终生教育 英文

作者&投稿:崔阀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“终生教育”在英文中可以用lifelong learning来表达,其含义为一个人在其一生中不断学习和成长的过程。这种教育形式不仅限于传统的学校教育,而是包括个人自我学习、社区教育、在职培训和其他形式的学习。




  • 自我学习:个人可以通过读书、看电视、上网等方式自我学习。

  • 社区教育:社区教育机构为成人提供各种学习机会,包括文化课程、职业培训和兴趣爱好等。

  • 在职培训:雇主为员工提供的培训,以提高他们的技能、知识和能力,以适应工作需求。

  • 高等教育:成人可以通过参加大学或职业学院的课程来获得学位或证书。

  • 在线学习:成人可以通过网络学习平台获得在线课程和学位。

翠峦区18981885646: 求一篇英语作文!关于终生教育的!the significance of lifelong educatio -
鲍蓓青叶:[答案] Many people hold a wrong conception that graduation from university signals the end of education.Then,what college students actually have learnt from their school is just a small proportion for knowledge. There is no doubt ,it is necessary for graduates to...

翠峦区18981885646: 翻译为英语“全民终身教育” -
鲍蓓青叶: lifelong education for all citizen

翠峦区18981885646: 求一篇关于(终身教育)的英语作文 -
鲍蓓青叶: We have moved from an industrial age into an information age, with exponentially-increasing amounts of knowledge, complexity, and challenges. Today, there is an increasing emphasis on the flexibility and adaptability of individuals. The ability to ...

翠峦区18981885646: 终生教育 - 搜狗百科
鲍蓓青叶: 终身教育 lifelong education 继续教育 further education

翠峦区18981885646: 关于终身学习的英语单词 -
鲍蓓青叶: life learning

翠峦区18981885646: 终身教育 英语作文 -
鲍蓓青叶: http://ec.sdkd.net.cn/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=109 去看看吧,说不定有些启发哦~

翠峦区18981885646: 求助关于终身学习(Life long learning)的一篇英语作文!120词左右 -
鲍蓓青叶: With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, knowledge about 50 years from the half-life is 5 years. The development of science and technology and the existing problems and presents knowledge aging. The school ...

翠峦区18981885646: 怎样理解Education is not preparation for life,education is life itself!我们需要围绕这句话做3分钟英语演讲, -
鲍蓓青叶:[答案] 教育不是用来谋生的手段, 教育本身就是生活, 或者说我们的一生就是认知的过程 (这个话题可以从终身教育, 教育的重要性 和 反对功利的教育观来入手)

翠峦区18981885646: 求“终生学习”的英语作文,120词1.随社会发展,终生学习越来越重要2.终生学习有各种形式3.我的观点和选择 -
鲍蓓青叶:[答案] In the past,when students graduated from college and got a job.they usually stopped studying.Today ,lifelong learning is becoming more common.In the United states,people can return to school in their late twenties,thirties,or older to get a higher degree,...

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