想找tata young的详细资料

作者&投稿:邴崔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Tata Young是谁?哪个国家的?有详细资料吗?~

阿米塔·玛利·杨(Tata Young)
(Amita Marie Young)
本名 Amita Marie Young
出生 1980年12月14日于泰国曼谷
类型 Dance-Pop, Pop/Rock, Rap, R&B
职业 歌手、女演员、模特儿、舞蹈演员
乐器 嗓音
活跃年份 1991年至今
唱片公司 1995 GMM Grammy
2001 TERO Records
2004 Columbia - Sony BMG
网站 http://www.tatayoung.com/
塔塔杨 (泰语:อมิตา มารี ยัง,妮称:ตาตา ยัง,英语:Amita Marie Young,妮称:Tata,1980年12月14日生于泰国曼谷,‘塔塔’是名,‘杨’是美国英语姓氏)父亲是美国人,母亲是泰国人,自十五岁塔塔出现在乐坛上以来一直受泰国年轻一代的欢迎与追捧,现在是泰国艺能界超白金唱片出产最多的女艺人。

少年得志: 1994-1995
塔塔的生父为长期居住在泰国的美国人梯姆·杨(Tim Young),生母为泰国人。她自幼天性活泼、顽皮,尤其喜爱放声歌唱。十一岁时参加泰国小朋友歌咏比赛,在5,300人参加的国际组比赛中以一曲《仅有一夜》(英文歌:One Night Only)一鸣惊人独占鳌头,并将所得的电子琴奖品献给她的母校曼谷琶打那小学(Bangkok Patana School)。
不久,山叶唱片公司(Yamaha Music)与塔塔签订了唱片和约,象征着一个小童星跨进了音乐界大门。短短三年后,十四岁的塔塔就得到泰国最大的音像跨国企业格林美唱片公司(GMM Grammy)的垂青,签署了一份相当大的合约。
说来话短,塔塔的第一个泰语歌曲专辑อมิตา ตาตา ยัง (Amita Tata Young专辑)如暴风骤雨一般推出,刹那间取得泰国歌曲流行榜之首位,五个月后唱片销售量即突破百万大关,年方十五岁的塔塔此时成为泰国艺术界家喻户晓的名字。
她和签约唱片公司趁热打铁,录制新唱片《塔塔百万张纪念版》再获非一般成功。第一个单张(Single)ฉันรักเธอ - Chan Rak Thur (即I Love You)的销售量也再破百万大关,其势锐不可当。
菲声四海: 1996-1997
1996年4月,年芳十六岁的少年塔塔踏上了美国影都荷李活(即好莱坞)的音乐殿堂。在帕拉丁音乐厅(Hollywood Palladium)召开个人演唱会并获得好评。在亚洲歌星里甚少有人能有幸登陆美国面对该大庭观众演唱,更何况这么年轻的新人。
同年8月,塔塔获得泰国音乐家协会破例颁发的《金匹坎斯神像奖》(Golden Pikkanes God Award,为最高音乐奖赏),泰王普密蓬·阿杜德陛下御驾亲临会场并对塔塔的献唱赞许有加。
影、视、歌三栖: 1997-2003
1997年,塔塔杨歌迷会成立,她的个人娱乐公司‘Tata Entertainment’也面世并大力开展她的影视与模特儿事业。
塔塔杨的第一部电影是1997年的《红单车传奇》,自公映以来打破泰国历来影片的所有记录,也为她获得了《泰国最佳演员奖》。她的后来两部电影《喔-负面》和《Plai Tien》 也引起轰动。1997年《伊人杂志》将她评选为当年泰国十大最有影响的人物。
1998年,第十三届亚洲运动会在泰国曼谷开幕,塔塔杨以其无可争议的泰国歌坛‘一姐’地位(是论知名度排列,不是按年龄)获得领衔主唱亚运主题曲《攀手星空》(Reach for the Stars)。《亚洲周刊》将塔塔杨评为‘亚洲二十五个最有影响的人物之一’。
2001年,成立新的泰罗唱片公司(TERO Records),新唱片出炉又毫无例外地引起轰动,几乎每一首歌都排在流行榜前列。当年塔塔被《时代杂志》评为在亚洲最成功的欧亚裔人士。 [1]
