
作者&投稿:耿炎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
找一篇关于巧克力的英语演讲稿 初中水平 没有语法错误~

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.
Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.
When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job.
Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future.
How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.

如何来解释未来呢? 也许那只是一个美好的愿望。让我们下定决心,坚持到底,那我们的人生一定能过得很精彩。

Most people like to eat chocolate, especially girls.
There are various reasons for liking chocolate. Chocolate represents romance, care, love and happiness! On romantic Valentine's Day, chocolate is an indispensable protagonist.
Chocolate originated in Mexico very early, and it was a liquid drink belonging to the court in the early days.
The original taste of chocolate is bitter and spicy. In the 16th century or so, the Spanish made chocolate sweet. They mixed cocoa powder and spices into sugarcane juice to make it a sweet drink.
Later, a Swiss named Peter put some milk into it with ingenuity, which completed the whole process of making modern chocolate.
There are three kinds of chocolate: dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate.
Dark chocolate milk has few ingredients, low sugar content and slightly bitter taste. It is the favorite of people who taste the original chocolate.
White chocolate contains no cocoa powder, only cocoa butter and milk, so it is white. Because of its high sugar content, the taste of white chocolate will be very sweet.
Chocolate is brown and tastes very good, which is very popular among people. Compared with dark chocolate, milk chocolate tastes lighter and sweeter.
Chocolate is not only delicious, but also beneficial to heart health, and can also relieve our emotions. Scientific consumption of chocolate will bring happiness and happiness to our life!
Some people say chocolate is sweet, some people say it is bitter, some people say it is happy, some people say it is sharing, and the spiritual feeling brought by chocolate has surpassed the value of being a kind of food.
May the passion of chocolate always accompany you to share every happy moment with your lover, relatives and friends.


Just briefly on the etymology of the word “chocolate”, the word chocolate probably domes from “chocolatl”, a Spanish combination of the Maya word for “hot water” and the Aztec word for “bitter water.”


Chocolate comes in many forms today. Regardless of the type, processing begins by extracting, fermenting, drying, and roasting the cacao seeds (also called beans), removing the shell and skin, and leaving the tasty nibs.


There are three main forms of chocolate that one sees regularly. These are milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate.


Milk chocolate is a mixture of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavorings. All milk chocolate made in the U.S. contains at least 10% chocolate liquor and 12% whole milk.


There are two kinds of dark chocolate. The first bittersweet and semisweet chocolate are the darkest eating chocolates and have at least 35% chocolate liquor. Sweet dark chocolate contains 15% to 35% chocolate liquor and less than 12% milk solids. It may also contain ingredients like condensed milk, cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla.


White chocolate is a blend of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavorings. It contains no cocoa solids, and many people don’t consider it chocolate at all!



etymology / / n.语源学

extract / / v. 提炼

ferment / / v. 使发酵

whole milk / / n. 全脂牛奶

condensed milk / / n. 炼乳



American-made chocolate and cocoa(可可) products number in the hundreds. There is a fascinating(迷人的)story behind these wonderful products.

Chocolate Through the Years

The story of chocolate, as far back as we know it, begins with the discovery of America. Until 1492, the Old World(指欧洲大陆,相对于美洲大陆)knew nothing at all about the delicious and stimulating flavor富有刺激性的口味) that was to become the favorite of millions.

The Court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella got its first look at the principal ingredient(调料、原料)of chocolate when Columbus returned in triumph from America and laid before the Spanish throne(王位)a treasure trove of many strange and wonderful things. Among these were a few dark brown beans(豆)that looked like almonds(杏仁)and seemed most unpromising(无指望的). They were cocoa beans, today's source of all our chocolate and cocoa.

The King and Queen never dreamed how important cocoa beans could be, and it remained for Hernando Cortez(科尔特斯), the great Spanish explorer, to grasp(把握住)the commercial possibilities of the New World offerings.

Food of the Gods

During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians(阿兹特克印第安人)using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm, "chocolate," meaning warm liquid. In 1519, Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly drank 50 or more portions daily, served(提供,招待) chocolate to his Spanish guests in great golden goblets(高脚杯), treating it like a food for the gods.

For all its regal(王室的) importance, however, Montezuma's chocolate was very bitter(苦), and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make the concoction(调制品) more agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen conceived the idea of sweetening it with cane sugar.

The new drink quickly won friends, especially among the Spanish aristocracy(贵族). Spain wisely proceeded to plant cacao in its overseas colonies, which gave birth to a very profitable(利润高的) business. Remarkably enough, the Spanish succeeded in keeping the art of the cocoa industry a secret from the rest of Europe for nearly a hundred years.

