
作者&投稿:顾败 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. The Definition of Logistics
After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place.
Three major functions of logistics
(1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.
(2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.
(2)创造场所价值: 同种商品因所处位置的不同而有着不同的价值。这种因商品流转过程中而产生的附加增值称之为物流的场所价值。
(3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts” is the most commonly seen distribution processing within logistics create added value for goods.
(3) 同配送加工价值:有时,物流活动也能创造配送加工价值,这种物流加工主要改变商品的长度、厚度和包装形态。物流中经常提到的“分割成更小的部分”就是配送加工中最为常见的形式。大多数物流加工都能创造商品的附加价值。

2. Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. The main differences between these two stage include:
(1) Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. The goods transfer process starts with packaging, followed by transportation, storage and distribution. The whole process is operated under logistics standards. Based on the logistics base module of 600×400mm, from the logistics module of 1,200×1,000mm, and enlarge to the size of 2,591×2,438mm-the size of high×wide of the container. It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships.
(2) Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operation and management of the logistics industry.

3.International Logistics
An increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, licensing, joins ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics networks. Integrated logistics management and cost analysis will be more complex and difficult to manage.
There are some future trends in internationalization:
(1) More logistics executives with international responsibilities
(2) Expansion of the number and size of foreign trade zones.
(3) Reduction in the amount of international paperwork and documentation
(4) More foreign warehousing is owned and controlled by the exporting firm
(5) Increasing number of smaller firm
(6) Foreign ownership of logistics service firms, e. g., public warehousing and transportation carriers.
(7) Increasing multiple distribution channels
The international transport and the international logistics are same things in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish international logistics systems to provide the products and service demanded. The most significant development in international logistics will be the increasing sophistication information system adopted and independent departments to operate.

4.Packaging. Packaging performs two basic functions–marketing and logistics. In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey knowledge of the product. When firms are involved in international marketing, packaging becomes even more important. Products sold to foreign countries travel greater distances and undergo more handling operations. The logistics package is to protect the products during the process of logistics.
Scrap disposal. The logistics process must effectively and quickly handle, transport, and store waste products. If they can be reused or recycled, logistics company should arrange and move them to the re–production and re–processing locations.
Return goods handling. The handling of return goods is often called reverse distribution. Buyers may return items to the seller for a number of reasons. Most logistics systems are not good enough to handle such cases. In many industries, consumers return products for warranty repair, replacement, or recycling, reverse distribution costs may be very high. Reverse distribution will become more important as customers demand more flexible and favorable return policies.

5.Third Part Logistics ( TPL)
Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.
Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:
* The company does not specialize in logistics;
* 企业并不专长于物流
* The company does not have sufficient resources;
* 企业自身没有足够的物流资源
* Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not have time to develop the required capabilities in–house;
* 对实施更好的物流运作的期盼,或没有时间开发内部物流所需要的能力
* The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements;
* 企业正投资一项新领域,该领域有着不同的物流需求
* Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.
* 外包物流运营可能比整合物流运营更加有吸引力

6.Global Logistics
Developed countries often deal with globalization in two ways: to be more cost competitive with third world countries, and to look for new partners in other countries to manufacture components, subassemblies and even the final products. The second approach forces most developed countries to get into a new area called “ global logistics”.
Benefits of global operations include cheap raw materials and end products, lower labor cost, better quality, increased internal competition and better customer service. Some of the disadvantages are unreliable delivery, poor communication and longer time from design to finish production. Challenges are often cultural and linguistic differences, legal requirements, logistics suppliers or manufacturers, exchange rates.
There are three major flows involved in global logistics: material flow, document flow and cash flow.

