
作者&投稿:主亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
最近特火的一首欧美电音歌 节奏感很强 男的唱的 搜电影《海滩护卫队》~

歌名:Delirious (Boneless) (Original Mix)
歌手:Steve Aoki / Chris Lake / Tujamo / KiD Ink

You might say no to me
But to me you know it's so indifferently
I trek along your way
It's your way I'm heading in so desperately
I beg you please to start believe that it's way too soon
To change your way
You can feel that our love
Is fading out' out of touch (oh)
And you say we’ve got nothing in common
You're so crazy' I'm sane
You got heart' I got brains
And there's nothing that we have in common at all
Oh' oh' oh
Nothing in common

I listen to your words
And it hurts when you tell me how I'm supposed to be
You tell me to suit up' get a job
It makes you crazy that I cannot see
'Cause I got heart' got soul
I play the guitar
It's too late to change your way
You can feel that our love
Is fading out' out of touch (oh)
And you say we’ve got nothing in common
You're so crazy' I'm sane
You got heart' I got brains
And there's nothing that we have in common at all
Oh' oh' oh
Nothing in common

We got nothing in common at all
And all of my money I spend it on you
And all my love I gave it to you
My angel' my boo' the things you do
If only you can tell me' tell me' tell me' tell me
You can feel that our love
Is fading out' out of touch (oh)
And you say we’ve got nothing in common
You're so crazy' I'm sane
You got heart' I got brains
And there's nothing that we have in common at all
Oh' oh' oh
Nothing in common
We got nothing in common at all
At all' at all
We got nothing in common at all

歌曲名:sugar 歌手:maroon5
I'm hurtin baby, I'm broken down
I need your lovin, lovin I need it now
When I'm without ya, I'm somethin weak
Ya got me beggin beggin, I'm on my knees

I don't wanna be needin your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
And it's killin me when you're away (ohh baby)
Cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
And I gotta get one little taste

Your sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me
I'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathy
Ya you show me good lovin make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Your sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me

My broken pieces you pick them up
Don't leave me hangin hangin come give me some
When I'm without ya so insecure
You are the one thing one thing I'm livin for

I don't wanna be needin your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
And it's killin me when you're away (ohh baby)
Cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
And I gotta get one little taste

Your sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me
I'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathy
Ya you show me good lovin make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Your sugar yes please won't you come and pour it down on me

I want that red velvet I want that sugar sweet
Don't let nobody touch it unless that somebody's me
I gotta be your man there ain't no other way
Cause girl you're hotter than a southern California day
I don't wanna play no games you don't gotta be afraid
Don't give me all that shy shit no make up on that's my (sugar)

Sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me
I'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathy
Ya you show me good lovin make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Your sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me
Sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me
I'm right here cause I need little love a little sympathy
Ya you show me good lovin make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Your sugar yes please won't you come and put it down on me

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1,田馥甄 田馥甄(Hebe Tien),1983年3月30日出生于中国台湾新竹县,中国台湾女歌手、演员,华语女子演唱组合S.H.E成员之一。2000年,田馥甄参加“宇宙2000实力美少女选拔大赛”获得殿军。2,田丽 田丽,1967年4月30日出生于中国台湾,演员。1984年,田丽在台湾刘德凯版《倚天屠龙记》中饰演“小昭”...

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比畅寒痛: 歌曲名:sugar 歌手:maroon5 I'm hurtin baby, I'm broken down I need your lovin, lovin I need it now When I'm without ya, I'm somethin weak Ya got me beggin beggin, I'm on my knees I don't wanna be needin your love I just wanna be deep in your ...

通川区17246302799: 有一部海怪电影. 里面的海怪专在海滩上劫女人 -
比畅寒痛: 《海滩救援队之食人海怪》是董伟执导,李国麟、卢惠光、李雨阳、桑平、张颖、王厦主演的悬疑惊悚片

通川区17246302799: 有部电影里面有很多人 死了就淘汰叫什么电影 -
比畅寒痛: 海滩救援队之食人海怪8.7分 主演:李国麟卢惠光李雨阳桑平 导演:董伟 类型:恐怖网络电影 时长:90分钟 年代:2015 地区:内地 简介

通川区17246302799: 海滩救援队之食人海怪插曲 -
比畅寒痛: 陈奕迅的 好久不见 的英文版.你注意听听就发现是一样的旋律.而且插曲最后一句是中文.最后一句唱的就是“好久不见”4个字.

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比畅寒痛: 海滩救援队之食人海怪 上映:2015年 时长:90分钟 地区:香 港 语言:国 语 导演:董伟 主演:李国麟、卢惠光 类型:剧情

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