
作者&投稿:植邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




烃类气体的化学成分从烃源岩成熟后,在任何实验室或生成依赖于自然条件,干酪根类型和烃源岩(Schoell,1988; Behar et al ,1992年,1997年)。从我们的模拟结果甲烷比例如图4所示。 只有固体沥青和油砂在低温下进行了模拟。最初的天然气从制品样本相对干燥,80%的烃类气体甲烷。很明显,有没有这种成熟度明显的热裂解阶段。这些甲烷可能来自小数额以往吸附游离气。随着
越来越热成熟度(滚装> 1.0%),这一比例天然气中甲烷增加。该模拟结果显示,约有50%的甲烷滚装船1.2%,而总气体甲烷的比例在接近90%,滚3.5%。成熟度较高的在石油天然气干燥残留的结果。有趣的是,从固体沥青气体比所有其他干燥机样品在整个演化过程。

这种现象可能反映了贫困氢早先的研究内容,并确认一个更丰富的前体生成氢气气体因多雨成熟(Schoell,1988年;Tissot 和Welte之前表示,1984年)。






就是不知楼主指的哪天的时间期限 现在才翻还晚不晚……


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China to launch at night on the 7th Why? "Shenzhou VII" of the spacecraft launch window was chosen in the night rather than during the day, the most important reason is easy to launch the spacecraft, ground measurements of optical tracking equipment to track the target easy to capture. The reason is simple, in the dark night sky, a jet of flame to the space flight of the rocket carrying the spacecraft is very conspicuous and prominent.

And also the launch window of about width. According to experts, is to launch an extremely large and complex systems engineering, launch timing must take into account the possible impact on the launch of a wide variety of factors, including meteorological factors are often the most critical factor in determining the most direct . The judge considered on the basis of the final day down in a certain time period as the spacecraft will be launched in time for this time period known as the "launch window

days when the return is not black. Sept. 25-30 in accordance with the plan window, if the timing of the launch at 21:10 or so, you can guarantee that astronauts extravehicular activity in head-to-head Yang, the return of about 5:40 p.m., not very black day . This will ensure that the astronauts return to a safer, but also reflected the people-oriented. And in October into the particularly after mid-October, a very narrow launch window is not conducive to the launch and recovery. In addition, before and after the Autumnal Equinox, compared with intense solar activity, the spacecraft also have communications monitoring and control of adverse effects.

"Shenzhou" One, two, three, the fourth launch of the spacecraft in the timing of the night, mainly because the spacecraft was launched easy-to-optical tracking equipment monitoring and control. The "Shenzhou" V VI manned spacecraft launch timing during the day, mainly to ensure that land is also the day when, during a state of emergency to facilitate the escape of astronauts and ground search and rescue. It appears that on the 7th China is an exception.

China to launch at night on the 7th Why?

"Shenzhou VII" of the spacecraft launch window was chosen in the night rather than during the day, the most important reason is easy to launch the spacecraft, ground measurements of optical tracking equipment to track the target easy to capture. The reason is simple, in the dark night sky, a jet of flame to the space flight of the rocket carrying the spacecraft is very conspicuous and prominent.
And also the launch window of about width. According to experts, is to launch an extremely large and complex systems engineering, launch timing must take into account the possible impact on the launch of a wide variety of factors, including meteorological factors are often the most critical factor in determining the most direct . The judge considered on the basis of the final day down in a certain time period as the spacecraft will be launched in time for this time period known as the "launch window."
At the end of September before the launch, to ensure the Yang side exits, the days when the return is not black. Sept. 25-30 in accordance with the plan window, if the timing of the launch at 21:10 or so, you can guarantee that astronauts extravehicular activity in head-to-head Yang, the return of about 5:40 p.m., not very black day . This will ensure that the astronauts return to a safer, but also reflected the people-oriented. And in October into the particularly after mid-October, a very narrow launch window is not conducive to the launch and recovery. In addition, before and after the Autumnal Equinox, compared with intense solar activity, the spacecraft also have communications monitoring and control of adverse effects.
"Shenzhou" One, two, three, the fourth launch of the spacecraft in the timing of the Night

China to launch at night on the 7th Why?

"Shenzhou VII" of the spacecraft launch window was chosen in the night rather than during the day, the most important reason is easy to launch the spacecraft, ground measurements of optical tracking equipment to track the target easy to capture. The reason is simple, in the dark night sky, a jet of flame to the space flight of the rocket carrying the spacecraft is very conspicuous and prominent.

And also the launch window of about width. According to experts, is to launch an extremely large and complex systems engineering, launch timing must take into account the possible impact on the launch of a wide variety of factors, including meteorological factors are often the most critical factor in determining the most direct . The judge considered on the basis of the final day down in a certain time period as the spacecraft will be launched in time for this time period known as the "launch window."

At the end of September before the launch, to ensure the Yang side exits, the days when the return is not black. Sept. 25-30 in accordance with the plan window, if the timing of the launch at 21:10 or so, you can guarantee that astronauts extravehicular activity in head-to-head Yang, the return of about 5:40 p.m., not very black day . This will ensure that the astronauts return to a safer, but also reflected the people-oriented. And in October into the particularly after mid-October, a very narrow launch window is not conducive to the launch and recovery. In addition, before and after the Autumnal Equinox, compared with intense solar activity, the spacecraft also have communications monitoring and control of adverse effects.

