
作者&投稿:占苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In brief, some of their comments to highlight our performance :--
 SNDA design/engineering was excellent. Very good response times and all drawing changes were handled efficiently and effectively.
 SNDA 设计/工程:成绩卓著,良好的响应时间,对图纸的所有变更都有效率有效果。

* No fabrication/quality defects and the equipment looks great. 无焊接/质量瑕疵,设备外观良好。
* Very impressed with the way the project was managed. They also complimented all those involved in the project on a job well done. 令人印象深刻的项目管理方法,他们成功地把一切有关项目的因素都结合在工作中。

* SNDA designed and fabricated a small portable skid to conduct the Riboflavin tests and they commented, " never seen anything as good as this before ", very impressed.
* Surface finish on external cladding was beyond their expectations and the internal finish, was in their words " perfect ".
* We asked the client given our performance on this project, would you purchase this type of equipment again from SNDA ?." Answer, " most certainly ". 我们请客户对我们的项目作评价,“你会再次购买SNDA的这种设备吗?回答:很可能。

This is an important measure of performance/customer satisfaction for SNDA. It is vital that we professionally manage projects, produce quality products that meet or exceed customer expectations and are delivered to schedule, this will provide us with the financial results we require. And the above points are a great step forward for SNDA. 这是SNDA顾客满意度调查的一个重要测量数据。我们专业人员的项目管理,高质量的产品生产满足或超出用户的要求,按时交货,这些都很重,会使我们取得预期的经济效益,而且上述要点也是SNDA进行下一步工作的要点。

Well done and thanks to all.




6.1 Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Clause 6.2 or 6.3, this Agreement shall come into effect as from the Effective Date and shall remain effective and enforceable.

6.1 本协议自(规定的)生效的日期开始生效并持续具有法律效力和对双方的约束力,合同的提前终止只能依据6.2或6.3条款的规定。

6.2 Either party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving to the other party thirty (30) day’s notice in writing of termination of this Agreement. The said termination shall in no event be deemed a breach of this Agreement nor entitle the other party to claim damages or compensation from the terminating party.

6.2 合同的一方有权终止该协议,需要提前30天向协议的另一方做出终止协议的书面通知。此类情况下对合同的终止不属于违约,且另外一方无权因此要求终止方赔偿损失或赔金。

6.3 Either party shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the other to terminate the Agreement immediately in any of the following events:

6.3 在下列情况下,任何一方都有权在任何时间以书面形式通知另一方立即终止该协议:

6.3.1 if such other party commits a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement on its party to be observed or performed and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice is given to it requiring such remedy;

6.3.1 如果另一方违反此协议中规定的其应遵守和履行的任何条款并且此违约行为在被要求采取补救措施时没有在30天内做出补救措施(的情况下)。

6.3.2 if such other party becomes insolvent or otherwise becomes unable to pay its debts as they fall due or suspends or threatens to suspend making payment with respect to all or any class of its debts; or

6.3.2 如果另外一方无法或不能在期满之日偿还它的债务或(在还款期间)无法/很有可能无法偿还全部或其部分债务;或

6.3.3 if such other party enters into liquidation whether it be compulsory or voluntary (not being a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or has a receiver appointed for any of its assets or makes any assignment for the benefit of its creditors or takes or suffers any similar action.

6.3.3 如果另一方开始进行资产清算,无论是强制的还是自愿的(不包括因合并或重组而进行的自愿地清算)或有清算人指出其资产归属于它或其债权人的任何资产应分配于它或遭遇任何类似的情况。

6.4 Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights or remedies that either party may have against the other at the time of termination.

6.4 协议的终止在中止时不应影响双方对另一方的任何权利或其补救措施。


校校 QQ:547560001


6.1 Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Clause 6.2 or 6.3, this Agreement shall come into effect as from the Effective Date and shall remain effective and enforceable.

6.2 Either party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving to the other party thirty (30) day’s notice in writing of termination of this Agreement. The said termination shall in no event be deemed a breach of this Agreement nor entitle the other party to claim damages or compensation from the terminating party.

6.3 Either party shall have the right at any time by giving notice in writing to the other to terminate the Agreement immediately in any of the following events:

6.3.1 if such other party commits a breach of any of the terms of this Agreement on its party to be observed or performed and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice is given to it requiring such remedy;

6.3.2 if such other party becomes insolvent or otherwise becomes unable to pay its debts as they fall due or suspends or threatens to suspend making payment with respect to all or any class of its debts; or

6.3.3 if such other party enters into liquidation whether it be compulsory or voluntary (not being a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) or has a receiver appointed for any of its assets or makes any assignment for the benefit of its creditors or takes or suffers any similar action.

6.4 Termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights or remedies that either party may have against the other at the time of termination.



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是翻译英语吗,是的话,翻译如下:3, the kitchen and restaurant can be divided into two separate regions linked to reduce assembly and movement caused inconvenience, Gap (separated) 500mm to facilitate the installation of drainage pipes and connectors. Restaurant closed, in the middle of...

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for France to know that food tourism income-generating 18 billion euros last year, representing national tourism income 1\/4. More and more restaurant owners reflect the tax and economic policies limiting their profits, but also affects their investment and employment of more staff. F...

终于翻译完了,楼主这是我自己翻译的,绝对没有用过任何的翻译机,全是来自人脑... 我提供楼主一个网来验证我的话:http:\/\/www.google.com\/language_tools?hl=en,楼主可把自己的文章放进去然后翻译,如果我的是与机翻的一样,我无话可说。希望对楼主有帮助。新年快乐!!!

