
作者&投稿:茅官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Gravis patients vulnerable to falls, and more time, he one day will fall on dozens wrestle! So, take a few minutes will be tired after sitting motionless, I think: Can you give him a special chair with a backrest on three sides? This special chair, perhaps ugly, perhaps clumsy, but he can keep kids learning

你只能创造。 I want to design a new chair,你不能发明椅子这样说不对哦,因为椅子早已经被发明了、设计不同款式的椅子

1.Everyone has their own dream homes.Me and my family want to live in Shanghai.市.It is one of the world's beautiful and modern city.My new house at the Huangpu River near..It at the first layer 间.It is not,has six rooms..My favorites are places balcony..I can read on the balcony gardening..Morning I could see the busy streets and river vessels .Tonight,I have the ability to appreciate the bright lights of the river bankThere are two armchairs in the living room,a short coffee table and a bookcase.My new house has two bathrooms and a large kitchen..I am very good at cooking.Me and my parents shared this apartment..Our neighbors are very friendly.At my dream home I am happy and comfortable
2.My dream home is very big and clean.It has at least five floors and fifteen rooms.On the ground floor,there is a kitchen,a dining room and a bathroom.There are no other rooms on the ground floor.My bedroom,study,bathroom are on the first floor.They are all very comfortable.My parents’ room is on the second floor.It’s also very big and clean.My grandparents live with us in this big house,too.Their rooms are on the third floor.On the fourth floor,there is a big balcony.I can play games,read books and chat with friends there.
I also have a big and nice garden.It is beside the big house.There are many flowers and vegetables in it.It has a big tree.In summer,I can sit under the tree with my family.Behind the garden,there is a swimming pool.I can swim with my friends in summer.I think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home.



第四页是好词、好句、好段、好文章区域.这一页有四个键,分别是上面几 种.这样想看好词、好句、好段和好文章就方便多了.以后有了这本书,上学就只用拿一本只有四页的书就可以了,不用再背又大 又重的书包了,真方便.那个……还有一篇 我想发明一种黑板,这可不是普通的黑板这是给所有的学生做的...

我还想发明一张“梦幻床”。 因为我的妈妈比较胖,我希望她可以减减肥。 那样买衣服就不用那么麻烦了。 造福人类是我的梦想,让世界变得更加美好吧!... 我最想发明的一种东西作文两百字左右 我是一个长大想当发明家的人,我长大了想发明一种门,这种门的名字叫“万能门”, 万能门的用处是可以用钥匙打开,...

13. 我想发明一件神奇的衣服。14. 在35世纪人类发明了一件看似很普通的衣服,但它的功能可非同寻常,简直可称得上是一应俱全,格外受人喜欢。15. 每个人都有奇思妙想,有的人想发明一张神奇的桌子,有的人想发明一张奇妙的纸,而我想发明一颗神奇的种子,然后培育出一棵神奇的树,我给这棵树取...

生活中如果我们认真的去探索和思考,总会想出属于自己的小发明。下面是我整理的我的奇思妙想之我的发明作文十篇,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴,希望对大家有所帮助。1. 现在我们背的书包都很不方便,有的学生很多书都装不下,而且还特别笨重。所以我设计了一个新型书包。这种新型的书包可以装下整个地球的书,...

【篇五】小学我是小小发明家400字作文 未来我会是一个小小的发明家,为什么会这么说呢?我可不是胡说八道的,我是有根据的`,不信就先来看看我的小发明吧!我想发明一种水笔。现在的水笔外形不好看,而且还只能放一枝笔芯。墨水用完了就要换一枝笔芯。多麻烦呀!如果没有笔芯,那枝笔就没用。多...

篇一:我的小发明多功能电风扇 在人们的生活中,有许多不便的事情。 比如夏天天气炎热,回到家里会筋疲力尽,大汗淋漓,如果打开普通电风扇,夏天的气温高,吹的还是热风。冬天 天气寒冷,有的家庭没有空调,在家里会很冷…… 现在我发明了一种先进的多功能电风扇,下面我就来告诉你它的用...

这就是我发明的超级文具,还不错吧! 篇4:我的发明作文400字四年级下册 每一个人都有一个伟大的梦想,而我也不列外,我想发明一张智能课桌,因为现在的课桌又庞大又重,用起来很不方便,而且夏天太阳一晒,课桌会很烫,冬天课桌又会很冰,所以我想发明一张智能课桌。 它的样子和普通的课桌一样,颜色多种多样,可以随...

在现代社会,这种药水发挥着重要作用。我将继续研发更高科技的发明,为人类带来福祉。5. 今天下午,我决定自己剪指甲,但这似乎并不容易。剪下的指甲四处飞溅,让我意识到整理指甲也很重要。于是,我想发明一种能一边剪指甲一边收集指甲的工具。我决定在指甲剪下部绑一个小塑料袋来收集指甲。然而,在...

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子饱意鲁: I wish I would invent a kind of machine which can help to deal with the rubbish.Because the environment has been badly polluted.it is difficult for us to breathe fresh air and drink clean water.if i could invent the machine,the problem.would be solved....

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子饱意鲁: 1.Everyone has their own dream homes.Me and my family want to live in Shanghai.市.It is one of the world's beautiful and modern city.My new house at the Huangpu River near..It at the first layer 间.It is not,has six rooms..My favorites are places ...

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