西安 汉阳陵 英语讲解词

作者&投稿:穆歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

阳陵是汉景帝刘启及其皇后王氏同茔异穴的合葬陵园,位于今陕西省咸阳市渭城区正阳镇张家湾、后沟村北的咸阳原上, 地跨咸阳市渭城区、泾阳县、高陵县三县区。





位于帝陵东南、后陵正南的南区从葬坑和帝陵西北的北区从葬坑,分别占地96000平方米。 90年-97年,先后对南区的14座坑进行了部分试掘或整体发掘,这些坑中有排列密集的武士俑群,有堆放粮食的仓库,还有牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡等陶质动物及成组的陶、铁、铜质生活用具,全面展现了汉代的军旅场景,可能与西汉时期的"南军"、"北军"有一定关系。

罗经石遗址位于帝陵东南。此处地形隆起,外貌呈缓坡状。根据考古钻探得知,遗址平面近方形,边长约260米,外围有壕沟环绕。遗址中心部分的最高处放置着一块方形巨石,当地群众叫做"罗经石",经测定为正南北方向。据研究推测,它可能为修建阳陵时标定水平、测量高度和标示方位之用,是目前世界上发现的最早的测量标石 。这处建筑遗址地势高亢,布局规整,规模宏大,应该是阳陵陵园中最重要的礼制性建筑之一。






Xi'an Hanyangling Museum

  位于帝陵东南、后陵正南的南区从葬坑和帝陵西北的北区从葬坑,分别占地96000平方米。 90年-97年,先后对南区的14座坑进行了部分试掘或整体发掘,这些坑中有排列密集的武士俑群,有堆放粮食的仓库,还有牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡等陶质动物及成组的陶、铁、铜质生活用具,全面展现了汉代的军旅场景,可能与西汉时期的"南军"、"北军"有一定关系。
  罗经石遗址位于帝陵东南。此处地形隆起,外貌呈缓坡状。根据考古钻探得知,遗址平面近方形,边长约260米,外围有壕沟环绕。遗址中心部分的最高处放置着一块方形巨石,当地群众叫做"罗经石",经测定为正南北方向。据研究推测,它可能为修建阳陵时标定水平、测量高度和标示方位之用,是目前世界上发现的最早的测量标石 。这处建筑遗址地势高亢,布局规整,规模宏大,应该是阳陵陵园中最重要的礼制性建筑之一。
  Han Yangling is the Han Jing Di Liu and Wang with the Queen's grave buried together different points of the cemetery, located in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province this is Weicheng Qu Zhangjiawan Town, north of the village after the original Xianyang, across the city of Xianyang Weicheng Qu , Jingyang, Gao Lingxian three counties.
  Since May 1990, the Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Institute of Han Jing Di Yang Ling carried out large-scale survey, mapping, drilling, excavation and research, has achieved many remarkable research to explore. Han Yangling Mausoleum plane was irregular-shaped gourd, nearly 6 km from east to west, north-south 1-3 km wide, with an area of about 12 square kilometers. The Mausoleum, the tomb after the South, the North from the mass grave, the prison cemetery, mausoleum, and other temple-building ceremony, Yang Ling and Pei Zangmu Park town, and other parts. Mausoleum west of the East Block, in the cemetery in the central west; after the hills, the south from the mass graves, mass graves from the North, one construction-site equidistant Mausoleum located in the corners; Peizang Mu Fei Bin Luo and the district by Stone Site is located on both sides of the North-South Mausoleum, symmetrical; prison cemetery and three construction sites in the west side of the Mausoleum, North-South arrangement of the word; Peizang Mu chessboard-like park located in the eastern side of the Mausoleum of both sides of the Sima Road; Yang Ling ap Is in the cemetery at the eastern end. Mausoleum of the entire cemetery in the center, protect the corners, the north-south symmetry, things connected, the layout of regular, well-structured, showing the self-awareness of the Royal and strict hierarchy.
  Emperor Han Yangling, after the hills are "sub"-shaped, west of the East Block of proven, Ling archeology in the Western Han Dynasty XI is the first time. This finding has basically solved the Han Tomb on the academic side or the South East side of this debate the long-term problems, denial of the Han Dynasty Mausoleum Zhaomu system in accordance with the layout of the argument, the settlement of the Han Dynasty Mausoleum of a major study of the system Problems.
  Mausoleum in the park from 86 mass graves found in the drilling and for the Excavation of Han Tomb of the field research, drilling and exploring a new subject for the study of Mausoleum of the system opened up new horizons. From these mass graves and the distribution of pit to place the items buried with the dead, and no doubt at the time of the court system, so the group from the excavation of mass graves and research, the court system of the Han Dynasty, the imperial life, funerary practices of the research is of great价值.
  South Gate Cemetery Mausoleum Que is the first excavation of the times, the highest level, the largest and best preserved ruins Que 3, and its doors for Que explore the origin, development, Que door system formation, impact, as well as in ancient China Building in the history of research has an important role. In addition, the South Gate Que sites also have unearthed the earliest found in the current quality of the brick go chess set, ceramic ridge and the largest animal Banwa and so on.
  Mausoleum is located in the southeast and due south of the hills after the Southern District from mass graves in the northwest and the Mausoleum of mass graves from the North District, covers an area of 96,000 square meters respectively. 90 years -97 years, one after another in the Southern District of the 14 pits were discovered as a whole or part of the test dig, the pit has arranged intensive warrior figurines group, piling up the food warehouse, but also cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, Ceramic animals such as chickens and groups of pottery, iron, copper utensils life, a complete picture of the Han Dynasty of the military scene, may be related to the Western Han period, "Southern Army", "Northern Forces" have a certain relationship.
  Luo Shi by the Mausoleum is located southeast of the site. Uplift terrain here, was gentle slope-like appearance. According to the archaeological drilling that in recent site of a square plane, while about 260 meters, a trench around the periphery. Center, site of some of the top place with a square piece of stone, called the local people "by Luo Shi", as measured by the north-south direction is. According to the study speculated that it may be for the construction of Yang Ling, when the level of calibration, measurement of height and position of the mark, is the world's first discovery of the standard measurement of stone. This construction site resounding terrain, the layout of regular, large-scale, Yang Ling should be the cemetery of the most important ceremony of construction of one of the system.
  Mausoleum in the prison cemetery about 1.5 kilometers to the northwest, the area of 80,000 square meters, was found in the early 70's, is estimated to be buried here in prison for more than 10,000 people. 72-year excavation of the 29 tombs, found 35 human skeletons, arranged in order of their graves, the remains messy, pillow each other nationality, buried in haste, no items buried with the dead. Most of the skeleton wearing a "clamp" and "Di" and other types of iron instruments of torture, there are some obvious signs of chop chop.
  Pei Zangmu Park West from the eastern side of the Mausoleum of about 1100 meters, east to Ma Wan Xiang Jia Ya-meter highland village edge. A total length of 2350 meters, covering about 3.5 square kilometers. Muqu as a whole has been divided into a number of trench box, into the cemetery, the cemetery of these things into a row out into North and South, was board-like distribution. Pei Zangmu found in the garden of the large number Wai integrity of the ditch, structured layout, arranged in an orderly manner, is clearly designed and arranged. The discovery in the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the 11 archaeological study is the first time, an important research value.