7.Logistics into the Future
Logistics is changing at a rapid and acceleration rate. There are two reasons are its rapid growth:
Firstly, pressure to change by the development of the system itself
(1) High–speed computing and data transmission can instantly transmit and react to user demand
(2) More flexible and accurate logistic planning and control through computers and data processing
(3) Flexible computer facilities help problem solving and increase decisions accuracy
(4) Awareness of total cost measurement and management accounting
Secondly, pressures for changes from the wider economy.
(1) Be flexible in handling markets of different sizes for better competition
(2) There is increasing specialization in markets and growth in retailing.
(3) Life cycles for products are shortening. Logistics systems need to be more efficient, faster and more flexible
(3) 产品的生产周期缩短。物流系统就要更高效、更快、更灵活
(4) Move from mass production towards flexible manufacturing system( FMS). These systems enable a company to switch production quickly from one product to another
(4) 从规模生产转向柔性生产系统(FMS) 。这些系统能使企业从一种产品的生产迅速转向另一种产品的生产
(5) Competitive pressures lead to more efforts to improve customer service.

8.The process of logistical integration can be divided into four stages:
Stage 1. Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities associated with distribution. Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management( PDM).
Stage 2. PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials, components, and subassemblies, generally known as “ materials management”. By the late 1970s, many firms had established “ logistics department” with overall responsibility for the movement, storage, and handling of products upstream and downstream of the production operation.
Stage 3. Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other functions. With the emergence of business process re–engineering( BPR) in the early 1990s, the relationship between logistics and related functions was redefined. “ System integration” occurred. Cross–functional integration should achieve greater results.
Stage 4. Establish Supply Chain Management( SCM) to achieve supply chain optimization and minimize inventory.

9.Transportation System
There are five transportation modes—motor, rail, air, water, or pipeline. In addition, certain modal combinations are available, including rail–motor, motor–water, motor–air, and rail–water. Such inter–modal combinations offer specialized or lower cost services not generally available than a single transport mode. Other transporters include freight forwarders, shipper cooperatives, parcel post, United Parcel Service( UPS), and other parcel service.
Factors Influencing Transportation Costs
As transportation cost can be significant, the firm must identify and control the factors that affect these costs. In general, factors influencing transportation costs can be grouped into two major categories–product related factors and market–related factors.
Factors to influence the cost of transportation can be grouped into the categories: (1) transport distances; (2) transport linkages; (3) transport equipment, and (4) transport time.
Important market–related factors also affect transportation costs. The most significant ones include: (1) competition from different carriers; (2) location of markets; (3) government regulation of transportation carriers; (4) freight traffic in a region; (5) seasonality of product movements; and (6) whether the product is being transported domestically or internationally. Each of these factors will affect the overall transportation costs.

10. The Economic and Service Characteristics of Motor Transportation
Motor carries transport over 75 percent of the tonnage of agricultural products, many manufactured products and consumer goods. Usually, motor carries compete with air for small shipments and rail for large shipments. An efficient motor carrier can compete with an air carrier on door-to-door service for many size shipment if the distance involved is 1,000 miles or less. This is because motor carriers realize greater efficiencies in terminal, pickup and delivery operations.
Motor carriers are more flexible than other modes. Motor carriers can use a wide range network of roads, and can transport products of varying sizes and weights over and distance. Truly, motor carriers can transport and product. Their flexibility has enabled them to become the dominant form of transport in the United States and in many other parts of the world.
In general, motor carriage offers the customer fast, reliable service with little damage or loss in transit. Motor carriers give much faster service than railroads and compare favorably with air carriers on short hauls. Many motor carriers, particularly those involved in “just-in-time” programs, operate on a scheduled timetable. This results in very short and reliable transit times. Loss and damage ratios for motor carriers and substantially lower than for rail and are slightly higher than for air freight. No other mode can provide the market coverage offered by motor carriers.
The amount of freight transported by motor carriers has steadily increased over the years. That trend is likely to continue in the years ahead. As long as it is able to provide fast, efficient service at rates between those offered by rail and air, the motor carriage industry will continue to prosper.