这一年,塔塔却意外地因为她和泰国网球明星帕拉东·斯里恰潘(ภราดร ศรีชาพันธุ์,Paradon Srichaphan)之间的友谊遭到泰国传媒猜疑和误解,有些人说她是想利用这种特殊的关系促进唱片的销售量,更有一些人在帕拉东因伤比赛成绩不佳时指责是她令他分心。这种尴尬的场面最后以帕拉东出面辟谣而结束。
名冠亚洲: 2004-至今
2004年,告别了少年时代的塔塔以成熟形象示人,2月14日,她的第一个英语唱片专辑《我必信》(I Believe)通过哥伦比亚唱片公司在新加坡首轮发布,一百多名传媒人士到场出席。
这一辑中的主打歌曲名为《性感、顽皮、狡猾》(Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy),为了照顾到马来西亚和泰国南部地区的听众感受,在上述地区发布时将歌唱作了更改,歌名也变成了《性感、顽皮、机灵》(Sexy, Naughty, Cheeky)。后来又推出两张单版《我必信》(I Believe)和《辛黛瑞拉》(Cinderella,即灰姑娘)。
在菲律宾和印度尼西亚,两万多名歌迷列队争购她的演唱会入场券,在韩国演唱会上,塔塔邀请南韩明星‘H’与她同台演唱她新唱片中《我心想着你》(I Think of You)。
2006年8月,塔塔第二英语相册专辑《暖潮》(Temperature Rising)面世,其主打歌为《厄尔尼诺》,这个专辑包含一些名家如Diane Warren、保罗·麦卡里爵士和Natasha Bedingfield所谱写的歌曲。为新唱片促销的曼谷演唱会---《Tata Young Temperature Rising Live in Bangkok》吸引大量泰外嘉宾,盛况空前。
唱片销售十分成功,也免不了招来了一些批评,其中最尖刻的当数泰国国会中某个自诩为‘泰国文化监护人’的资深参议员Rabiabrat Pongpanich先生。他曾对《曼谷商务报》说道,‘她只不过是亮大胸脯而已’,他又对《泰国日报》记者说道,‘那些去听她演唱会的人即不是去听歌也不是去观舞,而是把大把的钱砸在夸张的胸脯、臀部和肚脐眼上了’。此言一出,日报的网站上短短几个小时之内竟然出现了三百多个回应,塔塔的‘声援者’阵营和‘声讨者’阵营旗鼓相当,各不相让。本文英文原版的作者认为,鉴于当前世界流行音乐的大趋势,和塔塔杨在这个音乐浪潮中所取得的巨大成就,那位隔代人老参议员先生的几声哀怨倒好像给原本是柔和的旋律增添了一些杂音。
2006年12月,塔塔忙于在亚洲星光电视台上推广她的新作《暖潮》(Temperature Rising)、《雨水快来吧、阳光快来吧》(Come Rain, Come Shine),这些歌曲已经对每一个泰国青年十分耳熟能详,歌曲中所要传递的信息是地球在变暖,因此而带来的问题,需要每个人的关注。塔塔杨的下一步计划是尽快到欧洲去开个人演唱会,把激励人心的歌曲带给更多的歌迷听众们。


Studio Albums
·1995 : Amita Tata Young
·1997 : Amazing Tata
·2001 : Tata Young
·2003 : Real TT
·2005 : Dangerous Tata
EP Albums
·1998 : Tata Remix (Remix Album)
·2000 : Best Selected (Compilation Album)
·2006 : Best of Tata Young (Compilation Album)
Special Albums
·1995 : Tata 1,000,000 Copies Celebration
·1996 : 6-2-12 (co-recorded with other 5 Thai popular artists)
·1997 : Mos & Tata (Soundtrack Album of movie The Red Bike Story)
·1998 : O-Negative (Soundtrack Album)
·1998 : Reach for the Star – 13th Asian Games