Chocolate Spreads to Europe

Spanish monks, who had been consigned(托运) to process the cocoa beans, finally let the secret out. It did not take long before chocolate was acclaimed(受到欢迎) throughout Europe as a delicious, health-giving food. For a while it reigned(主宰)as the drink at the fashionable Court of France. Chocolate drinking spread across the Channel to Great Britain, and in 1657 the first of many famous English Chocolate Houses(作坊)appeared.

The 19th Century marked two more revolutionary developments in the history of chocolate. In 1847, an English company introduced solid "eating chocolate" through the development of fondant(半软糖) chocolate, a smooth and velvety(光滑柔和)variety that has almost completely replaced the old coarse grained(颗粒粗糙的) chocolate which formerly dominated(统领) the world market. The second development occurred in 1876 in Vevey, Switzerland, when Daniel Peter devised a way of adding milk to the chocolate, creating the product we enjoy today known as milk chocolate.

Chocolate Comes to America

In the United States of America, the production of chocolate proceeded at a faster pace than anywhere else in the world. It was in pre-Revolutionary New England-1765, to be exact-that(可以肯定地说)the first chocolate factory was established in this country. During World War II, the U.S. government recognized chocolate's role in the nourishment(营养品)and group spirit(士气、团队精神) of the Allied Armed Forces, so much so that(到这样的程度以至于)it allocated valuable shipping space(分配宝贵的船舱空间)for the importation(运输) of cocoa beans. Many soldiers were thankful for the pocket chocolate bars(块、条) which gave them the strength to carry on until more food rations(配给)could be obtained. Today, the U.S. Army D-rations(美国陆军D类配给食品) include three 4-ounce chocolate bars(4盎司巧克力块)late has even been taken into space as part of the diet(食品供应、食谱)astronauts(宇航员).


When it comes to chocolate, order dark

Dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small study.

After eating only 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces, of dark chocolate every day for 15 days, 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin, an important factor in metabolizing sugar.

In contrast, eating roughly the same amount of white chocolate for the same period of time did not affect either blood pressure or insulin sensitivity.

This is not the first study to demonstrate potential health benefits of dark chocolate, which contains high levels of a kind of antioxidant called flavonoids. Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.







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我最喜欢吃爸爸给我买的大块巧克力和妈妈给我买的长条黑巧克力,我吃起来可是大口大口毫不留情的,活像一只正在吃肉的大老虎;我还喜欢吃那种小的巧克力和巧克力棒,我吃起来是细细品尝,特别注意细嚼慢咽。我觉得巧克力不宜多吃,尤其是胖子;最好是那些比较瘦的人,多吃点巧克力让身体变的壮一些,但不要猛吃 吃太过多...

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巧克力的味道 轻轻地拾起一块德芙巧克力,放到嘴边,浅浅的咬上一口,呵呵,你会发现,自己上当了,因为巧克力的苦涩刺激了你的味蕾,可是,你还会发现,在那短暂的苦涩之后,舌尖泛起了浓郁的甜蜜,这些甜蜜,慢慢地,慢慢地,散到你心里最深最深的地方. ——题记 我爱吃德芙巧克力,爱它给我带来的苦涩,也爱它给我带来那苦涩...

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生活是多姿多彩的,就像这琳琅满目的巧克力一样,每一块都有自己的特色。生活从来都不是一帆风顺的,犹如这缤纷的巧克力,有苦有甜。有的先甜后苦,有的先苦后甜,有的苦中孕育着甜。巧克力的味道恰如生活的味道 追问 能写些关于自己地作文么???回答 哥哥从爷爷家带来一盒香港巧克力,在路上已经...



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而且语言比较简单,顺附中文对照如下:1.人人都想保持健康 2.饮食要健康:多吃水果,蔬菜,因为它们富有含纤维素和维生素。少吃黄油,奶酪,咖啡和巧克力,因为它们含糖和脂肪太多,糖和脂肪使你迅速变胖。3.有良好的生活习惯,定期锻炼,充足的睡眠,不要过度劳累,不抽烟等等 参考资料:......

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大狐娜黄体: There are many foods in the food realm.Chocolate is my favourite food, because it always bring me sweet.it make me fell sweet and it is taste. Dark chocolate is pure chocolate and milk chocolate different tastes. The difference between the two is ...

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大狐娜黄体: 参考范文:The happiest time of my lifeHello,everyone.Today,my speech topic is “The happiest time of my life”.As you know,nowadays our life has changed a lot .Everything is good in our life than before.So we will feel happy about something that...

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大狐娜黄体: Everything in this world has a nature of its own. Some are charming, some are seducing, like the candy, chocolate, the cakes, and some burn everything like fire, as soon as you get near.天地万物各有其本质,有些东西很有吸引力、很诱人,像糖果、巧克力、蛋糕等;有些则像火一样,任何东西一靠近就会被它烧掉.

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