11.Rail transport generally costs less than air and motor carriage. For many shipments, rail does not compare favorably with other modes on loss and damage ratios. It has disadvantages compared to motor carriers in terms of transit time and frequency of service. Trains travel on timetable schedules, but departures are less frequent than those of a motor carrier. If a shipper has strict arrival and departure requirements, railroads are at a competitive disadvantage compared to motor carriers. Some of this disadvantage may be overcome through combined transport, which offers the economy of rail movement linked with the flexibility of trucking. Truck trailers are delivered to the rail terminals, where they are loaded on flatbed railcars. At the destination ter

























Since the 20th century, the beginning of the 1980s, modern logistics first appeared in Europe and the United States and other industrial countries, and its unique charm by the global business enterprises favored by the rapid development Hailed as the development of enterprises "accelerator" and the 21st century "gold industry," and become a new point of economic growth. Now, the nations of the world, more and more enterprises at Juzidouxiang modern logistics enterprises Meanwhile modern logistics enterprises have become the global financial investors concerned about one of the key sectors. Modern logistics, hot. In the circulation of steel products, Modern logistics means including steel, means of production and means of subsistence all material information from supplier to the demand - Rational activities, in order to meet consumer demand for the right raw materials, intermediate stock, the final product and related information from the consumer to start to the effective flow and storage of the planning, implementation and control of the process. Modern logistics emphasis of this process is efficient, effective flow and storage, and information management and logistics in the role. China's steel industry logistics situation of China's steel domain to the logistics industry and Europe and the United States and other developed nations, Generally speaking, or at a relatively backward state, is primarily the following five aspects of the inadequate : Logistics Industry late start fighting each other, yet to establish a nationwide system of logistics supporting infrastructure such as hardware poor management philosophy and methods are not advanced modern Logistics understanding and theoretical research remains to be seen in the increase in China's steel circulation within the logistics industry shortcomings in the meantime, We have to see that through all aspects of the unremitting efforts made progress and achievements. Now, China's iron and steel industry and steel circulation of modern logistics is basically a benign cycle in the vigorous development trends. Large iron and steel enterprises have set up logistics companies, using its abundant human and material resources, The building of China's steel circulation reputation in the field of logistics enterprises brand. From the beginning in 1982, when the volume on the design and implementation of a large number of major technology projects logistics solutions, total transport and import and export goods and materials management worth more than 300 billion yuan, has accumulated a wealth of experience of modern logistics. Angang development of the logistics industry is based on its own foundation of the four major advantages : First, in many ports rate is the lowest among similar enterprises; Second, with many shipping companies. Airlines have established a good partnership; Third, customs, commodity inspection departments have good cooperation. clearance capacity is very strong; 4 is a good brand and reputation, it is also Angang development of the logistics industry in the largest capital. Currently, many enterprises in Liaoning province have expressed strong with Angang logistics enterprises desire to cooperate these three enterprises have adopted international cargo Angang ITC Ltd. made a business. Small and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises have not reconciled to losing the development of modern logistics of the favorable opportunity, also hope that through modern logistics of promoting strong, with large steel shorten the distance between enterprises. Laigang logistics enterprises under the current situation, the logistics optimization and integration of a big fuss about the logistics enterprises in order to reduce costs, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. To this end, Laiwu Steel established the "Modern Logistics Management," responsible for the logistics of Laigang optimization and integration; hire experts on the logistics of the logistics Laigang diagnosis, develop integrated logistics optimization program, direct enterprises in modern logistics management innovation; the establishment of logistics optimization and integration of numerical models, all of the original production enterprises fuel procurement, production process and the transfer of semi-finished products to the customer sales process for system optimization, from the greater scope to optimize production costs and achieve Laigang the overall logistics management innovation. Online bidding and procurement, steel products and steel circulation towards modern logistics substantive step. "China's steel joint procurement tender system" since October 2001 in the domestic metallurgical industry following the formal launch of development momentum is very strong. The system can provide full Internet Hair, encryption tender, the tender closing, the online decryption opening a tender for the procurement platform, and the