·2004 : I Believe 《我必信》
·2006 : Temperature Rising 《暖潮》

·1997年 - 《红单车传奇》 (จักรยานสีแดง)
·1998年 - 《喔,负面》 (O-Negative)

·2002年 - 《小蜡烛》 (ปลายเทียน)


年份 获奖
1990 ·《日产音乐奖》(Nissan Music Award)
《最佳歌手奖》(Best Singer)

1995 ·《电台评选奖》(Vote Award)
《最受喜爱歌手奖》(Favorite Singer)
《最佳影集唱片奖》(Best Album)
《最佳音乐磁带奖》(Best Music Video)

1997 ·1997年: 《伊人杂志》(ELLE Magazine:泰国十大最有影响力人物)
One of Thailand's 10 Most Influential People

1999 ·《泰国音乐协会最佳歌手奖》(Thai Music Organization)
Favorite Singer

2000 ·《大都会杂志》(Cosmopolitan Magazine Award)
被评选为2000年最有趣味、最无畏的女性 --- For Fun, Fearless, Female Award 2000

2004 ·《95.5电台-维贞希兹奖》(95.5 Virgin Hitz Awards)
影集唱片《I Believe》被评为《年度最佳唱片》(Album of the Year)
《最受欢迎的艺人奖》(Favorite Artist Of The Year)
·《印度MTV卓越大奖》(MTV Immies: Indian Music Excellence)
并被评为在印度最佳外国女流行艺术人(Best International Female Pop Act)

2005 ·《日本金唱片奖》(Japan Golden Disc Award)
《年度歌唱新人奖》(New Artist of the Year)
·获V音乐电视台颁发《泰国音乐奖》(Channel V Thailand Music Award)
被评为全球最畅销歌手(Most Popular International Female Artist of the Year)
Most Popular Music of the Year)

2006 ·《亚洲MTV奖》(MTV Asia Awards)
泰国最受欢迎的艺人(Favourite Artist Thailand)
泰国最性感的歌星(Sexiest Singer in Thailand)
·《95.5电台-维贞希兹奖》(95.5 Virgin Hitz Awards),是第二度获得此项奖
影集唱片《El Nin-Yo!》以创记录最快速度爬上流行榜首位并获奖
(Fastest Chart Climber 2006 - 《El Nin-Yo!》)
本年度被评为《最受欢迎的国际艺人》(Popular Vote International Artist 2006)

Thai teen superstar: 1994-1995
Tata Young is the only daughter of her father Tim Young and her Thai mother, Bunchorn Young, Thai: บัญชร ยัง,[1].[2] She started singing and dancing at an early age. At age 11, Tata surpassed 5,300 other children to be crowned winner of the international division of the nationwide Thailand Junior Singing Contest with her performance of "One Night Only". Among the prizes she won was a keyboard, which she donated to her school, the Bangkok Patana School. The victory earned her a contract with Yamaha Music, which groomed her for entry into the entertainment business. In 1994, the 14-year-old caught the eye of A&R executives from GMM Grammy, Thailand 's biggest entertainment conglomerate, who offered her a recording contract.

She soon released her debut Thai-language album Amita Tata Young which shot to the top of the charts and sold more than 1 million copies in less than five months. At the age of 15, Tata became the biggest pop sensation in Thailand.

Her reputation was solidified when sales of her follow-up album Tata 1,000,000 Copies Celebration, which included the hit single Chan Rak Thur (I Love You), hit the 1 million sales mark as well.