请日语高手帮忙翻译一下 十分感谢!
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appropriate location, decorating the shop, setting up a network and training their staff. What they need to do is just to put all the product information on their website. Customers can then select their products and make purchases conveniently and easily on the internet.人工翻译 ...

Instructions: Please complete ALL of the following fields. Use as much space as you need to answer the questions. In addition to this completed form, please include two or more letters of support of the nominee.要求:请完成所有以下领域。用你所需要的尽量大的空间回答问题。另外为了...

远安县18896701542: 请高手帮忙指点翻译合同中的几段内容!谢绝机器翻译.“Project IP”means all intellectual property which was discovered, developed, conceived or reducedto ... -
朱茅辰吉:[答案] “项目知识产权”是指由A方发明,开发,构思或实践的一切知识产权.甲方有义务采取行动或起诉相关措施以防止第三方侵犯专利,版权,商标诉讼或专业设计及其他知识产权和合同权利.在检验任何通知服务时,是否充分有效,这些...

远安县18896701542: 一段合同上的文字,麻烦高手翻译下,急急!!1 -
朱茅辰吉: Any notice, request or other communication shall be written in the English language, sent to the addresses stated on the first page of the Contract, and deemed to be duly given 任何布告(通知), 要求, 或其它任何沟通细节需用英语, 且发送到...

远安县18896701542: 请高手帮忙翻译合同相关内容,谢绝机翻!谢谢! -
朱茅辰吉: 双方都同意除了双方之间交换机密信息,不能将机密信息用于其他目的.与制造方法、成分、材料和制作工艺相关的效果测试和其他实验结果可以提供给对方.由一方提供的任何样品,组成成分、原料和产品原型或者接受者得到的其他东西的所...

远安县18896701542: 翻译几句合同··急用···中午之前·请不要用机译·真正懂的来··· 给高分·
朱茅辰吉: 1.没有另外一方的书面同意,任何一方都不得转让本协议的全部或部分.除了任何公司因为合并,兼并还有重组涉及转让方的,任何单位的转让方可以转让全部或者实质上实质上其全部的资产,其中转让方必须提供书面同意遵守所有条款和协议,并提供文件证明受让方有能力和其所有的能力你能履行本协议项下的所有义务. 2.如果甲方实质性违反了本合同,乙方或其权益继受人有权终止本合同或要求得到违约赔偿.如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方有权发出书面通知要求乙方,在收到书面通知的15日内改正违约行为.如果乙方在十五天期限内没有改正违约行为,甲方有权解除合同并要求得到违约赔偿.

远安县18896701542: 请帮忙翻译合同.不胜感激. -
朱茅辰吉: DISTRIBUTORSHIP AGREEMENT(draft) 经销协议(拟稿)This Agreement, made and entered into this date day of month、year by and between USHIO SHENZHEN, INC., a corporation dul...

远安县18896701542: 求高手帮忙翻译合同中的一段话 -
朱茅辰吉: 我在此特此承认并确认无论担保提供方抑或他们的同事、任何他们的代表人都未以任何可以视为诱骗的方式对我实施诱骗.

远安县18896701542: 高分请高手帮忙翻译一段合同,谢绝机器翻译!
朱茅辰吉: 专业翻译,放心使用!谢谢掌声! 6. TERM AND TERMINATION (协议的)期限和终止 6.1 Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Clause 6.2 or 6.3, this Agreement shall come into effect as from the Effective Date and shall remain effective ...

远安县18896701542: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段保密协议!采纳后定追加!(不要用机器翻译~谢谢) -
朱茅辰吉: 提供给接收方的资料,无论是在本合同订立日之来前或之后,亦无论是书面的还是口头的,连同所有说明书、文件、备忘录、笔记、分析、预测和其他由接源收方或其附属公司或代表准备的材料,而其中材料可能包含或反映,或是从以上所述资料制作的知,均统称为「保密资料」.「保密资料」是以“原样”方式提供,披露方并不对「保密资料」作任何明示、暗示或其他方式的保证,包括其准确性.~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,道欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~

远安县18896701542: 请高手帮忙翻译两段合同里的英文条款!!要详细点!! -
朱茅辰吉: 第一段,我们看来,如果你在任何时间工作中有不作为,或者欺诈,不诚实,不服从,反叛,失职,无纪律,无故缺勤以及一切其他有损我们利益或者违反这里条款中一个至多个的条约,你将会被无条件终止合同,由于条款缺失或者其他种种因素,公司应重新追究你的过失.第二段你对了...差不多就这么意思 哥们啊 你是不是在欧洲啊做?劳工费 ? 他没说可以随时炒你,只是你违反他们的条件的时候,这与我们平时工作的签约差不多,在欧洲工作的话条件是苛刻的了.你自己掂量吧如有任何秘密泄露本公司?笑死

远安县18896701542: 英文合同翻译,这里有份英文合同条款,请高手帮忙翻一下.(只有11分了,希望大家给力,多谢了) -
朱茅辰吉: 1. 买方须于寄送前30天开出本批交易的信用证并交达售方,否则,售方有权:不经通知取消本确认书,或只承认买方未履行的合同全部或部分有效,或对由此遭受的损失提出索赔.2. 凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起130天内提出.凡属于...

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