use of IC card system and advanced composite digital encryption technology. Today, the "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system" has realized a total online purchases 450 million yuan. January 2002. Beijing Shougang Steel new limited liability company through "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system," published online September 48 largest category of bids , procurement specifications varieties were more than 200, the value of 82.58 million yuan, to be held after the opening of the Internet, implementation of the procurement, participate in the online bidding vendors are 76. Now, an increasing number of suppliers to the steel business online bidding for the opportunity to actively participate in the ranks of online suppliers, Internet access to the big market. Compared with foreign enterprises, an obvious gap in our steel logistics system, after all, the development of the industry will also start from the overall perspective, still unable to meet steel production and steel trade development needs of logistics enterprises in terms of scale, efficiency, logistics technology and management standards with respect to foreign logistics enterprises, there is a wide gap between faced many pressing to resolve the question of solutions, mainly in the following eight areas : the iron and steel industry, logistics lack of overall planning, the segment did not straighten out, the logistics of irrational arrangement, the high cost of logistics, logistics means of a single, disordered competition in the logistics market, logistics industry as a whole led to poor efficiency. The degree of specialization is not high, Business uneven development, enterprises, "large and all-embracing", "dumbbell" of a common phenomenon, and Low degree of specialization, transport and logistics, warehousing modern low level. logistics centers and distribution centers in the construction scale and the pace of development has not yet adapted to the demands of modern logistics. Inefficient logistics system, the high cost of logistics, mainly in the transport, storage time, infrastructure such as labor productivity in three aspects. Logistics infrastructure does not match, the logistics technology and equipment, the low level logistics center and distribution center of the scale and speed of development of modern logistics do not meet the requirements. China's iron and steel enterprises are mostly under the planned economy product fragmentation, overlapping management and the traditional management patterns of deep-rooted, led to various logistics infrastructure planning and construction of a lack of the necessary coordination, thus compatibility and coordination poor, lead to the system function is not strong. Logistics systems generally low level of technology, equipment behind. Storage and warehousing facilities, the third party logistics warehouse owned 70% ordinary cottage warehouse, Stereo modern automated storage facilities a lower proportion is frozen, refrigeration, air conditioning fewer warehouses. In the use of the removal tool, manual handling car, pushing a forklift and the general lifting equipment accounted for more than 70%, and can screen forklift handling and other modern tools has been rarely used. Third-party logistics enterprises owned transport vehicles, ordinary vehicles accounted for more than 70%, modern box-type containers and container tractors and special transport vehicles were few. Shortage of logistics professionals. Steel logistics personnel system is the development of the logistics industry is seen as a key logistics enterprises grow protection. Our steel or steel circulation field of logistics management and personnel training, are also considerable lag, not suitable to the status of China's logistics theory and modern logistics management systems, logistics personnel training more difficult. Standardization lag. Logistics is a trans-regional and cross-sectoral operating system, the level of standardization is not only related to various logistics functions, elements of an effective interface between the development and coordination, has also significantly influenced the logistics efficiency. Logistics support equipment standards, standardization tray is not implemented, a serious impact on the efficiency of logistics. A low degree of information technology, modern marketing and operating level is not high. Many in the steel trade enterprises, are still in the telephone links by hand. Artificial handling low-level operational phase. In modern logistics system, the Logistics Information is not confined to a single enterprise's internal, In related businesses need a wide-ranging exchange. In related transactions between network connectivity, Retail enterprises to manufacturers and wholesale enterprises or orders issued by the information will also be sent to the logistics businesses, thereby achieving prompt delivery. But now, the majority of the steel traders according * permits the transmission of information to the media, it is impossible to achieve the steel of modern logistics. Although China has just started the flow of steel in the field of logistics enterprises still have many problems, However, its development prospects are very broad and has tremendous potential for development and growth space. With China's sustained economic development, the market economy gradually mature, the global economic structural adjustment and the industry has been escalating and This will make China's iron and steel industry, the status of the logistics industry and the role undergoing profound changes, logistics industry must be the promotion of China's iron and steel industry and steel trade to flourish the major carriers.