For her first year in the business, she collected a string of awards and accolades, included "Entertainer of the Year" by the Bangkok Press, as well as "Best Recording Artist for 1995", an award for "Music Video of the Year", awards for #1 and #2 "Single of the Year", and "Album of the Year" for Amita Tata Young at the Radio Vote Awards in Thailand.

[edit] International stardom: 1996-1997
She was chosen to represent Thailand for the Australian television program World Telly Broadcast, which was broadcast in February 1996. The program was seen by audiences in Australia and throughout Southeast Asia .

In April 1996, Tata held her "Tata Live in Hollywood Concert" at the Hollywood Palladium. It was a rare event for an Asian singer to be performing in front of an American audience. Nevertheless, the concert received outstanding reviews.

She was selected by the Chinese government to represent Thailand at a concert held on July 5, 1997 to mark the Hong Kong handover. She performed alongside such international acts such as Wet Wet Wet, Michael Learns to Rock, Lisa Stansfield, All 4 One and Brand New Heavies.

Also in 1997, Tata became the youngest entertainer ever to receive the coveted "Golden Pikkanes God Award" presented by the Musical Artist Association of Thailand under the patronage of the King of Thailand. Following her reception of the award, she performed a private concert for His Majesty at his summer palace in Chiang Mai.

She formed the Tata Young Fan Club in 1997 under the auspices of her company, Tata Entertainment, to gather support from her fans to provide assistance to the Thai children's charity, the Human Development Foundation.

Recently, she was also signed by the Los Angeles-based agency, McGhee Entertainment, which has managed such artists as Bon Jovi, Tee Jaconson, Liz Phair and Diana Ross.

[edit] Film, television and beyond: 1997-2003
Tata has also developed a modeling and acting career.

She made her film debut in 1997 in the youth drama 'The Red Bike Story, which broke records for audience-attendance for the Thai film industry. Her debut earned her the "Best Actress Award (Thailand)" presented at the Fourth Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 1997. She followed that up with two other hit films, O-Negative and Plai Tien.

In 1997, ELLE magazine named her one of Thailand's "10 Most Influential People".

Tata was also chosen to sing "Reach for the Stars" in the opening ceremony for 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok.

In 1998, Asiaweek selected Tata as "One of 25 Most Influential Trend-setters in Asia".

In 2000, Tata Young returned to singing as the presenter of Smooth E facial foam, with a 90 second advertisement costarring Eurasian model/actor Kipsan Beck.

In 2001, she launched a self-titled album under her new record company TERO Records. The album was an instant hit. Almost all of the album's songs, including "Shot:, "A-bo-da-be", "Tua Saeb", "Wan Jai" and "Keb Chan Wai Yuen Khang Thoe Tham Mai" climbed to the top of the music charts.

In the same year, Tata featured on the cover of Time and in an article about successful Eurasians in Asia.[3]

In 2003 Tata released her second album with Tero Records called Real TT. She co-produced the album, co-wrote the songs and laid out the concepts. Hits included "Super Fan" and "Yak Keb Thoe Wai Thang Song Khon".

Young starred in a promotional OST for the Bollywood megahit Dhoom with other top stars, such as John Abraham, Abhishek Bachchan & Chopra. The snips from her song were used in the background score too.

In 2008, Young had one of her singles (Come Rain, Come Shine) featured in the made-for-Wii Dance Dance Revolution game, Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 2. The Canadian World Champion DDR Runner Up for 2003, C. M., has called it one of the most riveting and catchiest pop songs on the entire game.

[edit] Asian Star: 2004-2007
In 2004, Tata continued to cultivate the mature image she had embarked upon since leaving GMM Grammy and her teen years behind her. She released her English-language debut album, I Believe on Columbia Records. The album was launched on February 14 in Singapore. More than 100 members of the international press attended her press conference.

The first single taken from the album was "Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy", which stirred more controversy at home in Thailand. In Malaysia, she had to change the name of the tune to "Sexy, Naughty, Cheeky". Further single releases from the album included 'I Believe' and 'Cinderella'

Nonetheless, Tata was voted as one of the "50 sexiest women in the world" by Malaysian publications. In Singapore, she performed and was chosen to join the judging panel at the Miss Singapore Universe 2004 pageant.