"Shenzhou" One, two, three, the fourth launch of the spacecraft in the timing of the night, mainly because the spacecraft was launched easy-to-optical tracking equipment monitoring and control. The "Shenzhou" V VI manned spacecraft launch timing during the day, mainly to ensure that land is also the day when, during a state of emergency to facilitate the escape of astronauts and ground search and rescue. It appears that on the 7th China is an exception.

Why Shenzhou VII chose to launch at night?

The most important reason for Shenzhou VII's launch window was chosen at night rather than the daytime is for ground optical tracking equipments easier to capture and track the target. The principle is simple, a backfired rocket which with a spacecraft may be very conspicuous and prominent in the dark sky.

Otherwise, it also relate with the winth of the launch window. According to experts, spaceflight is an extremely large and complex systems engineering. The choice of spacecraft's launch time must considering a wide variety of factors witch may possibly impact on the launch. Thereinto, meteorological factor always be the most crucial and most direct and decisive factor. Base on integrative consideration, a certain period of time in one day will finally fixed for spacecraft's launch time, know as the "launch window".

Launch before the end of September can guarantee to get out the cabin on the sun side and it may not so dark when get back. According to this planed window which from Sep.25 to Sep.30, if the launch time was chosen at about 9:10pm can guarantee cosmonauts' out-cabin activity at the sunshine side, and the time for get back is around 5:40pm when is not too dark. This can guarantee cosmonauts' return more safe which is the embodiment of people foremost. And turns into October especially after mid-October, the launch window may be very narrow and not suit for launch and callback. Moreover, around the autumnal equinox, when the sun's activity became acuity, also has disbennifit for spacecraft's monitoring and control communications.

Shenzhou I, II, III, IV's launch time chose nighttimes mainly for optical tracking equipments easier to track and control. And Shenzhou V, VI's launch time chose daytimes mainly for guarantee there were also daytime when landing, for the best to cosmonauts' escape and ground search and rescue. As it appears, Shenzhou VII is an exception.

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In the novel, Hemingway is contradictory to self-respect, proud treatment. On one hand, if is humble instead of the dignity of losing, can't harm in real self-respect. To him, people goal for all one's life and heavy achievement can until heavy pressure lay and agony lose ...

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临渭区17251259958: 求一段科普类的文章(要翻译成英语) -
盖泽虎黄: 科普类 北风上传以下: 《宇宙》 伊甸园的飞龙 上帝掷骰子吗 ——量子物理史话 数字化生存 时间简史——从大爆炸到黑洞 时间简史续编 火与冰——核冬天 科学发现的逻辑 裸猿 魔鬼出没的世界 黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他 终极理论之梦 原子中的幽灵 赤淼上传以下: 上帝与新物理学 外星文明的探索卡尔萨根.zip 世界恐龙图鉴(强烈推荐,精美无比) 从牛顿定律到爱因斯坦相对论 阿基米德的报复(强烈推荐!文件小) J粒子的解谜人(强烈推荐!文件小) 莎士比亚牛顿贝多芬(同上) 统一之路(推荐) 可怕的对称(同上,文件小) 夸克与美洲豹(同上) 物理学的历史和哲学 果壳里的宇宙(还用推荐吗?宇宙人都知道)

临渭区17251259958: 求英文物理论文或科普文章,及其译文,1200字,译文一定要靠谱,跪谢! -
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临渭区17251259958: 求科普文章,英译中 -
盖泽虎黄: Cloning is the most attractive story of the new biotechnologies and the one which causes the most heated discussion over its worth.Here are answers to the most common questions about cloning.克隆是新的生化技术最吸引的故事,而且引起了很...

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盖泽虎黄: Audience friends, good evening, for today is a friendly against Argentina, China. As we all know, in China after the World Cup winning, all countries in the world to communicate with China in a friendly, learning. This game in jiangsu xuzhou China...

临渭区17251259958: 求关于“科技与生活”的英语短文,高中水平,无需原创!!高分悬赏!! -
盖泽虎黄: 《 Technology and our daily life》 As we all know, we are living a life full of opportunities and innovations. Great changes in science and technology have taken place around us. For example, the topic of the cellphone has aroused more and more ...

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盖泽虎黄: 翻译如下2113 科普文章 popular science articles或 popular science writing 例句5261 医学英语科普文4102章是随着医学的发展而形成的1653一版种文体形式,有其自身的特点.权 English popular science writing in medicine is a special style which has its own writing characteristics.

临渭区17251259958: 高分急求译文! -
盖泽虎黄: 在临皋亭的下方,不到几十步的距离,便是大江了,大江的水一半是峨眉山上流下的雪水,我的饮用水,沐浴用水都是从这里挑取的,为什么一定要回到家乡啊.(像自然界的)江河山峰风物明月本来都是没有固定的主人的,心情恬静闲暇的就是它的主人了.(我)问子丰的新住宅园林池榭,与临皋亭这里的风景比起来那个更加美丽呢?

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