Logistics is the process to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, in-process inventory, the final product and related information from the origin to the point of consumption in the effective flow and storage of planning,implementation and control. It forms the foundation of enterprise's value chain,is the key of enterprise competitive advantage. Many production enterprises to strengthen technology development and promote the comprehensive quality management at the same time, have to seek the cost advantage and value advantage eyes turned to production and logistics field.
1 modern logistics is the third profit source production and circulation enterprises
In twentieth Century 60-70, the enterprises of the developed countries are thefocus of competition in pursuit of profit in the production field, make every attempt to reduce material consumption of resources to obtain "the first profit source" of enterprises, make every attempt to improve labor productivity gain"the second profit source of enterprises". However, this "two profit source"production field, it is restricted by the development level of science and technology, in the production of mechanization, constantly improve the degree of automation and production process is programmed, standardized situationunder, enhanced technology convergence of the two "source of profit" no"spring" to dig.
Enter 80 age, in the face of fierce global market competition challenges,people began to seek profit focus from production areas to non production areas, surprised to find that create the value of logistics cost is high, the process of enterprise production and management of waste is still very prominent. Coupled with the micro electronics technology, information technology and system innovation and other factors, since 80, as "the third profit source of enterprises" logistics, has become a new focus of competition in the market, attention by the circles of theory and practice.
Logistics because it run through the whole process of production and circulation, so reasonable, efficient logistics can bring huge profits throughand improve coordination of enterprises throughout the production and circulation structure.
The original understanding of the third profit source based on the theory of thetwo conditions:
First, the logistics can be completely separated from the circulation process.Logistics as a standalone system, target and management itself, the general accounting and independent of the;
Second, logistics and other business activities as independent factors, it is not the total cost, but alone
Factors profit, logistics can become "independent system profit center" type.
Logistics is the third profit source to two capacity based on:
First, the logistics in the enterprise strategy, which have the important influence to the enterprise marketing cost, logistics enterprise
The important point of the industry cost. Therefore, a series of activities through logistics rationalization, modernization and reduce the cost, supportmarketing and purchasing activities. Therefore, logistics is not only to producemajor cost, also refers to reduce the cost of concern, the logistics is "thetreasure house to reduce costs" such as that it is this understanding image representation. Cost and profit are related, as the main logistics can provide a large number of direct and indirect profit for the enterprise, is the mainactivities of the formation of business profits.
Second, the role of logistics activity maximum, and not only in the enterprise,reduce the consumption of reducing cost or increasing
Plus a profit, but more importantly to improve the business to customer service level, and improve the competitive ability of the enterprise. Through the logistics service guarantee, enterprises with their overall ability to reduce costs, increase profits.
Logistics is the third profit source, has become many enterprises especially theMulti-National Corporation's powerful weapon.
2 modern logistics is an important source of competitive advantage
In recent years, enterprise business philosophy from the "production oriented"to "customer orientation", quickly turned to "create value for customers". In the "create value for customers" era, value means that not only are tangiblemoney, also means that perception can be invisible, interests, this is the newrules for the current enterprises to participate in market competition.
Management Master Michael Porter in the "competitive advantage" a book that, success can only be achieved through competitive cost advantage andvalue advantage. No value advantage a no cost advantage and enterprises can only belong to the future enterprise, is bound to decline. However,companies only do the lowest cost, it is just a cost leader, will have to launch with opponent single competition in price, the lower the price competition willintensify the customer to the product is only a commodity understanding. Avalue of competitive strategy based on the price competition strategy thansimply much better, because the material value is important, and make thecustomers to get the overall value of product identity, are value for money,and money is more important, even if the price slightly higher, the customerwill accept.
The model can provide a cost advantage, management advantage and to provide value is little, and the logistics management is one of the few in the management field. Efficient logistics management, reasonable, not only canreduce the operating costs of enterprises, but also can provide the high quality service for the customer; can enable enterprises to obtain the cost advantage,can make enterprises obtain the value advantage. Therefore, logisticsmanagement has been attached importance to the enterprise, be incorporated into the scope of enterprise strategic management, and even become thecornerstone of enterprise development strategy.
An excellent logistics capacity of enterprises, can provide quality service to customers to gain competitive advantage; a logistics management of skilledbusiness, average water if the stock availability, delivery timeliness and consistency of delivery in the same industry-leading level, can become an attractive supplier and business partners. Have the whole world in view of 500strong companies, they have the ability to world class logistics management,by providing quality service to customers to gain competitive advantage. Can say, logistics management has become a business one of the challenge. The development of logistics, strengthening logistics management not only can make the enterprise gain "the third profit source", but also an important source of competitive advantage. For example, China's Haier group put the logistics capability as the core competence of enterprise competitive advantage,promote the reorganization established professional engaged in logisticsreform in this part, the procurement of raw materials, production support,material distribution from the strategy integration. The companies hope that bylogistics reorganization, realize "to provide maximum value added service"management objectives to customers at the lowest total cost of logistics. In order to answer the grim challenge of joining the WTO, Chinese enterprises must be as a logistics management to reduce operating cost and the main means to improve customer service level, the logistics capability as the core competitiveness of enterprises.


