She expanded her reach to India, recording the song, Dhoom Dhoom, for soundtrack to a Bollywood movie, Dhoom. Later, she embarked on her Dhoom Dhoom tour.

In the Philippines and Indonesia, more than 20,000 fans queued to see her performance. In 2006 South Korea, Tata invited a popular male Korean artist named "H" to sing a duet with her in the hit single "I Think of You". The song was Tata's fourth single from I Believe (album). A remake of the single "I Believe" was released by the South Korean group Baby Vox Re.V in 2008.

In Taiwan, Tata became the first Thai artist to be invited to perform at the Golden Melody Awards – Taiwan's equivalent of the Grammy Awards. Tata has also worked with Vanness Wu-F4, Jay Chou, Lee-Hom Wang, Jolin Tsai and many other artists. In Hong Kong and China, "Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy" and "I Believe" climbed to the top of the charts.

Following her success in Southeast Asia, China and India, Tata turned her attention to Japan. "Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy" caught on and climbed to the top of the Zip FM charts as well as into the top 10 of the Oricon Charts, one of the most highly regarded music charts in Japan. Her music video was played every 10 minutes on the big screens in Tokyo's Shibuya district. Her album sold over 300,000 copies, an astonishing figure for an international album in Japan. She held six sold-out concerts in Fukuoka, Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Sendai and Tokyo. The Japanese media proclaimed her performance the hottest concert ever.

Her second English-language album, Temperature Rising was released in August 2006, with first single, "El Nin-YO!". The album includes songs composed by Diane Warren, Paul McCartney and Natasha Bedingfield.

Amidst the album's release, Tata has shocked some older Thais with her image. A vocal critic has been Rabiabrat Pongpanich, a former senator and self-appointed culture watchdog well known for criticizing young female entertainers. "She's just showing off her breasts," Rabiabrat was quoted as saying by the Thai business daily, Krungthep Turakij. "People who go to her concerts don't go to listen to her music but are wasting a lot of money to see breasts, hips, a belly and a butt that can dance," Rabiabrat was quoted as saying by another Thai daily, the Daily News. The story drew nearly 300 responses on the newspaper's website, from both pro- and anti-Tata camps, according to an Associated Press article.[4] It is widely believed that Tata Young had plastic surgery around this period.

Starting December 2006, Tata Young was featured singing her third single from 'Temperature Rising' "Come Rain, Come Shine" as the station identification track for Asian English-language television channel STAR World's station identification. It was replaced by a song by Mika.

In 2007, she recorded her single "Zoom" in Simlish for the top-selling PC game The Sims 2: Seasons.

Tata has also lent her voice to humantarian causes, including the AIDS program of Father Joe Maier's Human Development Foundation and MTV's Exit campaign to end human trafficking.[5][6]

In early 2008, Tata Young released her sixth Thai album. The headline single "One Love" was released on Valentine's Day.

[edit] Breaking into Europe and Australia: 2008-present
Young has been working on her junior studio English album for quite a while since the beginnings of '08 in Berlin, Germany, working with Sony BMG Europe. The records have unofficialy announced including 15 tracks, and most of them will be the pop-dance beats, similar to her previous records. The songs in this new record will be a lot more upbeat and more "fun" than One Love.[7] She has also announced that "this is her favourite album, it's also the best album she'd ever made before, the beats will help the album climbing up the charts all around the world easily, it has got to be the best one." Moreover, one of the tracks is also written by Timbaland's "right hand" as well.

The release date of the first single is still unknown, but it has been announced that the album released has again been delayed and will be on sale from July 2009. The album is expected to have a similar feel to Tata Young's first English album, I Believe. The record's main target is going to be Europe and Australia, not like her 2 previous records which were launched in Asia.