华县15044734328: 汉阳陵游记英语作文初一水平40词左右 -
但疮妇科: Last summer,I went to the Mountain ErMei in Sichuan province.The mountain was covered by trees and the most interesting thing is that it has a lot of monkeys.The monkeys are not at all afraid of human,and they may even come over and take ...

华县15044734328: 汉阳陵博物馆说明文的作文600 -
但疮妇科: 汉阳陵是第一座地下遗址博物馆,是汉景帝及其皇后的合葬陵园.咸阳市渭城区正阳镇张家湾、后沟村北的咸阳原上. 我看见陶俑的出土十分引人注目,他们只有真人三分之一大小,约六十厘米高,赤身裸体而且没有双臂.听讲解员阿姨说据研究,这些陶俑在刚刚完工的时候都身穿着各色美丽的服饰,胳膊为木制,经过千年风霜后衣服和木胳膊已经腐朽,因此只剩下裸露而残缺的身躯.我们除了看见陶俑还看见了,陶牛、羊、狗、猪、鸡还有成组的陶、铁、铜质生活用具. 之后我们还去了南门阙是目前发掘最早,等级最高,规模最大,保存最好的三出阙遗址. 今天跟爸爸看到了汉阳陵,很开心,学到的知识也很多,大家也应该去汉阳陵看看哦!

华县15044734328: 向澳大利亚游客介绍西安 一百字英语作文 -
但疮妇科: Xi'an is a beautiful city with a very colorful history.There are so many famous buildings in xian,such as clay sulelievs,Banpo village museum and so on.If one day you come to Xi'an,you'd better visit some places of interest,so that you can learn more ...

华县15044734328: 关于汉阳陵的一段主持词,要有文采,一小段就可以,不限字数,要拿的 -
但疮妇科: 渭城故地,阳陵旧址.斯全国重点文物保护单位 国家四A级旅游景区. 余观夫阳陵胜景,盖修砌之久,面积之大.自汉景帝前元四年(前153年),至汉武帝元朔三年(前126年),历时28载.占地20平方公里. 且陵园由帝陵,后陵,南、北区从葬坑,刑徒墓地,陵庙等礼制建筑,陪葬墓园及阳陵邑等部分组成. 呈亚字形布局,左右对称.士兵俑、歌舞俑、宫女俑、动物俑让汝目不暇接. 尤明清以降各个历史时期官方对阳陵的重视和保护,体现了后世对汉景帝文治武功和统治思想的称赞与认同,具有较高的历史文献价值. 嗟夫!若知祥情,请君亲自一览.

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但疮妇科: 一 市内景点 钟楼:位于西安市中心,建于明1384年,高36米,外部重檐3层,但内部仅上下两层,是我国古代木结构建筑,一个巨大的钟被装置在楼上原用于报警报时. ...

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