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啤酒企业的物流管理体现重要性在三个面向:1.季节性,在消费旺季保持快速补货 2.灵活性,不同地区有不同消费趋势,需要灵活调节库存因应市场和天气变化 3.配合促销广告,当有促销活动时,必要跟上急速扩大的需求;

弄清客户的真正需要,满足其需要,为客户提供高附加值的“魅力”服务,是物流企业赢得客户的“灵丹妙药”。文章对客户的物流服务需求进行了多角度分析,进而指出了专业物流企业经营管理的要点,即为客户提供附加值服务、完善自身软硬件建设、建立双赢战略,看这个时间应该是已经考完了~哈哈 ...

1、更好地应对于消费者的地区分布分散化 2、促进了销售的商品标准化 3、物流成为连接生产企业与用户的重要环节,仓储、运输服务,还包括配货、分发和各种客户需要的配套服务一体化 4、物流服务空间的拓展加速电子商务的发展


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刁谈双骨: the following is my understanding: for logistics.First, logistics means to satisfy the needs of customers, with the lowest cost, transportation, storage and distribution by means such as raw materials, semi-finished products, achieve correlative ...

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刁谈双骨: Dear Mr. Chairman! Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen! First of all, I would like to thank sponsors of this workshop for their invitation to take part in it and jointly discuss the issues related to regional cooperation. Interdependence and ...

武鸣县17819006490: 求一篇10000字以上的英文文献是关于物流方面的,最好有译成中文的更好我想要英文的 -
刁谈双骨:[答案] 随着社会的发展,行业竞争的日趋激烈,如何提高工作效率、降低管理成本、提高服务水平和企业的竞争能力,是每一个企业管理者最为关注的问题.越来越多的管理者认为实行计算机科学化管理是解决这一问题的关键. 物流运输企...

武鸣县17819006490: 求一篇关于物流发展对策的外文文献翻译以及文献原稿3000字左右,European logistics beyond 2000 -
刁谈双骨: European companies are facing new challenges in the next millennium. Seven trends in international logistics are outlined. These are supply chain management, globalisation of the supply chain, virtual enterprises, e-business, green logistics, ...

武鸣县17819006490: 仓储在物流中的作用 英语作文 200字左右 -
刁谈双骨: The movie Spider-man is popular around the world. It describes a young boy happens to get the super power and then he wears the costume as a spider, flying around the city. But since his uncle who raises him gets killed, the boy realizes that the ...

武鸣县17819006490: 帮忙翻译下这篇有关物流的英语文章(汉译英)
刁谈双骨: Integrated Logistics is a forecast customer needs and aspirations of the process; to meet these needs and aspirations and access to funds, materials, personnel, technology and the necessary information; optimize product kimono material to ...

武鸣县17819006490: 现代物流发展的英文摘要 -
刁谈双骨: The modern physical distribution development is the international trade development accelerator. In behind the fast development's economy, the logistics actually relatively lags, the low efficiency logistics has become one of international trade ...

武鸣县17819006490: 跪求英语翻译 物流方面的文章 急急急 -
刁谈双骨: With the acceleration of China's rapid economic development and logistics industry, the rapid development of effective logistics management has become the enterprises to participate in market competition, to meet consumer demand for a ...

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