Demo tracks of four new songs have surfaced the internet. These songs include 'My Bloody Valentine', 'Suffocate', 'Rain' and 'Exposed'. Many sources believe that these tracks were retrieved from the producers and that they are only sung by a guide's voice. One in particular sounds very much alike Tata Young, that one being titled as 'My Bloody Valentine'. The song itself is rumoured to be Tata's first single from her upcoming english album. No confirmation of the real singer yet but ASCAP has credited Tata as a performer for the song though it does not give it justice. 'My Bloody Valentine' has somehow entered the Indonesian Charts and Tata Young has been credited as the singer with the label Sony BMG. The radio stations throughout Indonesia has played it numerous times and with great responses it has even reached the hot seat at number one in some local radio stations.

Tata Young简介
  她是泰国最年轻的流行先锋。现在Tata Young已准备好通过她的第一张英语专辑《I Believe》向全世界展示她的才华。《I Believe》专辑是Tata Young的第七张专辑,将于2月23日由哥伦比亚唱片公司发行,这张倍受期待的专辑将使这颗新星矗立在世界舞台上。

  尽管只有23岁,Tata Young却已经有了9年的从艺经历,拥有专辑销量超过1200万张的骄人成绩,她是泰国流行乐界革新的代表,前卫而充满活力,作为亚洲音乐新浪潮诸多弄潮儿中的一个,Tata将在世界舞台上留下自己的烙印。

Tata1980年12月14日出生在泰国Amita Marie Young,她的父亲是美国人、母亲是泰国人,她是他们唯一的女儿。在她的孩提时代,Tata就显示出了在音乐、舞蹈方面的天才。这使得她成为现在泰国年青人心目中的流行音乐代言人,进而成为一位国际艺人。

  在11岁时,Tata就凭借“Catch Me I’m Falling”一曲击败了5300个竞争对手摘得了泰国全国青年歌唱比赛国际组的桂冠。


  在短短的一年内,Tata便完成了她第一张泰语专辑《Amita Tata Young》的录制与发行。这张专辑的排名在榜单上迅速窜升并在不到5个月内销售出了超过100万张。几乎在一夜之间,15岁的Tata Young便成了泰国流行音乐的最佳代言人。

  紧接着的一张专辑《TATA 1,000,000 Copies Celebration》收录了热门单曲“Chan Rak Thur(I Love You)”也取得了100万张的销量,这样的成绩巩固了Tata的地位。在1995年,这位十几岁的奇迹赢得了一系列的赞美与荣誉,包括被泰国媒体誉为年度最佳艺人,荣获泰国Radio Vote Awards年度最佳歌唱艺人,年度最佳音乐电视,包揽年度最佳单曲的第一、第二位,凭借《Amita Tata Young》获得年度最佳专辑奖。


  她被选来代表泰国参与录制一档澳大利亚的电视节目《World Telly Broadcast》,这档节目将镜头对准了亚洲年青一代,在1996年2月份对澳大利亚和东南亚地区的观众播放。

在1996年4月,Tata在享有盛誉的Hollywood Palladium举行了“Tata Live In Hollywood Concert”演唱会,这对一个亚洲歌手来说是非常难得的,演唱会被广泛的报道了。

  Tata被中国政府选中代表泰国在1997年7月5日举行的庆祝香港回归的晚会上演出,和她一起参与演出的还有其他著名国际艺人包括:Wet Wet Wet,Michael Learns to Rock, Lisa Stansfield,All 4 One,and the Brand New Heavies等。

  同年,Tata成为14年来第一位荣获由泰国音乐艺人协会以泰国国王的名义颁发的无尚荣耀的Golden Pikkanes God Award奖项的艺人。

  在1998年,Tata被选来演唱第13届曼谷亚运会的开幕曲“Reach For The Star”。


  Tata在1997年首度主演影片《The Red Bike Story》就一举打破了泰国影片历史上的票房纪录。并赢得了1997年泰国第四届Annual Blockbuster Entertainment Awards奖最佳女主角奖。紧接着,她又拍摄了两部热映影片《O-Negative》,《Plai Tien》。


