
作者&投稿:佴腾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My name is Liyuanyuan.I'm a boy and I am 12 yeas old,there are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in Zhengxin senior high school.My mother is a Chinese teacher.She teaches Chinese in the university.I have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.I'm tall and I have a pair of big eyes.Now,I am in Grade 5,my study is not very good,but I like English,so my English is better than others.I like singing,drawing,playing basketball.I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the English study materials.Because it also enlarges my vocabulary words.I think one day I can master English.Thank you.

My mother does all the housework on weekdays. However, on weekends, I do some of the household chores.I sweep the floor. I wash the dishes. I do the laundry followed by hanging clothes on the line to dry. I don't mind doing these chores every weekend. I take them as a chance to show my love and affection to my mother. It helps me to understand the work my mother has to do to keep this entire household clean.

I can speak Engliash very well.
I can sing.
I can read loudly.
I can wash clothes.
I can do some housework.
I can sweep the floor.
I can ride bike.
I can buy some food.



2020年广州中考语文已落下帷幕,以下是五篇展现学生行动与关爱的优秀作文摘要:1. 在一次周日,小作者看到妈妈劳累的身影,决定在母亲节为她做早餐。尽管初次尝试打蛋过程波折,但最终成功为妈妈煮了鸡蛋和热牛奶,那一幕至今温暖如初,他决心今后多为妈妈分担家务。2. 为了庆祝劳动节,学生决定为父母做一...

写作思路:写出自己能够做的事情,用上简单的语法,避免语法错误。正文:Look at my appearance, is an ordinary and lovely little boy.看我的外表,就是一个平凡可爱的小男孩。In fact, I am a very capable boy.其实,我是一个挺能干的男孩子。Once, my mother finished the housework and sat...


我能为自己做什么? 作文题啊!! 字数不限

创文明城市,卫生城市,我能做什么 作文

广州中考语文考试中,一篇题为“我能为你做点什么”的作文引起了人们的关注。以下是五篇优秀作文的摘录,展示了学生们如何通过亲身经历和思考,表达对家人、社会和自我成长的关爱与责任。1. 在家庭的困境中,小作者深刻体验到爱的力量。面对父亲的病痛,他明白唯有通过自己的努力学习和快乐生活,才是对...



打从我做医生的那刻起,我就发誓决不让我的病人再感到痛苦。 身为足球明星的我,是个拔术精湛的足球运动员。在绿茵场上,我才能找回自我,绿茵场才是我发展的天地,才是真正属于我的天空。我痴迷于足球,从小就联系,敢从别人的脚下抢球,在绿茵场上一展自己的球技。 长大后的我到底是什么样?...

平泉县13171983822: 英语作文我能做什么五年级要意思 -
洪茜利欧: I can speak Engliash very well.I can sing.I can read loudly.I can wash clothes.I can do some housework.I can sweep the floor.I can ride bike.I can buy some food.我会说得很好的英语.我会唱歌.我可以大声朗读.我可以洗衣服.我可以做一些家务.我可以扫地.我可以骑自行车.我可以买一些食物.把“可以”都换成“会”也行

平泉县13171983822: 英语作文 我能做什么家务 60词左右 五年级水平 急急急!!! -
洪茜利欧: 道My mother does all the housework on weekdays. However, on weekends, I do some of the household chores.I sweep the floor. I wash the dishes. I do the laundry followed by hanging clothes on the line to dry. I don't mind doing these chores every ...

平泉县13171983822: 五年级英语作文:I can…… -
洪茜利欧: I can do my homework.(我能做作业) I can play computer games.(我能玩电脑) I can play football.(我能踢足球) I can eat an apple.(我能吃一个苹果) I can sent an email.(我能发一封电子邮件) I can read a books.(我能看一本书) I can ...

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洪茜利欧: I can do housework for my family.My parents always work very hard,as a result,I would like to do the housework.In addition,I do the housework very carefully,for example,I clean the table first,and then clean the floor of my home.I do the housework quite ...

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洪茜利欧: Give so much time to improving yourself that you won't have time to criticize others.

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洪茜利欧: Swimming is a very good sport .It can make our health than before .l like swimming very much .l go to the swimming pool twice a week.l go swimming with my parents or mygood friends.l can swim very well,so if you want to learn how to swim ,you can call me on the weekends.l will teach you.

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洪茜利欧: Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and show application to the person called mom .though some may not say it openly to their mother , though at times she may not be the best of friends , may not agree to our thoughts she is still your ...

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洪茜利欧: 用至少六句话介绍你和你家人会做什么的五年级英语作文: This is a Friday evening. My mom just comes home. I says Hello to her. She goes to kitchen to prepare for our evening dinner. My father is still working in his company. I sit in my room, and do my home work.

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洪茜利欧: How to make a model planeI like to make modle plane. First, I collect some paper nad sticks. Then, I use scissors to cut the paper into a plane. After that, I stick the paper and stick together. Finally, the plane is finished and it is very cool.单词非常简单,你应该看得懂,翻译太烦了 祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O 若有疑问欢迎追问,希望能和你一起探讨~ 满意请及时采纳,谢谢!

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洪茜利欧: 你好,解析如下: My holidaySummer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit ...

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