用宾格形式,it是宾从的宾语,宾格形式)

图木自治县市15610034491: 's 和of所有格的用法区别/ be about to ,be going to ,will -
镇邰十五: 1.名词的格 在英语中名词有三个格:主格(作主语),宾格(作宾语)和所有格.其中只有所有格有形式变化. 名词的所有格:名词中表示所有关系的形式叫名词所有格.所有格的构成有以下几种: 1. 表示有生命的东西(人或动物)的名词...

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镇邰十五: 你点开任务界面,把鼠标放在命中上面,出来的提示框里应该有 护甲穿透 这项

图木自治县市15610034491: helen's job是什么意思 -
镇邰十五: helen's job 海伦的工作 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1 Helen's story is another example of how what we interpret as a tragic event, such as the loss of a job, can turn out to be a magnificent possibility. 她的故事再次证明,即使失业这种看起来很不幸的事情,也可以转化成很好的机会.

图木自治县市15610034491: 信件中在姓氏后加'S(如:王'S)代表什么意思 -
镇邰十五: 在英语中:姓氏后加上'S表示:某人的,如TiM的,要用TIM'S表示

图木自治县市15610034491: helen's class是什么意思 -
镇邰十五: 海伦的班级 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

图木自治县市15610034491: 小学生英语作文Helen's story gives everyone hope六年级水平,最少100单词 -
镇邰十五: Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A.She was a great woman.When Helen was a baby,she got very sick.Afthe many weeks,the doctor said...

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图木自治县市15610034491: 《其实你不懂他的心》(He's Just Not That Into You) -
镇邰十五: Because he cares about you. 但是很抱歉我还没有看过电影, 所以全部的对话我不知道也无法写, 但按照你的中文"因为他在乎你"写出的. 不过我之前有看过电影的详细介绍, 我想就是那段小女孩被男孩推倒在地,她妈妈却对她说男孩是因为...

图木自治县市15610034491: it's one's first time to do /doing有什么区别 有get married with sb吗 -
镇邰十五: 先回答第二个问题吧,西方人没有中国人"嫁给谁"的说法,marry是与xx结婚的意思,男女通用,至于你说文章里出现,那是错的 marry相关词组不很多,有marry up--结婚, 结合, 配合 marry off --嫁出女儿 让儿子结婚 一般来说用to do较多些:The first time to use xx. The first time to come. 其实英语当中很多语法没那么严格 doing表示正在做或已做过的: first time doing this job

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