  1997年,《ELLE》评选Tata为“泰国10位最有影响力的人”;1998年《Asia Week》评选Tata为“亚洲最有影响力的25位流行创造者”;2001年Tata作为一名成功的欧亚混血儿上了《Time》杂志的封面。

  在1997年Tata在她自己的公司TATA Entertainment的支持下成立了Tata青年歌迷俱乐部,以取得她歌迷对“The Human Development Foundation”(一个为救助泰国贫困儿童而建立的慈善基金)的支持。

  在她的闲暇时间里,Tata喜欢打壁球,玩电脑游戏,喜欢和朋友们、和宠物狗一起消磨时光,喜欢旅游,听音乐。她喜欢的歌手包括Madonna和Bird Thongchai McIntyre。 

永嘉县18257548478: 谁能告述我tata young 的详细资料 -
容翠代芳:Tata Young简介 她是泰国最年轻的流行先锋.现在Tata Young已准备好通过她的第一张英语专辑《I Believe》向全世界展示她的才华.《I Believe》专辑是Tata Young的第七张专辑...

永嘉县18257548478: Tata Young 资料~~ -
容翠代芳: 中文名称:Temperature Rising 发行时间:2006年08月24日 专辑歌手:Tata Young 地区:其他 语言:英语 简介: Tata Young,这位美泰混血的漂亮宝贝,虽然年仅23岁,但已创下全球1200万张唱片销售的辉煌纪录,被喻为亚洲的碧昂丝. ...

永嘉县18257548478: 权志龙是谁啊?有没有一点详细的资料? -
容翠代芳: 是韩国偶像组合BIGBANG的制作人、队长、Rapper.很有作词作曲的才华,所属公司:YG.身上有多处纹身.详细的,问问度娘!

永嘉县18257548478: 求Adam Young的详细资料? -
容翠代芳: 来自美国明尼苏达州奥瓦通纳(Owatonna, Minnesota)的大学二年级生,Adam Young,于2007年组建了Owl City乐队.他就是这支流行电子乐队的唯一成员,负责主音、合成器和编曲等工作.随之独立发行的首张专辑《Of June》,在2007年...

永嘉县18257548478: 怎么通过照片找人 - 请问如何用相片在网络查找个人资料就是利用相片寻找相片中的那人的详
容翠代芳: 一:你具有相当高的黑客技术.(因为查此人一般要进入户籍管理系统 二:耐心 三:就像你在这里寻找一样.(但是,要发动可以发动的力量) 四:你的照片是谁拍的,在哪拍的.被拍摄的是当地的人,还是外地的你都不说.) 五:你的叙述不够详细,希望你找人帮忙真诚一些.(连找人需要的线索都没有,就一张照片.像第四项叙述的一样) 六:你是否有权将照片公布于网络. 七:建议通过有关部门协助. 八:祝福你早日实现你的期望

永嘉县18257548478: 我想在QQ交友里,我只有一张照片我想找到那个人的详细资料,要怎么样才能找到?, -
容翠代芳: 在QQ交友里直接选择和他交往啊,然后可以得到他的QQ号码,通过他的QQ来寻找他咯,加油呀,小妹妹.

永嘉县18257548478: 求tata young的一首歌的歌名 -
容翠代芳: 歌手:tata young 歌名: Dhoom Dhoom 这首歌只以单曲EP碟发行,没有收录在专辑中

永嘉县18257548478: 女人的g点的具体位置怎么找,如何刺激女人才能让女人达到高潮?困惑中,麻烦写的详细点. -
容翠代芳: 女人的g点的具体位置在前壁的3-5CM..感觉有粒状的不位,不断的抚摸会很敏感而容易达到高潮..寻找时请温柔的..如同时刺激阴蒂会...

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